No Fightiness / Bestial Rage (No Waaaghs / Brayherds)
33 comentário(s)
Sparticusau 28/jul./2018 às 7:52 
Sparticusau 28/jul./2018 às 7:40 
where do you find the file to edit this? i want to change it for total war warhammer 2. this is a great mod but i want it for the second game....
💣 Bomba 💣 8/jun./2018 às 17:12 
Hi :) is possible the mod for mortal empires?
Amish Robot 29/jan./2018 às 18:51 
I'd like a mod that makes fightiness a little less linear: difficult to get above 80, but also difficult to go below 20. And Brayherds are too OP. Maybe instead of a full stack of low and mid tier units, it's a half stack of mostly shitty units. The campaign is too easy otherwise (it's difficult to not autoresolve).
Amish Robot 29/jan./2018 às 18:46 

Do you care to share which mods those are?
₴кїткjєll 13/jan./2018 às 9:23 

There's a separate mod for that. There's two versions I believe. One that reduces the chances of those spawning, and one that removes them completely. I'm using the one that lowers the spawning chance, because annoying as they may be, they're pretty useful when hunting for some "easy" XP for lower lvl armies and lords.
𝕸𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖆 27/out./2017 às 4:35 
Hey ! Can you make a version for TWW 2 Mortal Empires ? I love this mod :)
Crynsos  [autor(a)] 8/set./2017 às 12:30 
Yeah, that horde faction re-emerging is an entirely different script that is not meant to be edited by this mod, but there are others who edit that.
Bumberbog 8/set./2017 às 11:36 
For me, this definitely worked to remove the waaaghs spawning and fightiness in one's greenskin armies. But it did NOT remove the random spawning of those danged "The Brayherds are coming!" I'm not sure that that's what it was designed to do, but it seems that way from my read of the title. Or are there different kinds of brayherds?
Crynsos  [autor(a)] 17/ago./2017 às 15:44 
No, but it should not require an update either.
The professional 17/ago./2017 às 15:43 
Is this updated? (post Norsca update) ?
Crynsos  [autor(a)] 2/ago./2017 às 3:58 
If you want it to disappear, simply send it to a suicide mission.
This mod is all about preventing them from getting spawned in the first place, killing them off is much more complex and not something I consider necessary to do.
Mr Gambit 29/jul./2017 às 7:57 
Well, I have a campaign ongoing. I have a waagh on one of my armies. Downloaded this mod and it works. But my waagh doesn't dissapear. Maybe something to add inte the mod. Great mod otherways :)
Blyat To The Future 15/jun./2017 às 4:52 
Sweet. Now i can finally play the orcs at my own pace. +++++++
Crynsos  [autor(a)] 14/jun./2017 às 5:28 
It should be pretty perfectly save game compatible from what I tested.
Jango Fett 14/jun./2017 às 2:42 
I have a campaign started with Greenskins, does the mod work?
Crynsos  [autor(a)] 12/jun./2017 às 8:14 
It is not something that I really plan to do, as this mod was mainly meant as a replacement for older versions of this and to fill in a missing function, I'm not really someone who does much rebalance stuff as I have enough other things to focus on.
☸𝕵𝖔☸ 12/jun./2017 às 7:56 
In case you might be interested:

In campaign_variable, there is military_force_morale...variables keys. Then from what it seem (from magnar tuts) it would be required to create a new effect to add replenishment etc...Magnar as a tut for both adding new effects from rome 2 and modding integrity from Attila.

fightiness = integrity form Attila...which is called military_force_morale in the files.

Im too exausted from work to try it out and given my basic knowledge of modding it would take me would take me a while to figure it out even with these great tuts..
Crynsos  [autor(a)] 11/jun./2017 às 16:07 
From looking around the files, I never found where the specifics of how Fightiness works are, so even if I wanted to do that, I would have no idea if that is possible at all and how it would be done.
☸𝕵𝖔☸ 11/jun./2017 às 15:53 
Nice Crynsos! I came to dislike this mechanism actually and wished it was removed/changed...thx!

Now here is an idea to compliment it, could you reimplement the fightiness mechanism but only make it so that once you get it at high level you get a 25% forcewide upkeep reduction and 25% more replenishment? I would only give a -5 leadership debuff forcewide if you get to the bottom level. Nice without being OP, and AI friendly too...

Still better then a free stack...
Bay12 30/mai./2017 às 17:29 
I have been searching a mod for exactly this and I cant believe I overlooked your mod for months. This is amazing and I cannot thank you enough for creating this mod! So happy its up to date and works with most mods as well!
THE 1ST GHOST TEMPLAR 30/abr./2017 às 14:23 
@Decomposed just found that one the other day and it works fine there are others that dont work tho if they are not going to update them then take them off the workshop its not that hard to remove something
Decomposed 23/abr./2017 às 12:25 
I use Warriors of Chaos :Horde Infighting Immunity mod for and it is updated and works perfectly. I don't know what you are talking about.
THE 1ST GHOST TEMPLAR 21/abr./2017 às 13:39 
@Crynsos yeah well they still are not working btw this mod really helps plz keep updating this mod nice profile pic btw
Crynsos  [autor(a)] 21/abr./2017 às 13:25 
That doesn't have to mean anything as mods as simple as those may not even need an update.
THE 1ST GHOST TEMPLAR 21/abr./2017 às 13:21 
@⎛⎝ᕴᙡᕮᖇ♈૪⎠⎞ yeah have been looking most i looked at are not updated XC
bayujaya 21/abr./2017 às 9:25 
Thanks for this, adds challenge and makes the campaign less hassle. Waaagh mechanic was fun first time around but got old fast.
Faceroller 19/abr./2017 às 15:26 
Been looking for something like this lol, thanks again. Your mods make this game better.
⎛⎝ᕴᙡᕮᖇ♈૪⎠⎞ 19/abr./2017 às 9:30 
just look for 'chaos infighting' in the workshop :prolBingbong:
THE 1ST GHOST TEMPLAR 19/abr./2017 às 8:19 
no what i meant was so when they are near another chaos horde they dont infight
⎛⎝ᕴᙡᕮᖇ♈૪⎠⎞ 19/abr./2017 às 5:45 
Enyalios 18/abr./2017 às 16:43 
Why do you need the chaos warriors to dont have bestial rage or Fightiness?
THE 1ST GHOST TEMPLAR 18/abr./2017 às 16:24 
@Crynsos does this mod work for the warriors of chaos ? i cant seem to find any mods like this for them tho i still needed this mod for my orc campaigns