Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

-RGFX- Border Overhaul
49 件のコメント
emarcus156 2024年7月15日 17時53分 
before vs before 😂
DaNikto 2024年6月14日 6時51分 
need fix
gus 2024年6月12日 14時52分 
i fixed my patch @niku
niku 2024年6月10日 21時36分 
checking in... oh who would've thought?! It still doesn't work.
niku 2024年3月31日 11時34分 
still broken.
Sukhoi 2024年3月9日 14時31分 
broken, map is all black
FindFloppies 2024年3月7日 16時43分 
I'll agree with niku. It doesn't like ToA.
niku 2024年3月7日 13時25分 
needs an Update for Trial of Allegiance, starting it with the Mod causes the screen to be black.
Also, sometimes it becomes the City texture, and other times the world becomes dark brown.
tall cate 2023年7月4日 19時23分 
the small fixes are the best
Pepper 2023年3月2日 5時52分 
This still works
Wahoo 2020年7月30日 11時57分 
@CheifCommissar It makes the borders more black and thick, that's all.
CheifCommissar 2019年12月23日 3時50分 
I hate these screenshots, how am i supposed to see the difference with different side by sides!?
TigerTank 2019年11月15日 7時52分 
Dead mod. Not supported or updated for months. Crashes 1.8.0.
Lennnnnayyyyyyyyy 2019年11月12日 5時59分 
aDaMoS 2019年7月6日 2時25分 
Yeah update please. For me it's only crucial mod
John M Browning: Certified Based 2019年6月27日 16時37分 
GPounda 2019年6月10日 10時25分 
@Kyro - is there an eta on the 1.7 update? Hopefully it isn't a major overhaul switching to 64 bit.
Kryo  [作成者] 2019年3月21日 14時14分 
Search for these lines in gfx\FX\constants.fxh:

static const float GB_OPACITY_NEAR = 1.0f; // Transparency when camera is near
static const float GB_OPACITY_FAR = 0.85f; // Transparency when camera is far

Those are the vanilla values. I only made a change in the second line:

static const float GB_OPACITY_NEAR = 1.0f; // Transparency when camera is near
static const float GB_OPACITY_FAR = 0.9f; // Transparency when camera is far

Not sure if you can get rid of the gradients completely, but that's a way to modify their behaviour.
Dendo 2019年3月21日 13時15分 
How can the gradients be eliminated altogether? I'd much rather just have a thin-ish solid border and nothing else, since the gradient tramples too much terrain in island territories like Japan.
Shadow 2019年3月14日 20時02分 
How can the gradients be eliminated altogether? I'd much rather just have a thin-ish solid border and nothing else, since the gradient tramples too much terrain in island territories like Japan.
sandman2575 2019年3月4日 12時43分 
wow -- thanks kryo!
wildbillhdmax01 2019年3月3日 12時50分 
Yes, thanks you.
Kryo  [作成者] 2019年3月3日 7時15分 
Updated to 1.6.*
Tu-Cao_KUn69 2019年3月1日 11時55分 
Update pls
AwildTannerWasFound 2019年1月2日 8時18分 
Wait so is this like custom states?
anonymous 2018年6月10日 11時54分 
what files did you edit?
GPounda 2018年4月28日 8時57分 
Thank you VERY much!!! :)
wildbillhdmax01 2018年4月25日 9時17分 
Thank you though!
Kryo  [作成者] 2018年4月25日 8時03分 
@johncochrane007: I updated 3 days ago.
GPounda 2018年4月25日 4時03分 
Good morning, will there be an 1.5.2 update soon? I miss your excellent mod's!!!
Lord_Eol 2018年4月5日 19時12分 
Dedira: Works fine with WW's Map Mod
wildbillhdmax01 2018年3月10日 17時48分 
Yes Please update!
lunanium 2018年3月9日 5時54分 
Update please.
Scronkfinkle 2017年12月2日 3時18分 
Thanks! I'll try this with BICE even though i don't really have issue with its borders, but this looks awesome!
Friedrich 2017年8月18日 16時26分 
Does this not work with WW's Map Mod?
Bridger 2016年7月23日 12時55分 
Oh nice, I didn't realize you could set them up to override that way. I'll check that out :)
Kryo  [作成者] 2016年7月23日 9時14分 
@Bridger I only changed two lines in constants.fxh

static const float GB_THRESHOLD = 0.05f; // interpolation time
static const float GB_THRESHOLD = 0.075f; // interpolation time


static const float GB_THRESHOLD2 = 0.25f; // interpolation time
static const float GB_THRESHOLD2 = 0.33f; // interpolation time

Feel free to upload your own version. If you want your mod to overwrite constants.fxh from my mod, you will have to add my mod as dependancy in the *mod file of your mod so that mine gets loaded first. There's a good guide on the ck2 wiki on how to do that.
Thanks for your tutorial videos, btw. They are great and helped me a lot to get into HoI4.
Bridger 2016年7月23日 8時14分 
nevermind, I think i figured it out. It appears to be Max filling clamp of 1.0 and gb_opacity_far of 1.0 that create the effect I want. I really like the clean nature of the map when zoomed out with this setting.

If you don't mind I'd like to upload this tweaked version of your mod? With full credit and link to this original of course.

Alternatively if you want to upload a tweaked version that I could link to that would also be awesome. I'm putting together a video of my recomended mod list for people and I really want to include this slightly tweaked version of your mod.

Please let me know, I plan to publish the video next week.
Bridger 2016年7月23日 7時48分 
@Kryo I really like this border mod when zoomed in, but I'm also a huge fan of the zoomed out view of "better political map mode - default height version." I've examined that mod hoping that I could mod a few lines of yours to get the same effect (fully opaque country colors when zoomed out instead of the partially transparent default). Unfortunately it's all al bit over my head and I'm not sure what lines I need to adjust to achieve the desired effect while simultaneiously preserving the great lower level borders in your mod.

Any advice?
jpinard 2016年6月22日 20時40分 
Excellent work my friend! Thanks!
MaG3Stican 2016年6月17日 1時01分 
Rudi Mentär 2016年6月15日 12時57分 
Looks really good. But it would be great if you could change the air and naval map mode in this mod too. Thx!
Kryo  [作成者] 2016年6月15日 5時23分 
@Kerub: Yes it is, as well as my other mod in the RGFX series, Expanded Map Mode Menu
Chigagad 2016年6月14日 23時34分 
Is this compatible with the HOI 4 UI Overhaul mod?
Rodger Dodger 2016年6月14日 23時00分 
Looks good!
Kryo  [作成者] 2016年6月14日 3時04分 
More pictures will be added later today.
Rodger Dodger 2016年6月14日 3時03分 
Your image should include the current borders so we can see a side by side comparison of the difference.
Apollo 2016年6月14日 2時57分 
Will certainly try this out as I've had issues with not seeing where friendly and enemy borders are when zoomed in.