Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Paris Metro Sprague-Thomson (2 car)
6 件のコメント
Plan9 2016年12月10日 8時25分 
You're quite welcome. Seems to work now. I'm not getting any errors at least. Thanks for the choo-choos
Thaok  [作成者] 2016年12月10日 6時04分 
Thanks for providing the error report. When publishing an asset, the name prefix changes from file name to the newly assigned steam ID. And I simply forgot to update the effect definitions accordingly.

Just updated all definitions, it should work now. Before testing, please unsubscribe and resubscribe to make sure steam really downloads the updated assets.
Plan9 2016年12月10日 4時37分 
No, I have both enabled.

Error while parsing vehicle effect definition file(s). Assets will work but may have effects missing. Contact the author of the asset(s).

List of errors:
815159453 - Vehicle with name ST5x.Sprague-Thomson 5 car_Data not loaded.
815159453 - Vehicle with name ST5x.Trailer0 not loaded.
815159453 - Vehicle with name ST5x.Trailer1 not loaded.
815159453 - Vehicle with name ST5x.Trailer2 not loaded.
815158936 - Vehicle with name ST4x.Sprague-Thomson 4 car_Data not loaded.
815158936 - Vehicle with name ST4x.Trailer0 not loaded.
815158936 - Vehicle with name ST4x.Trailer1 not loaded.
815158936 - Vehicle with name ST4x.Trailer2 not loaded.
815157636 - Vehicle with name ST3x.Sprague-Thomson 3 car_Data not loaded.
815157636 - Vehicle with name ST3x.Trailer0 not loaded.
815157636 - Vehicle with name ST3x.Trailer1 not loaded.
815155700 - Vehicle with name ST2x.Sprague-Thomson 2 car_Data not loaded.
815155700 - Vehicle with name ST2x.Trailer0 not loaded.
Thaok  [作成者] 2016年12月9日 23時10分 
You probably subscribed to Extra Vehicle Effects but not to Vehicle Effects, then you get a info message about a missing dependency.
Plan9 2016年12月9日 15時46分 
Getting errors parsing all 4 files. They don't load
Captain-No 2016年12月9日 14時13分 
fit well in the -Historic Vehicles- all in one Collection:
thank you, Thumbs up :anchor: