Cities: Skylines
Train Converter
336 коментара
zamzem 9 авг. 2023 в 15:10 
Is it possible convert tram to train?

Thanks a lot!
teus.durval235 2 юни 2023 в 13:24 
This mod works?
eloisiana 3 май 2023 в 4:35 
Is there a mod to allow converted train stations to allow inter-city trains, they aren't showing up to my converted station.
Ganliard 28 юни 2022 в 13:08 
Is it possible to convert metro train to normal train with this mod?
dgrad598 25 февр. 2022 в 15:27 
Hey Bloody Penguin, is Mom getting an update soon? I'm about to delete it.
Blåhaj Blast 15 февр. 2022 в 19:09 
Is there an option for converting Passenger Trains to Freight Trains? I've found a few I'd like to use, but the engines are only in-game as Passenger Trains
MunSka 11 февр. 2022 в 1:55 
HI BP, it has come to my attention that this mod isn't converting Trains into Trams at least (as i am concerned), as i have tried (and previously succeeded) in converting Blue Thunder's Cityline P3010 Train. But after the Airports DLC update, i can no longer select the P3010 to run in my city. I do hope you eventually come round to resolving this anomaly, and do take your time as i luckily have a stopgap!
Adams Frank Leung 13 ян. 2022 в 3:16 
Hello author, how do I use this mod?  There were no buttons to tell me to use them:meepyikes:

If anyone else knows how to use it, please let me know, thanks!
hry_plays 12 дек. 2021 в 7:21 
is here some version for trams?
idfktheODDITY 7 ноем. 2021 в 19:46 
what is cranberry juice
Pon de Kelvin 31 окт. 2021 в 9:46 
Sorry for asking question, but I found out that after I added certain amount of new train asset into the config, all train assets disappeared from the metro train option list. Is there a upper limit for the number of train asset converting?
dgrad598 22 окт. 2021 в 14:25 
Any way to make a train station converter so I have the option to do underground metro or train station via Mom? I don't know how to change it in asset editor.
tazaeowens360 19 окт. 2021 в 20:13 
Say what you want, but all i ask is for a video tutorial...
veronique.corrdin 3 септ. 2021 в 13:44 
Is this good with train station dlc
Mescatron 4 юли 2021 в 13:30 
With this mod you will be able to automatically convert existing 'metro'-trains into real metro trains.
So if I enable this Mod, A real Metro Train will appear in my Living Room?

Does this alter the Matrix Coding? LOL
JJ 4 юни 2021 в 17:50 
Check out my collection of complete Skylines modding categories. The collection is in progress but It's looking good let me know what you think:
Maswon... 23 май 2021 в 0:09 
Starting up with a modified config (to get more vehicles converted), I get an error message saying it switched to the default config. Does this override my modified config?
Gerishnakov 13 май 2021 в 3:20 
Config file not being generated on reaching game main menu, nor on loading a save.
CONFUSE 12 май 2021 в 3:12 
rory438 28 март 2021 в 10:06 
Lots of people are asking if this can convert trains into metros. It seems like it can. Can it go the other way, however, and convert metro trains into passenger trains? I have some PATCO Speedliners that I find really good for metros - but my transit system revolves around a single elevated four-track TRAIN line, rather than a metro. Most of the real trains I've found are too long for its elevated platforms, but under MOM, the Speedliners fit just right.
jarrodkriel72 20 март 2021 в 15:35 
is it possible to use custom steam trains as metro?
Sparktite 6 февр. 2021 в 23:14 
So are there instructions on how to use this mod? Like is there a ui button somewhere that i press to convert back and forth? I thought i read i should use botht this and metro converter which i thought would allow me to sorta do what metro overhaul mod does like switch a metro station to work for trains and vice versa.
blackwizard1812 7 ян. 2021 в 4:33 
Does not appear to be the point of the mod, but would it let convert Passenger train to Cargo train (or the other way)? I suppose this is a change of class Passenger train to metro train ?
I actually know how to build a new train only based on existing one, I want to reuse engine, change trailers, but it will not the class.
Any hint how to create a new Cargo train from scratch, I guess i can find the props for engine I want?
tonyhou1998 26 авг. 2020 в 23:19 
I subscribed this mod but no such option ever showed up after I loaded the map with this mod on. Is there any way to fix this?
benwbc 25 юли 2020 в 6:39 
Ive accidentally run the train converter mod and I now cant transfer my metro trains back from their converted train statuses... anybody know how I can fix this? I have unsubscribed and deleted the xml files from my computer.
drum 15 юли 2020 в 15:56 
Of course you still need the hook even if you have harmony
limpoup 20 юни 2020 в 2:49 
Where can I find these codes?
MOREOPTIONS 11 юни 2020 в 19:10 
Am using Harmony, will I still need the hook?
LC_352 6 юни 2020 в 2:28 
Actually,I want to convert metro tracks into train tracks instead...
SergJack 11 май 2020 в 15:46 
Is it possible to convert local non-published train assets to metro? Can the mod be setup so that it converts all trains to metros?
richardk92 9 май 2020 в 8:44 
Since the release of the BVU metro railway mod for pantograph trains, I´m wondering whether a functionality could be added to this Train Converter mod to convert trams into pantograph metros.
Lukeandsilver 7 май 2020 в 20:13 
My TrainConverter-Config.xml file is empty except for a "0". Did I do something wrong?
mahersalame 13 апр. 2020 в 16:54 
so it's either this Mod or MOM?
tonycat333 8 апр. 2020 в 21:07 
does this work to convert train vehicles into metro vehicles.
Mr.MaoMao 2 апр. 2020 в 0:08 
i can't find the converted metro in my game. i subscribed the new mom and can only use m100 in my game although i subscribed a lot japan trains
RedDog 1 апр. 2020 в 8:52 
If I want to edit the config file, how do I find the the workshop-id for the asset?
NSFI Gaming 1 апр. 2020 в 2:58 
@bloodyPenguin My city project needs a metro line with stations overground. I have an object from the original Tram. But I cant build stations for tram underground.
potato24x7 31 март 2020 в 23:08 
@BloodyPenguin no I did not need to as it was checked earlier, the train (sound central delta) was converted as tram through the xml before update. But thankfully unsubscribe, deleting the xml, resubscribe and doing the necessary line add to the newly created xml did the trick. It has something to do with the old xml file.
nhatanh0475 31 март 2020 в 18:08 
First: I have alway want to know.
What do you mean convert Metro Trains into Metro Trains? Aren't they the same thing?
Does this mod incompatible with less Steam?
The mod will generated the config file on first launch ( getting to main menu is enough )
BloodyPenguin  [автор] 31 март 2020 в 16:57 
@NSFI Rommel Currently not supported, what assets do yo have in mind?
@potato24x7 Hmm, I didn't change the file format. Did you check the options - is the tram category enabled?
NSFI Gaming 31 март 2020 в 16:37 
Is it possible too, to transform a Tram in Metro ????
potato24x7 30 март 2020 в 2:37 
@BloodyPenguin did the configuration file change somehow. My previously converted train-tram now again back to train. AVO updated recently.
Marquillotuca89 29 март 2020 в 17:19 
Oh, seems like you already did it!
Marquillotuca89 29 март 2020 в 17:18 
Thanks a lot!
I will notify the mod creator!
BloodyPenguin  [автор] 29 март 2020 в 16:10 
@Marquillotuca89 Yes, that should be the problem. All mods use version 1.2. Then it's the mod that breaks this and other harmony mods
Marquillotuca89 29 март 2020 в 15:11 
@Bright European is a theme that I created with Theme Manager.
And yeah, it just happened again.
I've read that the Customize It Expanded! creator used Harmony 2 instead of 1.8 that I've read, it's the version most mods use. Could it be the problem?
BloodyPenguin  [автор] 29 март 2020 в 14:14 
@Birght European 2 Ok, please let me know if it happens again. Such an error indicates that some modder (probably a beginner) uses the wrong version of harmony and it breaks all other mods that use harmony.
Marquillotuca89 29 март 2020 в 13:58 
No, I don't use that mod. The game threw it only once as it seems. I loaded up other 3 times and it was thrown only the first time.
BloodyPenguin  [автор] 29 март 2020 в 13:36 
@Marquillotuca89 Do you use Shicho by any chance? That mod can cause this issue.
Marquillotuca89 29 март 2020 в 13:27 

I loaded up my game and this mod threw this error:

Here's my output log:

I'm suspecting this is caused by the new "Customize it Extended" update or maybe, the Prefab Hook dependency.