More Gore! - 1.4.2
댓글 564
Kraz  [작성자] 2020년 4월 3일 오전 12시 01분 
I have the game now but am not updating the mod, for now Railgun has made a similar version of this mod based of my mod called cinematic battle effects blood addon which uses some of the blood textures from More Gore.

I suggest checking it out if your looking for a similar mod for WH2
Nexus 2020년 4월 2일 오후 4시 43분 
Im still using your mod for WH2, But i have the 1.1 Version, what is the different to the 1.4.2 version ? o.O
Nexus 2020년 4월 2일 오후 4시 42분 
When everybody want this Mod for WH2, The People could Collect Money or somebody gift him WH 2. Cause he said he didnt have the game when i remember correct. ^^
Ogaburan 2020년 3월 15일 오후 5시 03분 
@joricksama i think you need to turn on "unlimited video memory" in your advanced graphics options.

@the rest
Mod works just fine, and worth the extra step.

I was just messing about and decided to try it on a whim, as i usually play with the less blood and gore popular mod. BUT... i think i found an ungodly combination:

Combine this with brutal battles ( and... its... just beautiful.
This just adds so much more "grit" to the fight its unbelievable.

And here i thought i was all about slower battles, and hating on "7 min fights", but im starting to like the chaotic hectic feel the combination of these two mods give.

"No plan survives contact with the enemy"
- Field Marshal Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke (aka some prussian boi)
DracoMcGee 2020년 1월 6일 오후 5시 08분 
Will you ever get this into wh2?
theres one called gore galore thats a port of this but it doesn't quite work properly.
Large blood splatters wont stay.

Maybe you could give that modder a hand if you dont want to fully port it yourself?
✪ joricksama 2019년 7월 21일 오전 10시 16분 
I'm having strange bug with this mod. at the end of battle(after 10 or 20 minutes later), and blood splatters everywhere, I get missing visual fx bug. there are no muzzleflashes of handgun, no arrow trails, no explosion effect of artillery, no blood explosion of monster attack, no magic efffects etc ... it looks like there is some vfx limit that can be shown on battle in once. do you have any solutions?
PSIber35 2019년 1월 2일 오후 8시 16분 
I'm late to the TW:W party, so, for those wondering, the link does work but there is an extra "/" after the "*" that you will need to remove too.
Herr-Jäger 2018년 10월 1일 오후 9시 58분 
Hey Neutz i dont think the link is working anymore or is it just me???
啦啦啦 2018년 5월 26일 오후 5시 10분 
can you put this mod in wh 2 please???
dassh99 2018년 4월 1일 오후 9시 35분 
When can we expect for the TWWH2 version of this mod to be released?
Moduxus 2018년 2월 19일 오전 10시 13분 
Thats your problem then, nobody else's. He gave instructions, they are there to be followed.
Bran Mak Morn 2018년 2월 18일 오후 1시 17분 
Whatever, I bought the gore pack. I would like to play your mod, but if I can't just subscribe to it and let Steam fit it to my directory I'm not touching it. All this extra file planting is out of sorts with my regular experience on the network.
Kraz  [작성자] 2018년 2월 18일 오후 1시 12분 
If you read the instructions you would see you need to remove the *
Bran Mak Morn 2018년 2월 17일 오후 11시 48분 
"Link Blocked!
This link has been flagged as potentially malicious.
http://*/!twFkUbCY!ItS2GS6mGhLT5Df14P0xUOCUer6Ux1muE6fXS_qcQ10 has been flagged as being potentially malicious. For your safety, Steam will not open this URL in your web browser. The site could contain malicious content or be known for stealing user credentials."

The site won't even allow the link to be opened. So you got a problem just in posting it.
Bran Mak Morn 2018년 2월 17일 오후 11시 44분 
No, I got another message after the standard steam message for leaving to another page. If it isn't you it's the site you uploaded on, and either way, one warning is too many.
Kraz  [작성자] 2018년 2월 17일 오후 9시 11분 
@Bleda Rottecut Thats a general message for steam going to links outside of steam itself, Please see the words "Could" and "potentially" in the message, i wasn't flagged for anything
Bran Mak Morn 2018년 2월 17일 오후 6시 06분 
You were flagged for stealing user credintials. That turned me off from your mod.:steamfacepalm:
Gleen Cross 2018년 2월 17일 오전 9시 45분 
Thank you =)
Kraz  [작성자] 2018년 2월 16일 오후 12시 31분 
Done, Make sure you remove the * after https:// before you paste it or it wont work
Gleen Cross 2018년 2월 16일 오전 6시 12분 
Fucking steam removing links.. can you please reupload them?
Moduxus 2018년 2월 9일 오후 3시 06분 
I just got this mod to work for warhammer 2 guys! Go to the directory for warhammer 1, which is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Total War WARHAMMER' (for me, its where ever you have it installed) then go to data and copy the 3 'more gore' files, then paste them into the same place for warhammer 2, in the data folder. It straight up works!!!
Moduxus 2018년 2월 2일 오후 12시 59분 
That sucks, its not the same without this mod.
Kraz  [작성자] 2018년 1월 24일 오후 5시 52분 
I don't have the game otherwise I would, probably not going to pick it up for a while
Moduxus 2018년 1월 23일 오전 9시 21분 
Dear god please do. Warhammer 2 sorely needs this mod.
✪ joricksama 2018년 1월 22일 오전 12시 51분 
Please make this mod to TWW2 ... blood disappears so fast!
Maximus 2018년 1월 18일 오전 9시 08분 
the link to file is broken :( i had to format HD so i lost it.
StutterZz_ 2018년 1월 16일 오전 7시 37분 
unable to install
The Stroker 2017년 12월 29일 오전 9시 48분 
Do u have to do the seperate download part thing?
alkaline_ghost13 2017년 12월 27일 오전 12시 33분 
this mod is amazing. I really really hope you make it for TWW2, its totally not the same game without it. the blood sucks, hardly any gore, and the blood effects goes away and sucks into the ground
0 SH00B3RT 0 2017년 12월 5일 오전 10시 19분 
Alright, nevermind, got one of my friends to download the file for me and send it to me on discord. Still though, screw MEGA.
0 SH00B3RT 0 2017년 12월 5일 오전 10시 06분 
Does anyone here have the file? I can't seem to download it from the link above because MEGA says I've "excceded their bandwidth limit," or some bullshit, even though I don't use mega at all.
Sir Peptis 2017년 11월 4일 오후 2시 58분 
It seems to work in TWW2 if youre willing to accept that huge inpacts, suck as the bigger dinos and monsters, will have a lot of the blood be sucked into the ground instantly. For infantry though it looks great as it definitely leaves a lot more blood on the ground upon units dying. I enjoy using it until this modder or another mods something similar into TWW2.
Ostap Live 2017년 11월 2일 오후 10시 36분 
He also wrote that he had no money to buy this it may not do the mod. Let's give him the game buy the game
The RADUDE 2017년 11월 2일 오후 7시 37분 
Does the file work for TWW2?
If not can you make a version for TWW2?
TotalWar 2017년 11월 1일 오후 8시 16분 
this works for tw2!! woo!!
bambusek 2017년 11월 1일 오후 3시 16분 
Well, it disappears for me. There is more blood on the ground than in vanilla at the end, but most of it seems to be sucked by the ground instantly.
Capt Caverne 2017년 10월 29일 오후 3시 35분 
blood on the ground also persists with version 1.4.2 for TW2. It's a nice bloodbath :steamhappy:
Nexus 2017년 10월 28일 오전 10시 34분 
without all the blood effects especially the blood on the ground the blood dlc is not so fun at the moment like it was with your mod :)
prentince.mungo 2017년 10월 28일 오전 8시 02분 
good thing I kept most of your older versions .. currently playing with 1.3 and it runs good despite the bloodpools of explosions which disappear within a second .. all other blood remains on the battfield. thx for this and hope to see u soon on TW:WH2 - I´m pretty sure u will like it :steamhappy:
Kraz  [작성자] 2017년 10월 27일 오후 10시 42분 
I will make a version for TW2 when I get it but that won't be until it's on sale probably
Heru Ra Ha 2017년 10월 27일 오전 10시 25분 
Really waiting for your mod to rise on TW:WH2, are you not interested anymore as you stated that you haven't bought it yet?
Seleck 2017년 10월 26일 오후 11시 21분 
it does work with TW2 but the blood doesn't persist, is like the ground sucks it... i can't remember if this is how it used to work, it has been a while since i play TW1
Kraz  [작성자] 2017년 10월 26일 오후 7시 10분 
Can anyone that has TW2 tell me if all the effects are the same as i haven't brought it yet as there was no blood on launch, if the effects are all the same i would suggest downloading the file from the link and placing it in your TW2/data folder and let me know if that works.

I did work on a new version about a month ago for TWH1 but never released it, i was waiting for TWH2 to drop to see how compatabile it would be with both games.
Delt 2017년 10월 26일 오후 5시 41분 
Can we expect this for TW2? Probably my favorite mod for the game, a must have.
varian1024 2017년 10월 22일 오후 9시 33분 
will the blood disappear after a while in the battle?
saintbrutal 2017년 10월 13일 오후 4시 28분 
what dlc we need for this to work?
Sam 2017년 9월 27일 오후 1시 22분 
oh sorry it work now lol
Kraz  [작성자] 2017년 9월 25일 오전 1시 28분 
@goat yes you do
Goat 2017년 9월 24일 오후 1시 32분 
Do i need DLC form mod to work?