This license agreement is a legal agreement between you (Licensee, you) and Hamish Dunn (Licensor, I, me, my).
Your purchase, download, use or installation of the Software indicates your acceptance of this License. If you do not agree to the terms set out by this agreement you must not purchase, download, use or install the Software.

Sprocket is not sold, it is licensed. The Licensor retains ownership of the Software.
By purchasing Sprocket (the Software), you obtain a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited and revocable right and license to install and use Sprocket on any devices you own.
This license extends to any associated materials, documents, online services, forums and any data generated by the Software.

You may not:
- Distribute anything I have made unless I have given permission.
- Give copies of anything I have made, including the Software, to anyone else.
- Make commercial use or make money in any way off of anything I have made.
- Sell license keys.
- Sell data generated by the Software.
- Sell or distribute parts of the Software.

You may:
- Make videos of the Software and distribute them, these videos can be monetized.
- Distribute data generated by the Software without my permission.
- Use things I have made if the law expressly allows it, such as under "fair use" or "fair dealing" doctrine - but only to the extent that the law applicable to you expressly says.

You may not abuse people in connection with the Software or related forums. Abuse including but not limited to harassment, threats, pirating intellectual property, or spreading illegal material.
If you participate in an forum owned or managed by the Licensor, you are required to follow the rules of that forum as they are written at any particular time you participate there.

The Licensor may terminate this EULA is you breach any of its terms.
Upon termination, this license and the permission to use the Software can be revoked.

You can terminate this EULA at any time by uninstalling the Software from all of your devices.
Upon termination, you no longer have any of the rights to the Software given in this license (you retain rights to things you created yourself).
Even if this EULA is terminated, provisions in it relating to jurisdiction and dispute resolution remain in force.

The Licensor is not obligated to add any amount of content or to fix any amount of bugs before releasing the game as its final version.
I will try to fulfil the game's vision and have very few bugs but I cannot be obligated to do any particular amount of additional work.

The Licensor reserves the right to modify the terms of this EULA at any time and notify through an official public source when modifications are made.
Modifications will be effective to the extent that they can legally apply to you.

Your local law may give you rights that this EULA cannot change. If so, this EULA applies as far as the law allows. Nothing in this license limits my liability for death or bodily injury resulting from my negligence or fraudulent misrepresentations.
If you come to me with a suggestion for the Software, that suggestion is made for free and I have no obligation to accept or consider it.
Meaning I can use or not use your suggestion in any way I want and don't have to pay you for it.
If you have a suggestion you would like to be paid for, please do not share it unless you have told me you expect to be paid for it and I have responded in writing asking you to submit your suggestion.

You are aware and agree that use of the Software and the media on which it is recorded, if any, is at your sole risk.
The Software is provided “as is.” the Licensor expressly disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
The Licensor does not warrant that the Software will meet your requirements or desires.
You bear the whole risk as to its quality and performance. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to you.

You hold the Licensor blameless for any harm that may arise from your use of the Software or from actions or inactions of the Licensor in connection with the Software.
Some jurisdictions do not allow for the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation of exclusion may not apply to you.