Wizard Levels mod
126 kommentarer
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 12. okt. 2018 kl. 6:18 
Oh haven't noticed the second message
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 12. okt. 2018 kl. 6:18 
@Hogweed ¦ вlϊтz
Hi, you're welcome
Ferrum was created as a SFO version of the mod, but I'm not sure if it is still working.
Hogweed Blitz 9. okt. 2018 kl. 16:43 
Nevemind, it is! Thanks!
Hogweed Blitz 9. okt. 2018 kl. 11:33 
Hi BlackHeart! Thank you for all your hard work to bring the Warhammer World's Lore to the PC! As an older player of the Miniatures game in the 90's, this is just fantastic! I wanted to know if this is a standalone version? Will this work on its own without SFO, and is the Ferrum Wizard Levels Mod basically this mod that requires SFO? It seems that way, I wanted to finish playing the game I started with this mod (will it work, or do I have to restart the game (only 10 turns in), then when done, add SFO and Ferrus on all future games.
jojobe 4. okt. 2017 kl. 9:40 
wow have to try this out
P Diddy Style Shrimping Vessel 24. sep. 2017 kl. 11:19 
Actually, I totally didn't think so to be honest. That was really obvious and I didn't even put 2 and 2 together lol. Thanks so much for the help, i really do appreciate you taking time to reply.
P Diddy Style Shrimping Vessel 24. sep. 2017 kl. 11:09 
Thought so. Still getting used to the view of all the tables. It was a bit overwhelming visually speaking at first. I appreciate the help.
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 24. sep. 2017 kl. 3:23 
Well if you're familiar with PFM its pretty simple - open mod file and just delete all files and tables with "mw&b" in name
P Diddy Style Shrimping Vessel 23. sep. 2017 kl. 23:54 
So i really love this mod, but an issue im having (completely not a fault of your own design) is that because "The man, the woman, and the beast" are included, it creates a sort of conflict resulting in me not being able to see certain skills added by other mods. If I say, would rather that particular mod not be included in the original, how could I go about doing that? Sorry if that is a really tedious question to answer.
MrWhite 19. aug. 2017 kl. 12:08 
Update plz
Wolfy 9. aug. 2017 kl. 6:19 
Can you make this compatible with Cataph's: The Southern Realms (TEB), Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ and Mixu's Legendary Lords? It looks like a lot of work but there a not that magic lords.
MrWhite 6. aug. 2017 kl. 14:54 
Hell, not a problem(already done it for myself mhahaha).
I would be really glad to see it on Mazdamundi, that badass frog totally deserved it, mind bullets that crushed Moon.

As for the issues, Wurzag also has no spells now and he can't unlock any.
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 6. aug. 2017 kl. 14:27 
As for issues you told about - I'll take a look later this week, totally out of time right now and also Norsca is coming out soon, so I guess I'll update and fix all bugs all at once:)
Sorry to know that. Those items - bets idea I had to let those casters be able to have more lores, while taking only one in battle.
Nah sorry, that'll be TOOOOOO OP. In fact I plann to make such thing for Mazdamundi, but he's the most powerful caster in the warhammer world, so for him having all 8 lores and lore of High magic is fine.
As for Fay and others - the main idea of that mod was to give them all lores they have in tabletop but to balance it with being able to take only one (of your choice) to battle
MrWhite 6. aug. 2017 kl. 13:50 
Also wanted to edit

Can you make the arcane item to give access to all lores? (I mean all for Fay less to other two). It reaaly disturbes to chose an item between every battle and lorewise they could use multiple lores on the battlefield and they didn't need to swich items. No sure, is it tech possible, but manfred had two lores, once with a bug I had 5, so it will look normal I guess.

P.S. Great mod really, think you can contact the Legendary Lord Remaster author, he also makes casters more cool)
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 3. aug. 2017 kl. 14:18 
Hm. ok I'll check that
MrWhite 3. aug. 2017 kl. 7:23 
Cool mod, really appreciate your work. Though it is messed up with Tabletop lords. Most of them, like shamans now can't cast spell, they simply do not get the ability. Another issue that some lords get spell of ALL variants, for example Red Duke and Goblin Shamans now have 4 same spells with dif mana cost.
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 29. juni 2017 kl. 13:40 
In fact I also wanted to make it compatible with Cataph's too but I'm extremely busy these days, didnt have a chance to spend even an hour on it during two last month :(((
I'll get to it as soon as possible, aslo will make a adjustments to it and hopefully another little but nice mode
Black Stabbath 28. juni 2017 kl. 19:06 
This mod allong side all Tabletop lords would be wonderful. You can make it compatible as standard without needing to make a seperate mod by the way. links that go nowhere do not cause any crashes or instability and people with all table top lords will see the effects and those without won't.

All you have to do is mimic the same file structure as All Tabletop lords. i'll do it for my self for personal use just now. but i think it is somthing you should do for the comunity also. Thank's
meisterlix 8. juni 2017 kl. 13:09 
is there any possibility you could make this compatible with the "Legendary Lord Remastered" Mod? They would be great to be used alongside each other!
Zlayer 28. maj 2017 kl. 16:44 
Elitewrecker PT 28. maj 2017 kl. 14:07 
Cataph's tabletop? They were working on that sometime ago.
Zlayer 28. maj 2017 kl. 13:46 
any hope to see this compatible with tabletop ? did not see anything in description if its alrdy is
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 26. maj 2017 kl. 14:32 
Good point
Thought about it, but now I'm really busy and dont have time for even such a small improvement
But I'll try to do it as soon as possible
Caffynated 23. maj 2017 kl. 21:27 
Can you add level VI spells for the Fay Enchantress (Lore of Life) and Gelt (Lore of Metal) to reflect their +2 bonus to cast in TT?

I would also recommend a minimum Power cost of 3. In TT you always have to roll 1 power dice to cast a spell even if it's a 3+ and you're a level 5. 3 Power fairly represents one dice worth of Power in TWWH.
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 16. maj 2017 kl. 2:49 
He's gonna do something with mod so our mods are compatible
omegaphoenix068 15. maj 2017 kl. 20:37 
Hey Dark Angel, regarding compatibility with Cataph's Magic, is that another mod you are going to release, or did Cataph do something so they are already compatible? I didn't quite understand what was going to happen by reading through the comments.
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 8. maj 2017 kl. 6:02 
As for spells costing 1, I guess balancewise you're right. Maybe I'll do same thing I did with raise dead spell - it'll raw number changes but in a different manner, so that noone will have 1 mana cost spells or only 4level caster will do
My bad, still cant play campaine to get a better look how it works, in fact I did begin a Carcasson compain, but couldnt stand alberic any longer, began modding him and got stuck there hah

PS If anyone can help me with him that'll be awesome
wexfawjbzbeo 7. maj 2017 kl. 20:11 
Awesome mod! One suggestion; the spell cost discounts could be changed to a % rather than a raw number. Right now, some of the lost cost spells (5 in vanilla), only cost 1 point, which is a little too much imo
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 7. maj 2017 kl. 3:08 
I'll put a donate button later, maybe
Work is in process, so you'll be able to play both soon I think
LeadViking 6. maj 2017 kl. 23:13 
btw really do enjoy your mod, can't wait to see if you and Cataph can make your mods compatible :steamhappy:
LeadViking 6. maj 2017 kl. 23:00 
@DickHardly i think it was more of a paid mod situation than donations. i have no problem with a donation button for people supporting their favourite modders, if that's what they choose to do. however paying for mods just brings back memories of what steam tried doing a couple of years ago with making mods cost money :steamfacepalm:
DickHardly 6. maj 2017 kl. 20:26 
Wait I got here to late to donate? rip
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 6. maj 2017 kl. 14:47 
Cataph 6. maj 2017 kl. 14:44 
Example 1: on my other wizard campaign thingy, I added a compatibility table to make sure it also affected characters from All Tabletop Lords. I didn't need all their stuff. Just the bits that made sure it wouldn't crash without the actual mod, and those that actually applied the changes to their wizards.

Example 2: You have a red apple. I don't have an apple. But if I had an apple, I'd make it green. I don't get an apple or force all apples to be green, just those that come nearby.

(no, I am not a compulsive apple painter.)
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 6. maj 2017 kl. 14:01 
Ok, how can I send it to you?
Still dont fully get what you're going to do but if it works that'll make it easier for everyone
Cataph 6. maj 2017 kl. 13:11 
No, unless I'm mistaken, the only critical part is unit_special_abilities. Since you don't alter battle balance other than cooldowns and costs, vanilla (or, in my case, edited) phases, projectiles and vortexes remain the same.

In other words, I just have to override your _II, _III and _IV versions in that table on MY side and align cooldowns/prices/whatever else I have changed. This table will only come into use when the use ALSO has your mod, for all the others it will be invisible.

TLDR: a submod (read, partial mod requiring the others) or even (gods forbit it) a whole reupload is not necessary.

If you already have that table ready as you said you had, I would appreciate if you could send it my way for a quicker fix.

(I'm actually not ok with reuploads unless they're unavoidable, which is rare)
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 6. maj 2017 kl. 13:00 
The only way here is to do the same as I did with SFO, I guess thats a submod
Are you ok with that?
If I understand you about which I'm not sure if you add a table to your mod that wont make my mod compatible with yours
To make it compatible I need to rewrite special_abilities table in my mod so it could work with your spell variants
So are you ok with such a way? Again, same thing as with SFO, dont see other options
Cataph 6. maj 2017 kl. 0:03 
Glad that attempt is out of the way.

Now, about that compatibility bridge, were you planning a submod or a complete re-upload? (the latter, I don't like)
Because, at a glance, I think that I can add to my mod a compatibility table (only unit_special_abilities, in fact) that would only take effect in conjuction with yours. Which can't happen vice versa because you'd force my changes on your users.
Rhedd 5. maj 2017 kl. 19:04 
Glad it's fixed!
I'm very familiar with the feeling of wishing you could get actual money from things you're good at. Unfortunately, there are just some places where that doesn't- or can't- work.

Thanks for the awesome mod! It's definitely an improvement over vanilla.
Automaton with a Mustache 5. maj 2017 kl. 16:54 
Thanks a lot Dark :) Highly appreciated
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 5. maj 2017 kl. 15:02 
1. God bless the crash hah at least it brought chat to life
2. Crash happened thanks to Azhag fix, now he doesnt get Spirit leech spell, the way I fixed it somehow led to crashes. Anyway I'll make him work properly later
3. @sigmar totally agree
thing is I wanted to try it as a way to kind of stimulate donations and actually I knew from the very beginning that it was a bad idea, but just wanted to give it a try and it was damn pointless
Anyway - its gone now
BlackHeart  [ophavsmand] 5. maj 2017 kl. 14:51 
Rhedd 5. maj 2017 kl. 14:20 
Regardless of the begging (you aren't allowed to require money for mods on the workshop, by the way), the mod doesn't work at the moment. Game can't be started at all when it's active. It was fine before the update on the 4th. So, hope it gets fixed soon!
Whysofurious 5. maj 2017 kl. 9:16 
Anyway deleting my previous comments as they can be misunderstood in this case, sorry to everyone :)
Whysofurious 5. maj 2017 kl. 9:15 
Yeah, i realise just now, my bad -.-
didn't see the changes at the middle of the description sorry
Elitewrecker PT 5. maj 2017 kl. 9:13 
That's not the supposed paywall mod either. It's an unreleased mod yet.
Elitewrecker PT 5. maj 2017 kl. 9:07 
The new crashing problem shouldn't be related to what he said, he hasn't paywalled anything yet. He said he wants to see if people will give him 100$ before he releases a compatibility for Cataphs Tabletop mod. This problem should be something else happening.
Logris 5. maj 2017 kl. 8:27 
Just curious if this mod was updated in the last 6-8 hours or worked fine just 6 hours ago...but now it causes a startup crash..if I turn it off..I can load but can't get back into a campaign I had started
Automaton with a Mustache 5. maj 2017 kl. 6:35 
I'd also like to add, if you were to somehow pull this off, this could encourage other modders to do the same thing and that could jeopardise the workshop's free content environment, if you can say it like that. Or worse, CA/GW could just remove modding from the game entirely if people turn this into a business practice to earn money.

I know this may sound silly now, but if this is illegal then we shouldn't risk such things. Modding is crucial to this game's lifecycle.
Elitewrecker PT 5. maj 2017 kl. 6:34 
This is the debate between paying and donating. Radious has a patreon, some people pay to support the mod. We're not sure if the OP means he'll only release it after he gets 100$ or if he's still finishing it, he says it's working but it might no be finished.