Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Hungary (Matthias Corvinus) (BNW)
26 comentarios
Noah 13 MAR 2021 a las 2:11 
@Commissar Hans Haha right. Maybe Firaxis got some inspiration.
Grand Duke Hans 3 MAR 2021 a las 7:56 
It's funny because the offical hungary expansion is almost the same as this mod
nicovallejos 7 MAR 2019 a las 7:35 

I have a final update regarding the fate of Ethnic Units by @Pre Vizsla, and R.E.D mod by @Gedemon. It seems the two mods are no longer supported after the two mod authors have no longer modding anymore in Civ V.

For that, I'm very hardly sorry but the two mods (Ethnic Units; Pre Vizsla has abandoned the mod; and R.E.D; Gedemon has abandoned it as well) have no longer supported anymore.
nicovallejos 21 FEB 2019 a las 6:56 

For me, I played the Hungary mod only (playing as Matthias Corvinus) since the Ethnic Units mod by @Pre Vizsla is no longer supported as it is already out of date. I have doing the reskin of units and changing of Hungary's ArtStyleSuffix from _EURO to _MAGYAR, all to no avail.

As what @superresistant have said, the "Ethnic Diversity (R.E.D. Unofficial) is the one they are looking for...
DJSHenninger  [autor] 21 FEB 2019 a las 6:27 
I don't really update these mods anymore, sorry. There should be support for Ethnic Units, but idk which mod you're using exactly.
nicovallejos 20 FEB 2019 a las 22:37 
I suspected that DJSH's Hungary civ mod seemed to be rejecting the change of ArtStyleSuffix and the reskinning of Hungary's units according to cultural variation...

I have to inform @DJSHenninger... I suspect that code is preventing the change of unit skins for this...
nicovallejos 19 FEB 2019 a las 9:48 
Error Alert:

[33558.498] table Unit_UniqueNames has no column named CivilizationType
[33558.498] In Query - insert into Unit_UniqueNames('UnitType', 'UniqueName', 'CivilizationType') values (?, ?, ?);
[33558.498] In XMLSerializer while updating table Unit_UniqueNames from file DJSHCorvinus Mod Support/Civilization Appropriate Great General and Great Admiral Names.xml
Safiye 25 DIC 2018 a las 14:37 
@ kingiamyesiam2005 Would you consider to look this image? It's quite resemble I think. :)
Sanyika 11 NOV 2018 a las 3:42 
Avesome but he doesnt looked like THAT.Just look at my avatar.
Maëlys 8 JUL 2017 a las 5:09 
so, instead of providing landsknechts, what does the mercenary army do?
IN1VISIBLE3.- #HEPAJKFT 21 MAR 2017 a las 14:26 
hunman20 26 FEB 2017 a las 9:25 
+Találj ki egy nevet
romániában tényleg azt tanítják, hogy mátyás egy román király volt
Illuminati 26 DIC 2016 a las 10:49 
Te tényleg azt hitted hogy román volt???Segfej.
Varenb 31 JUL 2016 a las 4:56 
+Ivan the Terrible
Fun fact: the hungarian ethnic group located in trasylvania is not romanian, sorry to dissapoint you
Domnul Locatar 31 JUL 2016 a las 4:53 
Fun fact, he was romanian....
w 15 JUL 2016 a las 9:18 
szegény, hogy néz ki 10/10
borussia1979 31 MAY 2016 a las 2:11 
DJSHenninger  [autor] 11 MAY 2016 a las 23:40 
@blkbutterfly74 Hi, I'm currently too preoccupied with non-modding stuff and requests other people have made, so I can't really help you out. Also, I don't make graphics, I can only convert them, so I actually can't really help at all.
blkbutterfly 11 MAY 2016 a las 15:37 
@DJSHenninger Hi, I was wondering if you'd like to create graphics/artwork for a fresh water tank "wewa" that have now made Sri Lanka the elephant sanctuary it is? :steamhappy:

Link to initial vers. of new/alt Sri Lanka ->
(FYI the LITE team are pestering me to remove their artwork i used as the basis so the sooner the better. Thx)
DJSHenninger  [autor] 5 MAY 2016 a las 2:09 
@Novirtue True. But Polynesia, for example, is underpowered when on a all-land map. Is Polynesia therefore underpowered? I could lower the cap more, but if you got more than +100% Gp gen from the trait, then the cap is apparently not working. Most civs are overpowered in specific situations. Could also lower the amount of GP gen per contest, I suppose. The original design was that you get GP generation only when winning, but that's either a really useful, powerful trait or completely useless if you're always outmatched by that one civ in the game.

Also hard to determine how much of your success in the game can be attributed to the trait; you might have gotten similar results with another civ, though it this case that's probably unlikely.
Novirtue 4 MAY 2016 a las 14:42 
This is really overpowered with 41 city states, got to xcom units on emperor before AI had musketman.
ianandsue5 4 MAY 2016 a las 8:33 
Maybe he's just busy? I suppose that is One explanation.
DJSHenninger  [autor] 4 MAY 2016 a las 7:02 
I don't know, I haven't seen ChampiKhan in at least months.
DJSHenninger  [autor] 4 MAY 2016 a las 3:43 
Thanks :) Hungary has an interesting history, totally civilization worthy if you ask me. Might even make more Hungaries, such as Ladislaus, Bela IV, Charles Robert and Louis the Great. Plenty of significant leaders to choose! :)
DrakenX999 3 MAY 2016 a las 20:27 
Thank you so much for this! Fantastic Hungary mod!
DJSHenninger  [autor] 3 MAY 2016 a las 1:21 
I don't know of any plans for a modern Hungary, so presumably not.