Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

UK Housing Series: Terraced #1 - Level 4 Pack
10 Kommentare
wabbithunta 9. Feb. 2019 um 1:00 
Nice models...!

Now you too can have your own version of TV's "Corrie" as a "district" on your map... lol
Macwelshman  [Autor] 22. Feb. 2018 um 16:24 
Unless you mean 'House' in Welsh.
Macwelshman  [Autor] 22. Feb. 2018 um 16:23 
Jonathan 22. Feb. 2018 um 16:16 
Keltia 30. Juni 2017 um 4:59 
less mod i have, better it is, we can create district styles in game, thus i'd like them to appear in a style i'd create in-game and currently it isn't possible.
Macwelshman  [Autor] 26. Juni 2017 um 15:20 
@kjblank Hi. No theme. Just create your own in Building Themes mod.

@Keltia_Vikinga Not sure what you mean. These assets will spawn in a city without the mod but you wouldn't be able to create specific realistic terraced areas as you would have no control where they spawned. Why would you not want to use the mod? It's the perfect solution for assets such as these.
Keltia 26. Juni 2017 um 14:55 
Nice but can you make them in order to create style without the mod, too ? currently it doesn't work except for Fence housing maybe...
kjblank 25. Juni 2017 um 8:51 
Is there a theme that includes all of these?
soo12372 22. Juni 2017 um 6:51 
Thanks you
Gashead50 21. Juni 2017 um 14:18 
Thanks for all your hard work