Current version of this document: 2023.10.20 v1.0.0


1. This video game is primarily intended for personal entertainment and offers no warranty outside this scope.
2. Streaming of this video game is allowed in its entirety.
3. Modifying the game is allowed (Adding new assets or modifying game code), but the operation of a modified product is not guaranteed outside of what is delivered with the product.
4. Using this video game to create static assets for purposes of commercial or non-commercial use in third party products (Visual Novel assets etc) is allowed, provided either:
  • You credit the game in the third party product (credit instructions on home page,
  • You purchase a license for derivative use, either through third party platforms or through Steam (will be available upon full game release).

For Early Access:
We do not recommend using Early Access to create assets for third party products during this time, but using the product in this manner is allowed while the game is in Early Access. The requirement to use logo or secure licensing will not be enforced for products released prior to the full game release.

Terms of use:
By installing and using Passion Eye (the Product) or using the associated services (the Service), you indicate that you have read and agree to the following terms and conditions. This constitutes a binding agreement between you (the User) and Circle 2 Labs (The Company).
If you find that you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions as presented bellow, please refrain from using the Product.

The following lists restrictions with usage of the Product or any related service:
  • Any usage of the Service that would be considered illegal in the users region.
  • Any modification that negatively affects the service.
  • Any usage of the Product or Service to spread hateful statements or media, especially those that may be considered Illegal in the European Union and European Economic Area is strictly forbidden.
  • Any spreading of disinformation or personal information (doxx).
  • Any depiction of a minor engaged in sexual situations, or otherwise being heavily sexualized by the standards of the European Union and European Economic Area.
  • Any advertising or promotion without prior approval from the Company.
  • Any fraudulent or otherwise criminal activities.
  • Any acts that glorify, induce, or encourage suicide, self-harm, or drug abuse.
  • Any acts intended to defame any Individual, Organization, Company, Country, Ethical Group or Sexual Orientation.
  • Any acts intended to promote any Political, Religious or Ideologic group.
  • Any acts of impersonation.
  • Any acts the Company deems inappropriate.

1. The Company is not responsible for any experienced financial loss or physical/mental damage as a consequence of using the Product or associated Services.
2. While the Company attempts to ensure operation at a 'best effort' principle, the operation of the product is not guaranteed, especially in the case of Hardware Architecture changes and new Operative systems are deployed.
3. While the Company strives to provide ongoing updates and quality of life fixes, there is no warranty for such.
4. The Company in no way guarantees the quality, performance or fitness for the product for any given workflow or task.
5. There is no guarantee that the product will be entirely free of misspellings, misprints etc.
6. Though the Company strives to ensure information and a time period for migration, any attached services may be closed at the Companies discretion at any time, for any reason, without any prior notice.
7. In the case where third party data has been introduced into the product (Modding), the operation of the Product is not guaranteed.
8. The end user is responsible for keeping usage of the Product within reasonable and healthy levels. The Company takes no steps to mitigate this.

Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights
  • Any and all intellectual Property (IP) for the Product and any related Service(s) are the sole property of the Company. The User retains ownership over their creations (Screenshots and Character Data), though usage may be limited by other parts of this agreement.
  • Anything introduced to the game canon has a shared ownership between the Company and the User, and the Company may utilize anything made for canon at its sole discretion. Unless explicitly agreed upon, there will be no direct financial compensation for this usage, though the Company will take reasonable steps to ensure proper crediting, including link to a single social media of the creators choice, either in the product itself (credits) and/or on the Companies website.
  • The company reserves rights to "bundle" third party mods in the game installation to ensure a simplified user experience where this is deemed useful. Unless explicitly agreed upon, there will be no direct financial compensation for this usage, though the Company will take reasonable steps to ensure proper crediting, including link to a single social media of the creators choice, either in the product itself (credits) and/or on the Companies website.

Changes to this agreement
The Company retains the right to update this Terms at any time. Any chances will go into effect with the next build version in the case where the change affects usage in third party products, or 14 days (2 weeks) for any other change. In the case of a changed ToS, any started projects will remain under the previous ToS.

©2023 Circle 2 Labs