Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

Analog Camera
26 kommentarer
Albin1997536  [skaper] 20. mars 2019 kl. 7.00 
@Golden Sky Cant say im much of a brony but im all for an open mind, ill check it out :D
Golden Sky 18. mars 2019 kl. 5.04 
Also found it very useful! But if you're not a fan of ponies and/or moderate lewd stuff I wouldn't recommend you checking the poster. It you're okay with that, however, feel free to follow the link below =)
Albin1997536  [skaper] 6. aug. 2018 kl. 4.26 
Thx I'll upload it.
Albin1997536  [skaper] 30. juni 2017 kl. 14.02 
thanks man, looks awesome. ill go ahead and add it to the workshop article.
Albin1997536  [skaper] 30. juni 2017 kl. 13.44 
upload it to your site of chose and ill get it from there (perhaps google drive, dropbox, devinart or something like that?). there's also a publish artwork button inside of SFM.
Mighty Madness 30. juni 2017 kl. 13.41 
How do I send the image to you?
Albin1997536  [skaper] 30. juni 2017 kl. 13.01 
sounds awesome man. looking forwards to seeing it :D
Mighty Madness 30. juni 2017 kl. 11.41 
Ay, I plan on making a poster for you with this model! Cya soon.
Trenbolone Acetate 4. apr. 2017 kl. 5.22 
You're wwelcome. If you need posters for anything else, you cantact me through steam.
Albin1997536  [skaper] 2. apr. 2017 kl. 11.43 
Thanks man looks great. I'll go ahead and upload it when I get access to my main pc.
Trenbolone Acetate 31. mars 2017 kl. 21.58 
Jon Doe 14. apr. 2016 kl. 8.49 
-Super Perfect Cell, 2016.
Albin1997536  [skaper] 8. apr. 2016 kl. 5.56 
I guess I could add it as an body group so pepole would get the option to switch if they'd like
Gazzitas 8. apr. 2016 kl. 5.24 
It's okay, mate.
I just find the rubber 'lens barrel' for your design to be too out of place, especially when you didn't model it with details such as a cover and extension mechanisms. It's really up to you on what you want to do with your model.

A more modern 'barrel' would probably not only be more up to date with the setting of TF2 (late 60's-mid 70's retro-futurism), but also be less of a hassle too, because of what I said above.
Albin1997536  [skaper] 8. apr. 2016 kl. 3.23 
I could however replace the lens with a more modern one when I get the time if you'd like
Albin1997536  [skaper] 8. apr. 2016 kl. 3.21 
I based it on the memory maker. I don't know much about cameras so I mostly improvised it
Gazzitas 6. apr. 2016 kl. 5.37 
Albin, may I ask you if you used any specific camera models as inspiration for this prop? Like, was there any particular commercial camera you based this prop on, from the 60's, 70's or 80's? It just looks too weird with that, pre-60's 'lens mechanism' and post-60's base.
Albin1997536  [skaper] 27. mars 2016 kl. 1.43 
Glad you liked it :D
[FL] TheSiphon 26. mars 2016 kl. 23.33 
I have been waiting for addon like this for years, thank you!
Albin1997536  [skaper] 26. mars 2016 kl. 13.51 
thanks pally :D
ΘΔ Mark Unread ΘΔ 26. mars 2016 kl. 13.50 
Now this model's good.
Albin1997536  [skaper] 26. mars 2016 kl. 12.22 
sure. That sounds like another great idea. Ill keep that in mind
surfer171 26. mars 2016 kl. 11.48 
cant wait :) and i have a suggestion. maybe you can make a paintable camera strap for future updates like the link given
Albin1997536  [skaper] 26. mars 2016 kl. 11.45 
the lens cant zoom but thats a good idea you came up with. I might add that later. The buttons can all be posed however and the lense is removable via the bodygroups option
surfer171 26. mars 2016 kl. 11.33 
are there bones for the camera button or flexes that can make the camera lens zoom like real life cameras?