Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

[Official] Spacebuild Enhancement Pack
173 megjegyzés
the parts assembly tool is proving inoperable.
Cherrie_The_Furry ápr. 30., 15:08 
Please Fix/Update Both Official SpaceBuild Mods/Addons/Gamemode/Tools/Maps, Thanks. Heres A Error That Keeps Appearing A Million Times:

[[Official] Spacebuild 3 (3.2.0)] lua/autorun/server/sv_caf_autostart.lua:128: attempt to index field 'caf' (a nil value)
1. OnEntitySpawn - lua/autorun/server/sv_caf_autostart.lua:128
2. unknown - lua/autorun/server/sv_caf_autostart.lua:432

[[Official] Spacebuild Enhancement Pack] lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/sbep_lift_designer.lua:499: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. GetNWBool - [C]:-1
2. unknown - lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/sbep_lift_designer.lua:499

Timer Failed! [Simple][@lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/sbep_lift_designer.lua (line 498)]
Lanson 2023. dec. 22., 23:31 
why do i get this error [[Official] Spacebuild Enhancement Pack] lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/sbep_lift_designer.lua:499: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. GetNWBool - [C]:-1
2. unknown - lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/sbep_lift_designer.lua:499

Timer Failed! [Simple][@lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/sbep_lift_designer.lua (line 498)]
Декстер Морган 2023. dec. 16., 2:40 
помогите!!!!! говорит не удалось найти модели для этого аддона
H1tSc4n 2023. febr. 13., 10:35 
Yeah i figured as much but you know never hurts to ask... shame.
Druark 2023. febr. 13., 9:26 
Pretty sure they don't even play GMOD anymore, so unlikely they're going to work on any addons for it.
H1tSc4n 2023. febr. 13., 3:36 
Can you reupload this to the workshop? As far as i'm aware the filesize limits aren't a thing anymore
Emerald 2023. jan. 21., 19:22 
how do i assemble the parts with the spawner/assembler? all i see is the default spacebuild parts
krabby krust 2022. szept. 27., 17:38 
how do you use elevators
S A A B 9 0 0 0 2021. szept. 19., 3:53 
ngl its very easy to use
librik 2021. szept. 16., 14:03 
just make a addon that adds already built ships
librik 2021. szept. 16., 14:03 
this is sooooo tooo hard i dont know what to do and i dont like thing that i dont know how to use so i dont like this
andrew 2021. aug. 7., 12:35 
i can't connect some parts with the part assembly tool, even with the same parts
THE FORCE 2021. márc. 10., 2:34 
No size limits plz update
floppybones 2021. jan. 28., 16:39 
Will weapons ever be re-added?
Sir Bonefied 2021. jan. 7., 15:54 
how do i use the ships
i cant fly them
GamerLegend 2020. dec. 16., 8:52 
how can i use it?
its doesnt work!
Darmagon 2020. okt. 1., 16:51 
Why not split the addon into pieces like CAP did?
backshots in dark alleyway 2020. jún. 4., 23:35 
I can't download SBEP tool's.
Help pls
Druark 2020. máj. 14., 20:09 
@Ender There's been a few over the years. I recall a lot of servers used to use PewPew2 and GCombat which was basically just the original PewPew. I think there was another too but I forget the name.
Ender 2020. máj. 14., 10:55 
Do you know an addon with which you can also destroy the built ships? So one for space battles?
Sunny Dean 2020. ápr. 5., 10:58 
Marty 2020. márc. 25., 16:30 
i guess its time you update this addon to the workshop. very good addon
24601 2020. febr. 28., 5:56 
Yolobaker that is possible
yolobaker_coffeemaker 2020. febr. 11., 14:36 
Does the new update mean that this addon will be developed further?
Shadow 2020. febr. 3., 9:55 
ye, check the latest gmod updates
[XTT] General Wrex  [készítő] 2020. febr. 2., 23:12 
wait what?
Shadow 2020. jan. 26., 9:00 
aka like for mods
Shadow 2020. jan. 26., 9:00 
gmod got updated, file size is now limited 2 gbs
24601 2020. jan. 22., 8:16 
General Wrex you can continue developing now
Kodyaq 2020. jan. 14., 12:24 
What about a new module with a staircase that appears using a button and then deappears automatically? It could be a very good one. Or doors that can be opened only by admins. Doors that can be crossed if you're without a gun in the hands... I have many ideas! :D Good addon btw.
Augul 2019. okt. 14., 3:13 
Guys ? How to add to Prop Spawner a parts from ModBridge or.... MedBridge.... how ?
Druark 2019. júl. 13., 17:30 
Did you consider... that you put it on backwards?
=BoskoBoom= 2019. júl. 11., 19:19 
this gay retarded mod doesnt work when i linked the gyro pod to the ship the wireless one s was forwards w was backwards a was turn right and d was turn left im to programming a normal gyropod fucking forget it
Khaya Ashur 2019. ápr. 27., 12:19 
Can you update the steam one, cause stargate does not work with the new one.
[XTT] General Wrex  [készítő] 2019. febr. 9., 16:03 
its not dead, lol.. use the github links
RychschaX 2019. febr. 9., 7:42 
I miss this mod...Most of all I miss the old snap-on weapons.
Darki | Delta 2018. dec. 28., 21:11 
i'm drooling over this 0o0
76561198345571014 2018. dec. 12., 14:01 
How can I fly these things?
Feenyx 2018. nov. 5., 12:05 
is gut
The warframe IRS 2018. nov. 1., 9:35 
amazing addon
NextKuromeThe76Soldier 2018. szept. 29., 7:20 
never forgetti...
✿¾§*(kawaii)*§¾✿ 2018. szept. 4., 1:00 
My server need only doors this mod, please create lite version
Cigarette 2018. aug. 17., 19:13 
Is it odd that im getting this mod when lissening to the song " Bingo Bango Bongo "?
DocValentine2 2018. aug. 7., 12:16 
When exactly is the SBEP Addon going to be split up? It doesn't seem like it should take 3 months, but instead atleast two weeks of work.
ig_alx 2018. júl. 11., 9:40 
yo i dont care its outdated im gonna subscribe to this idccccc
76561198285270408 2018. júl. 3., 1:35 
how do we use the lift?
76561198285270408 2018. júl. 1., 19:51 
the gyropod wont weld plz help
GRANDPA of BALLASS (FR BRO). 2018. jún. 27., 11:34 
How would i put this to my custom dedicated server via SteamCMD? I can't seem to put the addons in my collection since it's download.
Druark 2018. jún. 6., 10:14 
Seriously? It takes a few extra clicks, and is explained right at the top of the page. Stop complaining.