Space Engineers

Space Engineers

[RWI] Defender Class MKII
36 kommenttia
gundam2jimmy 10.1. klo 22.57 
May I use the bridge of this for a cruiser?
Nick The Duck King 11.12.2020 klo 13.20 
all hail ze captain jack
Nick The Duck King 13.9.2020 klo 14.38 
ok have a nice day jack :P
Captain Jack  [tekijä] 13.9.2020 klo 14.31 
Nick The Duck King 13.9.2020 klo 12.47 
ps jack can we get a eta on when the new defender will be done?
Nick The Duck King 13.9.2020 klo 11.46 
ok keep up the good work jack ;) ;p
Captain Jack  [tekijä] 13.9.2020 klo 6.16 
Would rather you didn't, as we're working on that right now :)
Nick The Duck King 11.9.2020 klo 11.50 
@captain jack the reason i want to refit this ship is so i can make it survival ready beuase i made one of these in my survival world and it got destoryed 3 hours after i made it
Nick The Duck King 11.9.2020 klo 11.49 
@captain jack can i refit this ship
Sapphire Scorpio 12.8.2020 klo 11.28 
Is this version of the Defender survival ready?
Xero 29.6.2020 klo 23.02 
is there going to be a defender mk3
Krismine16 4.4.2020 klo 12.27 
whats a good name for a defneder class
Masked Dog 7.5.2019 klo 4.11 
@Captain Jack Thanks dude
Captain Jack  [tekijä] 7.5.2019 klo 4.00 
@Breezy Crackers - Sure, just give credit in the Description with a name & Link please ;)
Masked Dog 7.5.2019 klo 0.32 
Hey Dude May I use this in a Mini Series if not I am fine with that.

If I can Just give me a list of requirements to have this in video

Dr. Antonio 10.12.2018 klo 13.51 
Dr. Antonio 10.12.2018 klo 13.51 
Will you make a modern version, like the Phoenix? Please? (BEST SHIP EVER)
Collapsed 13.1.2018 klo 3.05 
@TheSilverInfinity jack repainted some of venom415's ships to make the shadow ships with his permission
this is the normal shadow fighter (RCSP Falcon)
TheSilverInfinity 1.12.2017 klo 15.15 
Who makes the Shadow Faction ships?
NOT_ADEQUATE 7.10.2017 klo 12.12 
jack what are the mods
Wropz 10.9.2017 klo 20.36 
Ok Well keep up the good ship creations
Captain Jack  [tekijä] 10.9.2017 klo 5.18 
@kristinabouyer - Not for awhile, this is the latest one due to story/lore.
Wropz 10.9.2017 klo 3.55 
Hey Jack Are You going to make a Defender mk3?
Captain Jack  [tekijä] 27.5.2017 klo 5.26 
@([IG]) LT. CDR Storm - Come find me on my Discord server bro :) -
LT. CMDR Storm 26.5.2017 klo 18.29 
Hey Captain Jack, I have a few questions about your ship creations. Could you add me and PM me?
Greenie 31.3.2017 klo 14.02 
nvm energy sheilds and battlecannon i think?
Greenie 31.3.2017 klo 14.01 
apart from the missing energy sheild mod whats the missing mods?
BabyInAnMRI 13.3.2017 klo 17.16 
Can you make this a world?
Admiral_Peck 9.2.2017 klo 12.01 
The Valkaryie will be a VERY big ship, but will also be fit for survival when finished
Admiral_Peck 9.2.2017 klo 12.00 
Cap, I'm going to have a ship going up before Valentine's named the Valkaryie class battle carrier, and I was hoping you would do a review, I already have one up named the gruesome class heavy hauler, with a vanilla and modded militarized version which is going to eventually be finished in RWI colors (the gruesome doesn't really work very well In survival, but it does work for exo-atmospheric flight if you have the fuel, and it's a damn tough ship, especially if you add shields, and neither uses a whole lot of mods)
PolarianDev 27.10.2016 klo 2.54 
captain jack, I spent 5 hours yesterday building a great mining ship. but it has no detail. Is that why the eclipe took so long.
FraserMemeZ 24.8.2016 klo 11.05 
YAY!!! Airtight and I can use it for crash landings
Joe A 22.8.2016 klo 9.28 
Hey Great Ship & Love the series but just wanted to ask if we could get an updated Mod list ??
Trumdum 20.8.2016 klo 20.38 
i suggest you get the airlock mod to replace any doors that lead to space. and if you can add a way to open the hanger from the outside. other than that it's a really awesome ship and is in my top 10's
Dragonsight91 10.8.2016 klo 18.14 
Some mods are not in that list, for example the energy shields mod and 1 or two others so it took some parts off the ship, except that it is an amazing ship, very simple in design (inside and outside) a bit hard to maneuver (but to be expexted from a ship that big) and packed wit lots of features so other than those missing mods, nothing to complain about ^^
Blitz/Blitzo 10.8.2016 klo 12.28 
hi i need people to add me to steam so we can play space engineers