Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Penguin's Modding Tools
12 commentaires
Demon lord Lucifer 10 oct. 2018 à 11h18 
can we get a mod that alows us to place canals in the map editor?
WalterWight 18 avr. 2018 à 5h14 
Thank you for all the mods that you have made for our community!
Overlord 18 oct. 2017 à 12h47 
LSM can do it and LSM did it in the past but the author of the LSM mod decided to remove this function after mass transit dlc because it is difficult to maintain that part of the mod (put into simple words). That it was not worth it to keep it for the future. Not so many people used that function according to his words and it was a lot of work probably after each game update.
BloodyPenguin  [créateur] 18 oct. 2017 à 12h34 
@Overlord I don't think so. If LSM can't do it, then no other mod can.
Overlord 3 aout 2017 à 7h45 
@BloodyPenguin - Is it possible to create mod which would be able to skip some vanilla assets which I dont want to show up in my game and save some RAM too? Mod which makes the folders somewhat hidden from the game or prevent it from loading these assets? Thank you for answer.
Starlight 13 févr. 2017 à 17h56 
I got a cool idea for a mod, a mod which allows you to enable growable uniqe buildings, so there can be only 1 of that particulair building.
In my case I don't want to add player made uniqe buildings because I want to keep the game original as much as possible, only adding new models to exiting pools and managing mods.
To maybe select uniqe buildings to be able to spawn as functional buildings and you can designate the place for it, so you can still use beautifull uniqe buildings without altering the game.
I dont know, something like that
DeadPool 6 févr. 2017 à 21h32 
Oh snap fureal! Thanks. as soon as the workshop gets back up (cuz it isnt working right now) I'll get it. TY so much!
BloodyPenguin  [créateur] 6 févr. 2017 à 0h34 
@zach Use Move It mod for that
DeadPool 5 févr. 2017 à 8h45 
Any way you could make a mod for raising/lowering props manualy in game with the anarchy/more beautification mods?
Lilithvia 12 déc. 2016 à 14h37 
Rico! Use that chainsaw so break through the window!
*Rico chucks the ice sculpture at the bulletproof window and shrugs when it shatters*
gravage 12 déc. 2016 à 10h49 
BP Again another wonderful contribution by you. The real reason I am commenting though is that you are "KILLING ME!" with that crazy penguin that serves as this collection's Icon/avatar? as I see it represented as a link in part of one of my own collections. Thanks, it cracks me up everytime I look through my collection. Heheheh ...
Nicky Baby 7 déc. 2016 à 13h32 
Thanks for making these mods! they make the game better