Transport Fever

Transport Fever

Grimy Gulch_no_ind
6 opmerkingen
Lowell  [auteur] 11 aug 2017 om 22:29 
Thank you acp35 glad you like the map...:steamhappy:
acp35 11 aug 2017 om 4:01 
salutations et remerciements
Lowell  [auteur] 6 aug 2017 om 19:45 
Thanks Thrall...glad you like the map.
Thrall7734 4 aug 2017 om 6:27 
maybe its the us setting or something, in the european maps the town grow much faster, and you get much more profit from passenger travel, but anyway, really liking the map
Lowell  [auteur] 1 aug 2017 om 14:26 
Hi Thrall, no the game settings are default, the map is just a gray-scale image for the game to draw a landscape. The best way for growth is full resource delivery and lots of passenger traffic.
Thrall7734 1 aug 2017 om 13:41 
so, i really like the map, but am struggling with town growth, is this lowered in the map?