Goblin Cav like TT
댓글 6
master wu 2017년 5월 6일 오전 12시 07분 
Nice job you have done with this mod and it will help the gobbo players no doubt. But i would have left the charge stats standard on the bow armed wolfriders instead of changing them to give people a reason to take spear armed wolfboys. If I remember correctly it use to be plus 1 to strength on the charge for cav spears as for the spear armed wolfboys maybe pump that charge stat a little to make them a little more like lancers who dart into the flanks and retreat in good order its all about the chrge baby. Cheer and keep up the good work.
Boonkie 2017년 5월 4일 오전 10시 32분 
Wonderful, thank you. A must have.

But bjarked's goblin master race mod doesnt work anymore.
NosesCan'tSleep (Max)  [작성자] 2017년 1월 31일 오후 5시 10분 
updated. no longer crashes game.
NosesCan'tSleep (Max)  [작성자] 2016년 6월 30일 오전 9시 29분 
mod updated for patch. i had to add some new tags because of the blood and gore DLC. the old tags were causing crashes. 6/30/2016.

have not changed bow damage back to what it was previously. i honestly don't even know what goblin bow stats were before the patch as i didn't realize this was going to happen and should have written them down.

so far it doesn't seem that different with goblin bow damage as they did 16 dps before and they do 16 dps now. however, i think goblin spider rider archers bows got a nerf
NosesCan'tSleep (Max)  [작성자] 2016년 6월 21일 오후 6시 34분 
goblin cavalry in both forms in vanilla suck. there's almost no reason to recruit the melee variant once yeh have access to the ranged version cuz the statline of the melee variant is so horrible, it doesn't justify having a slot over a version that can use bows.

now - in the Tabletop - goblin cavalry can be equipped with spears and bows and shields. their stats don't change at all when given more equipment (except light armor - they cease to be fast cav once wearing armor) So why did CA decide that the ranged version should be weaker?

here's the question i ask. why didn't they make just one version of goblin cav that could both melee (terribly) and shoot at stuff (also terrible)?
SarmatII 2016년 6월 21일 오후 5시 53분 
The problem with making missile Cav have the same melee stat as normal Cav is it makes normal Cav pointless and obsolete. Just get missile Cav that can range attack and kite, and be just as good in melee. It's not balanced.

I do like the Goblin Spear changes to have anti-large, a trait for spears.