Welcome to use "iFAction" software products (hereinafter referred to as "the software"). This agreement is a legal agreement between you and Beijing CeDong times Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "CeDong times") on downloading and using the software and related services. Please read and fully understand the terms carefully.

Unless you have read and accepted all terms of this agreement, you are not authorized to download, install or use the software and related services. Your downloading, installation, copying or other use of the software will be deemed as your reading and acceptance of all terms of this agreement.

When you click the "I accept" button below this agreement, it means you have agreed to be bound by the service agreement of CeDong times, including but not limited to this agreement, the existing and updated or newly published user service terms and privacy policies of CeDong times and other rules and regulations, etc.

If you are under the age of 18, please read this Agreement in company with your legal guardian.


1.1 CeDong times is the owner of intellectual property right of the software. The copyright, trademark right, patent right, trade secret and other intellectual property rights of the software, as well as all information related to the software (including but not limited to words, pictures, audio, video, charts, interface design, layout framework, data or electronic documents, etc.) are protected by laws and regulations of the people's Republic of China and corresponding international treaties.

1.2 You shall not, for any commercial or non-commercial purpose, implement, use or transfer the above intellectual property rights by yourself or by any third party without the prior written consent of the CeDong times or relevant obligee.

1.3 CeDong times only provides the software, and does not involve the content of works made with the software. All elements which import into the software, including but not limited to the content of pictures, background images, music, MOD, etc., are independently selected by the user. CeDong times do not participate in, edit or sort out and have no obligation to audit. Users shall be responsible for the content of their works.


2.1 The user can install, use, display and run the software on a single computer, terminal, workstation or other digital electronic instrument (hereinafter referred to as "computer");

2.2 Except for the explicit provisions of this agreement, this Agreement does not stipulate the relevant terms for other services of the software, and users shall not violate the purpose of this agreement to use services of the software. There may be separate terms of service to regulate these services. Please understand and confirm when using the relevant services.

2.3 Reserved rights: CeDong times reserved all other rights not expressly authorized in this Agreement, and users shall obtain the written consent of CeDong times when using other rights.


Unless permitted by laws and written consent of CeDong times, you shall not engage in any of the following conducts:
3.1 Deleting the copyright information on the software or its copies;

3.2 Reverse engineer, reverse assemble, reverse compile the software, or try to obtain the source code of the software in other ways;

3.3 Use the software to publish, transmit, disseminate and store the content infringing other's intellectual property rights, trade secrets and other legitimate rights;

3.4 Using, leasing, lending, copying, modifying, linking, forwarding, assembling, publishing, issuing or establishing mirror site of the content in the software which CeDong times owns intellectual property rights;

3.5 Copying, modifying, adding, deleting, mount-running or creating any derivative work from the software or the data released to the RAM of any terminal device during the running of the software, or the interactive data between the client terminal and the server terminal during the running of the software, or the system data necessary for the running of the software, in such ways including but not limited to using plug-in, cheating tool or unauthorized third-party tool/service to access the software and related systems;

3.6 Modifying or forging any instructions, data and data package during the running of the software, adding, deleting or changing the function or operation result of the software, or operating and propagating relevant software or method which can used to achieve the above-mentioned function, no matter whether or not the above actions are conducted for commercial purpose;

3.7 The technical measures taken by the owner to protect the intellectual property right of the software shall not be deliberately avoided or damaged.


4.1 In order to enhance the user experience, we will provide you with new services and software updates steadily;

4.2 In order to improve the user experience and ensure the security of service and function, the CeDong times is entitled to update the software and change or restrict some functions and effects of the software without informing you;

4.3 After the new version of the software is published, the old version of the software may not be available. The CeDong times does not guarantee the continued availability of the old version and the corresponding customer service of the software. Please check and download the latest version at any time.

5.1 During your use of the software, you shall abide by local laws and regulations and respect local ethics and customs. If your conduct is in violation of local laws, regulations or moral customs, you shall be solely responsible for the consequences arising therefrom.

5.2 If CeDong times finds or receives the report that the user violates the agreement, CeDong times has the right to delete and shield the relevant content at any time without notice, and take measures including but not limited to suspending or terminating the user's account or service, and pursue its legal responsibility.

6.1 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the people's Republic of China. In case of any lack of clear legal provisions on a specific matter related to this agreement, reference shall be made to general international business practices and / or industry practices;

6.2 In the event of any dispute or controversy, the parties shall in the first place use their best efforts to settle such dispute or controversy through amicable negotiation. You agree that any dispute or controversy which cannot be settled by negotiation, shall be submitted and finally resolved by the people’s court at the place where CeDong times is located and has jurisdiction over such dispute or controversy.

7.1 You, rather than CeDong times shall be responsible for the risk of using software.CeDong shall not make any kinds of guarantee, like express, implied or statutory warranties and conditions, including but not limited to the software's applicability, virus-free, no negligence or technical defects, proprietary rights and no infringement.
In any circumstances, CeDong times shall not be responsible for the direct, indirect, incidental, special and subsequent damages and risks generated by using and unavailable.

7.2 If the operation of the service is affected by irresistible events such as technical failure, CeDong times shall repair with related organizations in time. However, CeDong times will not bear any responsibility for any loss suffered by users.

8.1 CeDong times is entitled to amend or supplement the terms of this Agreement at any time, and only need to publish them on the company's website without your prior consent. The amended terms shall come into effect immediately after publication. By continuing to use the software after the amendment of the terms of this Agreement, you will be deemed to have accepted the amended agreement. Otherwise, you should stop using the software.

8.2 If any clause of this Agreement is deemed invalid for any reason, the rest of the clauses shall survive and remain binding to both parties;

8.3 The headings of all clauses in this Agreement are established merely for the ease of reading, which do not carry any substantive meanings and shall not be used as references for the definition, restriction, interpretation or description of this Agreement;

8.4 The final interpretation right of this agreement reserved by Beijing CeDong times Network Technology Co., Ltd.