Arma 3
3CB BAF Vehicles
354 kommenttia
Echo 15.6. klo 21.33 
the op herrick vibes are immense
andreipetrea32 26.10.2023 klo 7.06 
When i order Wildcats helicopters to CAS enemies, they don't shoot
Wildcat84A 11.10.2023 klo 16.27 
I'm having a problem where my host havoc server will not go live because "3CB_BAF_Vehicles requires addon CBA_xeh" CBA_A3 is loaded on the server and includes the CBA_xeh file.
Apollo 2.9.2023 klo 8.22 
Erufu - the WMIK's bounding boxes are set correctly and include the rear weapon mounts which would otherwise clip through the roof of the transporting aircraft.
Erufu 12.7.2023 klo 7.19 
Hi! Sorry to complain or be a nuisance however am currently having issues with the land rover WMIKS unable to be loaded into cargo planes. I believe this is due to the fact that the bounding box for the WMIK land rover is overly higher than the vehicle actually is and so the vehicle in vehicle system is calculating that it cannot fit whereas in reality it can easily fit; as the land rover does have canBeTransported set to 1 and so nothing in the config should be stopping it from being able to fit inside. Are you able to amend the bounding box's height for the land rover? Kind regards, C. McCarthy
Crocodilo 2.7.2023 klo 15.10 
How do i make the gunner lock the laser in the apache? My hellfires dont lock at all.
Crocodilo 29.6.2023 klo 18.07 
The Apache has some weird effects when firing its weapons, like a big red halo ball.
J-Money 9.6.2023 klo 14.26 
@evvernetti - I'd bet it's Sangin, or Afghan Village.
CamVPro 19.5.2023 klo 0.50 
Challenger tank needed!
Taff-79 11.5.2023 klo 8.38 
Still no Chally2?
or maybe the new 3?! :D
GRAPTIK 30.4.2023 klo 17.51 
Absolutely excellent mod. Thank you.
evvernetti 30.4.2023 klo 16.02 
what maps are those in the last two pics??
AMIN7AIM 14.4.2023 klo 3.53 
hello 3cb Team,
I Really appreciate your hard work but I have this problem :


Therefore, Husky Turrets doesn't work at all.
PROJ_DRK 17.3.2023 klo 15.02 
I am considering having a go retexturing the Land Rover interiors in this mod with some higher resolution ones. Would this be okay with you, the author?

Also, if you guys are still working on these mods, is there any chance of the Humber Pig being added at any point?
LSG123 22.2.2023 klo 7.43 
jeep, landrover.. whatever
LSG123 22.2.2023 klo 7.07 
@3cb.mods hi, is it possible to add functionality to to the jeeps for the boxloader mod, as far as i can tell all that needs to be done is make them classed as cargo vehicles like e.g the vanilla hemmets? i may be wrong tho
HighlandLaddie 14.1.2023 klo 13.03 
Can you add a ferret armoured car?
Garuda Thirteen 20.10.2022 klo 23.44 
Challenger tank?
Joric 13.10.2022 klo 13.31 
sim.imre 11.9.2022 klo 10.38 
Hi all!
When I load a Coyote or Husky vehicle into a mission, I get the following error message:
Cannot open object uk3cb_baf_weapons\addons\uk3cb_baf_weapons_ammo\uk3cb_l111_ammobox.p3d
Is there any solution for this?
Stefan 10.7.2022 klo 9.37 
Any plans to add a few challenger tank variations
HidenSquidge 20.6.2022 klo 19.49 
Hello, I was wondering how I could go about contracting you guys in regards to requests for some miner changes to the apache in this mod?

I currently use it in a unit I am part of that is small currently but we aim to be multi platoon strength of armoured infantry as well as MBTs and supporting element such as 2 apaches in the sky
WADE 13.6.2022 klo 0.46 
Hello my dedicated server wont download any of the 3CB BAF workshop mods neither will my computer when subscribing just downloads 144b of data
Chief Tiki 20.4.2022 klo 4.55 
can anyone help i'm having trouble with the bulldog the gunner when in combat the gunner turns in even at a distance what makes it well useless when under fire and if i the player play as the gunner for me to use the gun the driver also has to turn out what exposes them to fire is this a bug or am i doing something wrong
Lord Mikoyanyuk 16.4.2022 klo 12.10 
We NEED a high quality Challenger series!
Country Doggo 14.4.2022 klo 15.31 
any plans to add the challenger tank?
SerJames 29.3.2022 klo 6.13 
Primarily circa 2010 to 2015 really
giganerevarine 28.3.2022 klo 14.42 
3cb vehs fit with 2030 arma 3 theme? or are more designed to fit t nowadays gear?
SerJames 19.3.2022 klo 15.00 
no plan to add Challenger
ItZ Magic 18.3.2022 klo 0.21 
Is there a plan to add the challenger tanks? id assume so....but asking just incase i need to add another mod to my modset for the quater.
SerJames 2.3.2022 klo 7.44 
That's how big the weapon magazine is. Press R and it will re-load
skullblits 1.3.2022 klo 1.27 
Hi there. Where can I find that Transport plane in the video?
SerJames 4.2.2022 klo 7.20 
Just subscribe, and they should appear in your zeus as BAF vehicles
Mysterious Hunter 4.2.2022 klo 5.42 
@author these seem nice how do i use/ get the vehilces
Steve 28.1.2022 klo 4.46 
Since the last update, it seems that if you run 3CB Vehicles (and no other 3CB mods) there are now errors with missing magazine pictures for .50 turreted weapons.
E.g. Jackals
For example when placing a jackal in the editor, the error
Cannot open object uk3cb_baf_weapons\addons\uk3cb_baf_weapons_ammo\uk3cb_l111_ammobox.p3d
And when the vehicle spawns, it has no .50 cal ammo in the inventory due to not being able to load the appropriate picture file for the ammo

So it looks like 3CB Weapons is now required to run 3CB Vehicles without errors
zakhm123 13.1.2022 klo 9.23 
Defo hoping we get a challenger soon, nope of the other mods get it right
Algis_Alphonse 13.1.2022 klo 3.58 
I honestly love the vics, just hope you add more, esp. Scorpion/Scimitar or Chally
Skutterbuster666 7.12.2021 klo 16.31 
needs a Hippo BRV :steamhappy:
Militant 5.10.2021 klo 9.51 
I would absolutely love to see the FV4034 in this mod, no other challenger or arma 2 port mods do it justice, and I wreckon you guys would smash it!
.TerO! 9.8.2021 klo 8.55 
When will we see Scorpion and/or Scimitar? :)
Magnet 31.7.2021 klo 1.08 
many thanks
SerJames 25.7.2021 klo 12.30 
@magnet - chatting on discord is the best way to contribute right now.
Notaloli 23.7.2021 klo 5.01 
No Scimitar?
Magnet 21.7.2021 klo 10.47 
Great mod set, I've scoured the mod info, website & 3CB forum I can't find any information on contributing to the mod or feature requests. Is there such a place or opportunity? The specific was to swap the .50 cal on the Coyote to a GPMG
SerJames 13.6.2021 klo 9.06 
No model is the Primary reason, but relevancy to how the unit plays is also a big one, so no real appetite to get one 👍
Delta-118 12.6.2021 klo 13.11 
Quick question; why no Challenger tank? Just not useful or relevant enough for this pack?
Nick Seafort 25.3.2021 klo 0.38 
Check the inventory, you should see more rounds that you can load when the current magazines are exhausted using R. We use a system where our vehicles use inventory magazines to reload, so choosing your mission loadout is a balance between logistics and firepower, and you can rearm in the field.
Colmaniac 25.3.2021 klo 0.33 
seems to be an ammo issue with the fv510 warrior. With the main gun only has 6 rounds of he and 6 apds, while the mg has only 800 rounds of ammo, all the other tanks and apc`s seem to have the correct ammout of ammo
Nick Seafort 13.3.2021 klo 4.51 
The dynamic loadouts for the Wildcat, Apache, and new Reaper have been released internally, so they're going through our normal period of usage to find any glitches before they go to general release. Not sure what you mean about the skins, though?
dencuze 13.3.2021 klo 3.38 
Any idea when the Wildcats get dynamic loadouts? Kinda sick of having 50 different Wildcats with each their own pylons and skins