Unique Steam Tanks
95 kommenttia
Malata Societa' Official 9.8.2020 klo 13.08 
i have war hammer 1 whit all dlc so this mod its not good because its for vannilla game???
i must use this?? "submod for the Steel Faith Overhaul (SFO) mod"
Ologhai 1.2.2019 klo 0.55 
@zombieflanders hi, could i use one of your Steamtank textures for a unit i m working on?
RC 38 Boss 5.11.2017 klo 12.16 
Please make a verison for this for mortal empires!
Sometimes_Consistent 27.10.2017 klo 2.56 
Could you make a mortal empires version on twwh 2?
joshharris100 22.10.2017 klo 6.22 
Yo! I'm suscribing anyway, but how is this in conjunction with Radious? Out of all the mod combinations, Radious jives with me best, Steel Faith in close second.
Jim 12.10.2017 klo 14.16 
Hi zombie! I wonder if you can make the tanks available if Wissenland have been vassalised?
J-easy 11.10.2017 klo 21.12 
Love this Mod
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 10.9.2017 klo 5.26 
@thibaud: Sure, it should be pretty easy. Just delete all of the tables that have "mercenary" in their name, and it should revert the RoR unit to the same recruitment as the other tanks. Let me know if that doesn't work and I'll look into it.
Iry 9.9.2017 klo 18.22 
hello, i'm currently playing with a lot of mods and this one is one of the few who's uncompatible, i think it's caused by the ROR statut of the unit. I want to make these unit regular one with packfiles manager but i don't know which table i should edit, could u just help me by telling me wich tables?
sorry for my english im french
JED JUSTICE 29.8.2017 klo 15.32 
So just throwing it out there, I'm no Warhammer lore guy, but a steam tank mounted with rockets would be cool, and one that fires like the luminark to hit with magic, and maybe a flamethrower tank? Some different damage types would round out the roster I think. Just a thought.
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 29.8.2017 klo 3.25 
Since it's been almost a month, I thought I'd let you know what's going on with this mod. First things first: it's still active and going to be updated, I haven't given up on it. I still have some cosmetic work and tweaks I'd like to add. The bad news is that I think I've reached the limits of what I can do using the first game's assets. Model and animation modders with more experience than me have helped, but stuff like the Von Zeppel and making the cannon transparent looks like they're just not working. They may work with TWW2 or future DLC, but for now I can only do one or two more tanks, and one of those would basically be a renamed vanilla tank (i.e., the Conqueror).

But like I said, this is not the end of the mod. I'm still going to play around, as well as see what TWW2 and DLC offers. Until then, I'm going to either test workable ideas with this mod or create a separate (but compatible) mod with tanks not from GW lore/fluff or "throwaway" concepts like the Kathleen.
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 29.8.2017 klo 3.18 
@DaKatarn: Yes, via the top level of the unique cannon and foundry building chains.

@Plague: I assume you mean the Halfling-sized steam tank? Possibly (see next post).
DaKatarn 28.8.2017 klo 16.42 
Amazing work, this is a french translation for your mod in a compilation: .

I have a question, this awesome steam death tank are available during the campaign? In Nuln?
Plague 28.8.2017 klo 11.23 
Great mod. Any way to try and do "Kathleen"?
[WWJD]Lucifer 11.8.2017 klo 13.56 
Hi there, I have a fun idea for the empire tank:
Can you make the main cannons strength higher and the bullet velocity a lot higher:
I think that is quite simple, just changing some numbers, but the tank would more resemble modern tanks. I don't know if it's possible but perhaps you can make the bullet go very straight instead of a curve (like the handgunners,thunderers,...).
Secondary turret (what is now steam gun) could be replaced by some handgunner shots but with very low reload time so it looks more like an automatic gun.
Perhaps a higher missile resistance and some more armor would be more realistic: I dont see a tank get destroyed by some arrows or some regular swords ;)
I don't know if this is just some number changing or a lot harder cause I have never modded so have absolutely no idea how to make this happen. I so hope this would be a easy one you could make without spending hours of modding.

Thanks for reading :)
crusaderyn 5.8.2017 klo 14.53 
@zombieflanders: Nice work. BTW, I'd like to know how's the progress of your tutorial? Pls let me know it.
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 5.8.2017 klo 5.45 
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get the transparent cannons working (the closest I've come is a totally reflective surface for some reason), but I'm still trying. The good news is I did manage to get the destroyed models to work, they'll be included in the next update, which is probably happening tomorrow.
[ToC] Thamas Rugin 4.8.2017 klo 10.06 
Well, it turns out that the additionhal units mod is NOT necessary anymore. The same units are already implemented by the EoM 2.0, so I can run it alongside your mod, the onlly duplicate I am seeing is Deliverance, both yours and Mixu's show up in the unit roster. Thanks, and great work!

How is the progress on making that Sigmanar's Hammer have a transparent turret?
[ToC] Thamas Rugin 4.8.2017 klo 9.56 
Haha! I totally understand about not wanting to see your wonderful work turned into a burned out hulk, lol. BUt, I am an immersion nut, and would really enjoy the continuiety of seeing the right destroyed tank visual.

In regards to Mixu's, are you talking about Empire of Man, 2.0? Yes, that is what I am using, but I am also using his additional units sub-mod. That is the one that conflicts with your mod, not the main EoM 2.0.
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 4.8.2017 klo 2.52 
@Thamas Rugin: I should be able to change some stuff around, but I assume it would give you access to two different versions of those tanks, one for my work and one for Mixu's. By the way, did you know there's an updated version of Empire of Man? That's what I'd be aiming at compatibility with.

As for the destroyed models, it looks like it should be easy enough to do, I'll give it a try and add it in if it works. I never bothered because I never wanted to see my beautiful creations turned into trash heaps! :P
[ToC] Thamas Rugin 3.8.2017 klo 22.04 
Howdy zombieflanders, It seems your mod here conflicts with this great mod:

Any chance you two can get together and combine them?
[ToC] Thamas Rugin 31.7.2017 klo 23.10 
Any plans to make the destroyed tanks to match your unique ones when they die? If this is too complex, or not possible because all tanks use a single model/texture when destroyed, might I suggest taking that texture and making it charred looking? You could darken it and make it look more damaged, burned, etc... this would cover the fact that the current texture looks like the vanilla version.
crusaderyn 30.7.2017 klo 13.43 
@zomebieflanders: Appreciate for your help, I will try it later. BTW may I ask you how you re-generate the specular, gloss_map & normal map along with your edited diffuse map? Is there any tutorial I can learn about it?
alternate1921 28.7.2017 klo 12.55 
Great mod!

I use Mixu's Empire of Man 2.0 and the Sigmars Hammer variant in that mod replaces yours. Is there a way to alter the unit identifier in PFM, so that both versions are available? I'm not a modder so I don't really know what entries I would need to change. Any pointers would be appreciated.
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 26.7.2017 klo 4.07 
Make sure your DDS files are one layer (use "Flatten Image") and that you're saving them in DXT1 format.
crusaderyn 24.7.2017 klo 3.34 
@zombieflanders: I followed Sebidee's retexturing guide that using Hex Editor to modify rigid_model_v2 file. I had redirect the diffuse & specular to my modified dds files. However there is new problem when I try it in custom battle: the gorebeast chariot I worked with is disappeared, only charioteers show on the custom battle, also the health bar is empty even the unit data normally displayed in unit parameter.

I wonder whether I may corrupt the dds files when I edit? All I have done is replaced the Eye of Horus to Imperial Logo in and removed several part in I had repeatedly checked tables in PFM to make sure they are error clean.
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 24.7.2017 klo 3.01 
@crusaderyn: Yes. I use generate mipmaps, but I haven't touched perceptual err metric.
crusaderyn 23.7.2017 klo 19.56 
@zombieflanders: Appreciate for the reply! Looks like I got the right direction: using GIMP for editing & exporting. I'm just not sure how to set the options for exporting. Until so far, I always follow the guide for Skyrim texture editing ( . Beside the compression, do you also use generate minimaps option and checking perceptual err metric (in advance options) as well?
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 23.7.2017 klo 18.38 
@crusaderyn: I use PFM to open data.pack, the taxtures are in /warmachines/tex/. To edit them, I use GIMP with the DDS plugin (whoich can be found at , it should be able to open all of them. GIMP saves files in the XCF format, so when you want to save a DDS file, you have to "flatten" the image if you have more than one layer, then "export as..." a DDS file. Specular, diffuse, and gloss should all be saved as DXT1, but normal needs to be saved as DXT5 to retain transparency.

For more info, check out Sebidee's guide (link in mod description), but you can also use Magnar's guides on Youtube (they're for R2 and Atilla, but the basics are the same).
crusaderyn 23.7.2017 klo 14.16 
@zombieflanders: I'm glad to see someone is also interest about creating more variant of steam vehicle. The flamethrower issue you talked about is exactly same one that bother me for a long time. NO MATTER how you change the parameter of the projectile table, the animation from the flame shooted from the target ground rather than from the muzzle of the turret. Funny thing is that if you use the exact flame projectile on Dwarf Gyrocopter, it would work like dream.

Anyway, I hope you can eventually find your solution. I'd like to ask you how you edit & export the dds file? Is there any tutorial I can use? I have modified some specular map but have no idea how to generate new diffuse, normal, gloss_map for my own. :steamsad:
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 21.7.2017 klo 15.16 
Sorry for the delay, between work and losing 2 days of PFM and texture edits from a crash, it's taken a while. But the good news is that the major update is finally here! Here's the big items:

-Not one but TWO new Tanks, Implacable (loses the steam gun, replaces the cannon with a mortar) and Invincible (also loses the steam gun, but has a more powerful cannon and a bit faster)

-Switched out the cannon on Deliverance for a flame cannon. I really wanted to replace the steam gun with a flamethrower, but there's currently a bug with the flamethrower animation

-Updated textures based on actual Citadel Miniatures paint color hex codes, dulled rust from neon orange, crosses look like actual Imperial Crosses

-New shield heraldry textures on Deliverance. This is still a WIP, let me know how it looks and if you want it for the other Tanks

-New "Pour On the Steam" ability, which gives all the new Tanks a temporary boost to range/damage, but reduced accuracy and longer reload time
starcraftmaster420 13.7.2017 klo 11.59 
thank you
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 13.7.2017 klo 2.07 
@starcraftmaster420: It should be. Let me know if you run into any problems.
starcraftmaster420 12.7.2017 klo 20.31 
is the mod save game compatable?
The Running Man 12.7.2017 klo 8.59 
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 12.7.2017 klo 6.51 
Just a heads up, I'm planning on the next release for later this week. On top of some additional tweaking, there will be at least one new tank, and I'm working on cleaning up and improving textures as well. Even the base tank will be getting a bit of a facelift, as I saw some room for improvement from the original textures. There may even be a surprise or two...
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 10.7.2017 klo 5.37 
For right now, I'm trying to keep as close to the official information as possible. The "monster sniper" will be the Invincible, based on the old-school steam tank design seen here:

Apart from damage stats, I'm still working out how to give an anti-monster vibe, and even if I have to add traits, I'll make it happen.
Centurion Zen 9.7.2017 klo 18.43 
@Walsingham: I was thinking of what discipie of CLQ was thinking, Just having a regular old steam tank as a legenday lord. Perhaps it could be colored purple and gold & called Sigmar's Presence. Also encourages nearby allies.

As for the "monster sniper" tank, it could be colored red & black, and called the Demon/Giant Hunter.
Walsingham 9.7.2017 klo 4.16 
@CenturionZen: I think you're thinking of what 40ki calls a Command Leviathan. But that's a hell of a lot bigger. ... ... Airship?
Disciple of CLQ 9.7.2017 klo 2.24 
It would be sweet to see a tank as a general, or have a tank be a like an engineer's "mount"
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 8.7.2017 klo 5.44 
@Centurion Zen: Probably, but I'm not entirely sure. I don't think there's ever been an army led by a Master Engineer, though.
Centurion Zen 7.7.2017 klo 9.38 
Is it possible to have a steam tank as a general? Like a command tank?
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 7.7.2017 klo 6.49 
@Dwatch Razgriz and @Walsingham: There is one stank described as "the only Steam Tank still true to Leonardo's design," which means just a cannon, no turret gun. I could definitely make that one a monster sniper design. Now I just have to come up with a color scheme...
Walsingham 7.7.2017 klo 6.33 
i like the mod in general, but a monster sniper would be fantastic.
Crazyivan 7.7.2017 klo 3.40 
You a a wanker Dude make one you self
Demo 7.7.2017 klo 3.31 
Dude, this mod SUCKS!
Dwatch Razgriz 6.7.2017 klo 21.25 
3: Anti infantry: if you've ever seen the Leman Russ punisher esentially that...a large calliber rapid fire cannon in the hull...fires much faster than the standard volley gun, and higher dps, intended to shred infantry blocks (ideal for dealing with threats that the slower firing and more inacurate tanks would struggle with), and a pair of repeater handguns in the turret (hand gun damage line, but fires bursts of 12 shots every 6 seconds or so)
Dwatch Razgriz 6.7.2017 klo 21.25 
@zombieflanders, I have three other tank ideas if you want to hear em.

1: Artillery tank: armed with a hellstorm battery on it's back and a much heavier (but much slower firing) gun in it's chasis (essentially it does more damage, and has a large AoE...capable of decimating units in one hit...possibly even out right killing low model and HP units...but it's main purpose is blowing open gates and choke points for the empire's infantry to break through).

2: Anti-monster: picture a real life tank destroyer, but in warhammer (large calliber gun, but fast firing and highly the Nuln engineers would have tuned it to deal with monsterous threats)
zombieflanders  [tekijä] 5.7.2017 klo 13.49 
@Dwatch Razgriz: At one point Deliverance did have a flame cannon:

"In recent years, under the reign of his Imperial Highness Karl Franz, the engineers have continued to experiment with the weapon systems of the Deliverance, testing out a weapon designed to shoot great bursts of flaming liquid over the enemy. This weapons was inspired by a Dwarf war machine, although at present the 'liquid-flame projector prototype' is rather unsafe, and requires continued research and experimentation before it will be truly effective on the battlefield."

Since one of the "variants" I'm working on is basically just a rename and minor reskin/tweak of the default tank, this is definitely something I've been planning on trying out. Stay tuned!
Dwatch Razgriz 5.7.2017 klo 13.26 
How about a Flame Tank type? A Dwarven Flame Cannon as the gun in the hull, and a turret mounted Iron Drake flamer.