Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Avatar s Pandora
86 Komentar
Captain_chance23 25 Jul @ 1:57pm 
can anyone manage to fix this? i really love this planet and it would be cool to get a fix on it. and maybe make it so it could be compatible with water mod?
LeModeur39 2 Jan 2023 @ 9:32am 
Loauk, planets from mods don't spawn naturally you gotta spawn them manually with shift + 10:melon:
Louak 2 Jan 2023 @ 2:56am 
in the solar system where do you find the planet pandora with the mod?
FallenSunGaming 9 Okt 2021 @ 7:56am 
No worries :D
riotgrrl_adria 9 Okt 2021 @ 12:52am 
Ah, my bad
FallenSunGaming 8 Okt 2021 @ 11:31pm 
I know it is, someone asked if it was so I told them...
riotgrrl_adria 8 Okt 2021 @ 9:28pm 
"riotgrrl_adria Feb 4, 2020 @ 11:32pm
The planet currently CTDs."

This is known.

If you want to play with an updated version, I've posted all of the stuff I've been working on to a github.
FallenSunGaming 7 Okt 2021 @ 6:19am 
it is broken
Luckaryu 7 Okt 2021 @ 6:12am 
Cant find any ores on it. Is it broken? =/
the zigginator 8 Feb 2021 @ 6:37am 
i would love to use this planet in a world i want to set up but it seems the link for the updated version is broken
Kevin Starwaster 17 Jan 2021 @ 12:54pm 
Looks cool, but it's probably full of things that want to kill me and eat my eyes for jujubees and shit me out dead with zero warning :(
riotgrrl_adria 4 Apr 2020 @ 4:17pm 
The unbotanium would have no use at all, sans the modified warp core. I'm tackling issues dealing with missing textures and CTD with a bunch of other planets. This will be fixed soon, now that I have time due to human malware.

At some time, I'd like to make unobtanium more useful, like allow it to be used in general reactors and what have you. That however is a VERY low priority, as I'm more occupied with updating and fixing all the planets before adding in new content.

riotgrrl_adria 4 Apr 2020 @ 4:13pm 
biTWIG: This planet is effectively broken with the ore from all of the user reports. I'll be tackling the issue shortly and will release a fixed and updated version.

Lemon® 4 Apr 2020 @ 4:30am 
cant find any ore on this planet..whats the problem
riotgrrl_adria 25 Feb 2020 @ 1:51pm 
"There is also ore called Unobtanium no use yet updating soon." There are all the other standard ores on the planet. However it will crash to desktop if you try loading it into your world. This is currently being fixed.
Rxpetitive 25 Feb 2020 @ 7:39am 
what ores has this planet got?
riotgrrl_adria 4 Feb 2020 @ 9:32pm 
The planet currently CTDs. I've updated it and figured out whats wrong with it. I have to test it to see if the issue is fixed (audio file was renamed in one of the updates - had to change it to reflect the changes). I'm currently updating all the planets then going to test them, so it will be a bit before I get the fix tested. Also updated to have all the new stuff like wind speed and also changed it so the planet isn't breathable (so it matches the movie's atmosphere). Will take me at least a month before I get to testing. Lotta stuff to update.
riotgrrl_adria 2 Feb 2020 @ 8:19pm 
Thats been noted before. Currently updating virtually every planet that Ghost did, which is closing in on 11 GB of data. An updated version will be out when I get to this planet. No ETA availible at this time.
MovNik 29 Jan 2020 @ 11:41pm 
After installing the planet, the game throws to the desktop (does not work ((
Illegal Poptart 26 Apr 2019 @ 8:54pm 
i was gonna say proxima centauri was the closest but it's actually in the samE star system rip
riotgrrl_adria 30 Mar 2019 @ 7:11pm 
I'll look into it and make a note of it, so when i work on it I can make sure it gets fixed.
Stollie 30 Mar 2019 @ 5:02pm 
Not sure if this was the cause but I pasted this planet and tried to fly around it with spectator cam and this happened: -

2019-03-31 09:42:15.974 - Thread: 1 -> Cue was not found: AmbAlienSoundLoop
2019-03-31 09:42:15.992 - Thread: 1 -> Exception occured: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at VRage.Audio.MyXAudio2.GetSound(MyCueId cueId, Int32& waveNumber, IMy3DSoundEmitter source, MySoundDimensions type)
at VRage.Audio.MyXAudio2.ApplyEffect(IMySourceVoice input, MyStringHash effect, MyCueId[] cueIds, Nullable`1 duration, Boolean musicEffect)
at Sandbox.Game.SessionComponents.MySessionComponentPlanetAmbientSounds.PlaySound(MyCueId sound)
at Sandbox.Game.SessionComponents.MySessionComponentPlanetAmbientSounds.UpdateAfterSimulation()
riotgrrl_adria 11 Mar 2019 @ 8:23am 
@avatar fan
I'll get this planet updated and will provide as best info as I can when I get around to this particular planet. My focus is fixing the sky texture mod followed by updating the planetary bodies in the Sol system, as I have a far greater deal of resource materials to work with.
riotgrrl_adria 11 Mar 2019 @ 8:21am 
I've gotten GHOSTXV's permission to continue work on the various planets that they made. I will be updating them to fix various issues, such as pink textures, missing texture assets, and bad names of files in the configs.
Keep in mind, there's a load of planets that I need to fix, and I'm currently trying to balance mod work and getting my work situation squared away.
Zat-1-fury 28 Nov 2018 @ 7:03am can you update this based on this info ?
:steamsad: plz
Stayoutofmyhouse 7 Agu 2018 @ 4:45pm 
The Cyberhounds setting doesn't appear in advanced setting as the mod only affects the world not the settings. How do I toggle the setting?
Zat-1-fury 12 Jun 2018 @ 12:14pm 
is thare a preferd seed ? and size ?
TITAN WOLF 17 Sep 2017 @ 4:25pm 
all the rock textures are missing
Zat-1-fury 25 Jul 2017 @ 11:56am 
me grimlock like :steamhappy:
TITAN WOLF 7 Jul 2017 @ 12:05pm 
when i spawned in the planet most of the ground is purple a black is there a way to fix this
Solace 2 Jun 2017 @ 3:58pm 
For some reason, when our server uses this mod, it messes up the lighting so that all planets (not just pandora) look as if wreathed in shadow.
I_Hurt_People 4 Apr 2017 @ 11:40am 
Cant find it in my planets list yo
I_Hurt_People 14 Mar 2017 @ 7:57am 
is this a replacer or somthing? i cant find it in my planets list
GHOSTXV  [pembuat] 12 Jan 2017 @ 8:16am 
this planet has been updated and will work
Cereshinu 6 Jan 2017 @ 12:06pm 
I hope this is fixed soon, i've been really hyped to see this planet. Keep doing what you're doing, man
ldragon21 6 Jan 2017 @ 11:09am 
whitepawrolls for planets press shift f10 select planets then select the one your looking for and spawn this planet works great for me
GHOSTXV  [pembuat] 5 Jan 2017 @ 5:19pm 
I am currently working on new textures for Pandora so no it wont work untill updated ive been alittle busy lately but it is getting done
whitepawrolls 5 Jan 2017 @ 7:16am 
Hello. I am unable to get this mod to work. So far I have added it to my mods list, made sure it was first in my mods list, and even deleted my mods folder to let everything download fresh. Am I doing something wrong? New to the game and have used other mods fine, but this is my first planet mod. Thank you.
Cereshinu 28 Des 2016 @ 4:52pm 
Uh yeah, I may not be doing this right, why does it just appear as a blue ball of ice?
GHOSTXV  [pembuat] 21 Des 2016 @ 4:54am 
all sbc files for this planet need to be cleaned up and rewrote this planets is a wip wiil update soon
[GER] Twitch AndyBlackknight 17 Des 2016 @ 4:58am 
please fix unobtanium for SE Beta
737✈Garrus 16 Des 2016 @ 6:26am 

Good Luck with Pandora and the Earth Human Homeworld. :)
GHOSTXV  [pembuat] 15 Des 2016 @ 9:25am 
yes this planet is on my update list it has been delayed due to texture bug im also currently updating my Earth planet which soon will be done so please be patient im getting there
Zeys 13 Des 2016 @ 11:53am 
Please GHOSTXV do the Update :( !!!!!
GHOSTXV  [pembuat] 18 Nov 2016 @ 10:41am 
i will be updating this planet after the weekend i apologize for any delay
737✈Garrus 12 Nov 2016 @ 2:13pm 
Great, now we only need Samson air vehicles and Valkyre VTOL starships. Maybe an RDA base section to move and place. xD
GROB_Metaluga 29 Okt 2016 @ 7:48am 
Ни разу на пандору не похоже
[GER] Twitch AndyBlackknight 15 Okt 2016 @ 5:26pm 
have mod for Unobtanium from this planet
[GER] Twitch AndyBlackknight 13 Okt 2016 @ 11:15pm 
hey ghostxv, here is a mod with unobtanium Barres
Unfortunately it is made from gravel
[GER] Twitch AndyBlackknight 13 Okt 2016 @ 4:50am 
unobtanium can not use in refanery.