Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Block B - high res L1 (RICO compatible)
31 comentário(s)
Klopfer 21/mar./2018 às 17:33 
also im rl sehen die verdammt scheiße aus aber du hast die voll gut hinbekommen^^
gruß von einem niedersachsenbruder :steamhappy:
Chamëleon TBN 18/nov./2017 às 4:33 
@sonicnurse - Danke, dass du es in den neuen Gebäuden verwendest. Ist echt hilfreich :) Da ich die drei Wohnblocks von dir andauernd verwende, ist es zwar lästig, dass sie ohne Bildchen sind, aber man gewöhnt sich ja bekanntlich an alles ;)
sonicnurse  [autor(a)] 17/nov./2017 às 22:46 
I checked the .xml files I created for the rico mod and they are exatcly the same for all three blocks. Maybe I put different settings in the asset editor and rico uses them to calculate the households..? I'll have to check that out later, other than that I really have no idea!

Thank you! I don't really plan on modifying them anymore but you can easily do that yourself, just open them up in the asset editor, remove the props and save a new local copy :)

@вιасκ & ωніτε
Ich glaube als ich diese Gebäude erstellt hab gab es den mod noch nicht und ich werde diese assets jetzt nicht updaten (zu faul..) aber ich habe es bei meinen neuen Gebäuden verwendet, danke für den Hinweis :)

@everyone else
I do not really plan on making other versions of these buildings or modify them. It's just very time consuming and right now I'm happy if I find the time to play some cities skylines at all.
baronjutter 17/nov./2017 às 17:55 
Hi @sonicnurse. As you may know RICO is currently not working for dense residential as it is instead pulling stats from light residential. Your other two blocks when placed via RICO show up as only 3 households, yet this one building, shows up at the correct ~16 or so households. Do you have any idea why this building might be different from your other two? It might help solve the mystery of why RICO is not working right. Every single other high density rico residential I place only has 2-3 households, even ones that previously had 80.
_Lizza 6/nov./2017 às 10:39 
I love this type of buildings, I have commented on your other block buildings as well. I was wondering if you can make a second version of these types of buildings without the props in the back? :D
Chamëleon TBN 30/nov./2016 às 7:55 
@sonicnurse - Auch hier fehlt das icon zu dem hübsch-hässlichen Gebäude :)
OkapiJohn 9/jun./2016 às 14:04 
could you do an 3x3 and 2x2 version? Even a corner part? I love this assets for my cities
Куля Бабахов 7/jun./2016 às 17:23 
you can do it only for RICO?
ConureGuy_411 6/jun./2016 às 18:21 
Since these two 'block' buildings are growables, for people getting the errors, just delete the RICO definitions in the asset folder.
ConureGuy_411 6/jun./2016 às 18:10 
@AJ3D Exactly! I have found that the RICO mod, search mod and eyedropper tool work WONDERFULLY together!
AJ3D 6/jun./2016 às 11:42 
For RICO, it would be ideal to switch these to either a unique building or park. If you want to plop some 4x4 growables, the eye dropper tool combined with the search box mod would be best.
baronjutter 6/jun./2016 às 8:07 
Ah so the problem is that he has them set as growable? I never really care to have rico's grow either, always just plop these guys. Please please update these, planning a big european housing suburb :)
mottoth 6/jun./2016 às 4:05 
@sonicnurse: With the new RICO mod update all RICO assets must be Unique Building category, nothing else. Please could you update this residential collection to Unique Building ? I enjoy them very much but I'm loosing them all in my current city... Btw your nickname and avatar speak a lot to me, best band ever ;)
baronjutter 5/jun./2016 às 21:53 
Error while parsing Ploppable RICO definition file(s). Contact the author of the assets.
List of errors:
674944487 - The given key was not present in the dictionary.
672153120 - The given key was not present in the dictionary.
689183956 - The given key was not present in the dictionary.
648164367 - The given key was not present in the dictionary.
baronjutter 5/jun./2016 às 19:11 
Did you recently update these? Suddenly all your rico buildings vanished from my menu (actually gone, not just their usual invisible selves) and when I load a game I get an error from the rico mod saying there's something wrong with the rico file.
sonicnurse  [autor(a)] 30/mai./2016 às 23:21 
They actually do! But because they are growables they don't show an icon in the RICO panel, it looks like this:

I already asked the RICO creator about that but he doesn't seem to be very active right now so a fix would take awhile.
SPECTRE 30/mai./2016 às 12:38 
None of your buildings work with RICO...
toilet user 28/mai./2016 às 5:55 
idk if they are particularly special, but some buildings similar to these would be very good.,6.9164672,3a,75y,321.62h,89.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svpbuWl5qWSDmt1-B050QtA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

the yellow one is particularly eye catching but the brick ones are pretty pleasant as well in their genericness

atm imo it's quite difficult to create a relatively smooth transition between high density urban areas and low density suburbs so something commercial that bridges the gap between like your excellent blocksiedlungen would be extremely helpful
sonicnurse  [autor(a)] 27/mai./2016 às 22:21 
@computer user
do you have somthing special in mind? share some pics if you like!

I think I forgot to set the floor count for the asset and cs generated the households based on the preset count. Like I said, I will change that next time!

I wasn't sure what level to assign to them, but in germany these buildings are often part of a apartment cooperative (genossenschaft) and are for social housing. So low-income people living there is not too unrealistic.
toilet user 26/mai./2016 às 7:27 
if you're looking for ideas for the next thing, maybe some commercial in the same vein would be good
Sotrax 25/mai./2016 às 10:34 
Well yes I use the realistic population mod. But it only affects low residentials (I thought?)
I don't get ths, 11 story buildings have 13 housholds and 3 story buildings 20?
PALiX 25/mai./2016 às 6:15 
RICO number of households setting stops working when you have realistic population and consumption mod enabled.
My two cents about these buildings is that you should make it lvl3 or lvl4 instead, I dont think poor ppl with no education live in these
Avanya 25/mai./2016 às 1:49 
@WernerIV: Are you using it as a growable or RICO building? For growables we can't set the number - the game generates that itself based on the size and level of the building.
sonicnurse  [autor(a)] 24/mai./2016 às 22:57 
as for the number of households, I specified in the RICO xml that there should be 16. Not sure how to do that in the asset editor. But I will keep that in mind for other assets!
sonicnurse  [autor(a)] 24/mai./2016 às 22:54 
Hey, so I updated the asset, it now has a color correction file for the LOD and it should be fine now. Like so:
Sotrax 24/mai./2016 às 5:43 
Well, I posted it under the wrong building, so I will continue here, it makes more sense. :p

Well and another little request: Could you change the values of the number of appartments? It seems a little bit high. Block A and Block B got 20 ingame but realistic would be 16 (2 per story, 4 storys and two entrances) and 12 for the Neubaublock (only 3 storys)
The 9 story building in the background only got 13 Apartments, because they used only a third of the real values. It's a minor issue but it bothers me a little bit :p
Thanks! Keep on the good work!
OkapiJohn 23/mai./2016 às 2:08 
love it! Very european look. it is very good for my suburbs
Avanya 22/mai./2016 às 4:58 
Wooo another one :D Keep up the good work
toilet user 22/mai./2016 às 2:01 
great work, thanks!
Captain-No 22/mai./2016 às 1:57 
Captain Soap 22/mai./2016 às 1:15 
great model! Keep up the good work