Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

City Station Platform. Part 2.
37 commenti
theoobg 26 ago 2018, ore 12:13 
Hi Yamashta,
don´t worry. Sometimes ther is no time to answer. Your new station looks amazing great. I like this one as well. Many thnaks for your respinse and please let me know as soon as you have some news for me. This would be great.
Yamashta  [autore] 13 ago 2018, ore 22:14 
@theoobg. I remade this platform some time ago. This version has semi-transparency and needs no mods to function. Please use it instead of this one. I am also about to release a third version that's extra long. I like the monorail idea but I am unlikely to modify this platform further although I think I will include ideas like this in a completely new station. Apologies for the late response.
theoobg 30 apr 2018, ore 15:14 
Hey Yamashta, is there any response?
May you could at least answer to my questions and remarks. This would be really great. I really like your station and would like to get maybe these kind of updates.
Thanks in advance.
theoobg 28 mar 2018, ore 15:01 
I´m not using your City station part 1 and it looks ugly the the customer crossing the tracks due to I use this station not as an end station. Do you see the posibility that the customer will go from the street side to the platforms directly instead of crossing the tracks?
theoobg 28 mar 2018, ore 15:01 
this is a great station and working really good for me. In addition with allowance of collision I´ve added a monorail station to it (see on the picture at the left side).
Is there any possibility to remove the walls there where the monorail is going in/out?
In addition just one platform/track was able to get connected with stops (used for inner city connection).
The remaining middle. the left and the right side I´ve replaced with the asset "invisible train station" to get the connection done for inner city stops/for outer city connections. Without this the 3 platforms/tracks will not be used/it is not possible to establish a stop there.
After my updates the station is working great with more then 1500 customers at least.
see next comment as well
Gelleby 12 nov 2017, ore 7:36 
"Asset failed to load"
Alwaus 25 ott 2017, ore 5:59 
If you can't connect use unlimited outside connections mod
mjm92150 21 mag 2017, ore 2:01 
I really like this asset and is working nicely before I update to the new DLC "MAss Transit".

Now, is not working anymore and I have this message :

Broken assets:
Custom Assets: 618517661.City Station Platform1._Data: NetInfo missing

Thanks to help because I have no problem with the part 1. I have all the DLC who is required. I do not know why is not working.

Thanks for helpin or to update it.
Victor1esp 8 ott 2016, ore 10:20 
same as woodyblack
woodyblack 14 set 2016, ore 3:01 
only one platform works for outside connections. anyone know how to fix this ?
Yamashta  [autore] 2 set 2016, ore 7:37 
@ PhizzleGfunk, I haven't been here for awhile so thank you for answering some the problems others have been having for me. I too find Multi Track Enabler a bit finnicky, still grateful we have it though. I do think any problems lie with MTSE rather than the station though and a little bit of experimenting normally sorts things out. Thanks for liking, would be great to see your city.
PhizzleGfunk 6 ago 2016, ore 12:55 
I was having the same problem as some of you. When using Multi Track Enabler, you must press "Shift" to select the track you want. Even with that though, I encountered some problems still. It turned out a spur of track along the route confused it. Pausing the game, deleting the spur, connecting the route and then re adding the spur worked fine.
@Snarky, thanks for making this, I placed this first and built my city around it!
El Falleret 29 giu 2016, ore 6:42 
the same as goestrider, please make it work good as soon as you can!
Redangelo 25 giu 2016, ore 10:30 
Having the same problem as Andy- gives the "cannot find path" message when trying to connect or create a line. Works fine with outside connections though. Love this model! Centerpiece of my downtown =)
Andy.P-UK-1980 3 giu 2016, ore 5:57 
Hi, i'm having problems connecting train transport lines to this station at the moment, i'm not sure whats happening but i am able to connect lines to other train stations so it doesn't appear to be a mod causing this issue, if trying to connect to this station i just get the "cannot find path" message, all my tracks are connected properly as well.
Yamashta  [autore] 16 mag 2016, ore 10:09 
@goestrider. I guess you're using " dont cry just die" version of MTSE? the other one stopped working for me. Can you get other multi track stations to work? Thanks for liking the model.
Gargamelon 5 mag 2016, ore 23:57 
Beautiful model. Nice work. But, it doesn't work correctly for me. All 4 tracks are connected, but the trains are only using one of them, so the dreaded backup is occurring. I have the required mods, although MTSE doesn't seem to work as intended, ie I can't add a second track. Any ideas?
Yamashta  [autore] 25 feb 2016, ore 23:22 
@kamotion4449. Hmm, I feel a new station coming on.
kamotion4449 22 feb 2016, ore 7:56 
Facing the entrance of the shed, track 1 or 4 should be replaced with the tram line. That would allow passengers to transfer onto an over-ground routing instead of having subways throughout the city. You could also replace the outer two tracks with tram lines in order to have more symmetry, though I am not sure how much that would be utilized. Just a couple of thoughts.
Yamashta  [autore] 22 feb 2016, ore 7:09 
@Ghost. To be honest I don't really know. It's a question best for the author of multi track station enabler, probably. I've certainly had outside trains and local city trains using the station. I guess a little bit of experimenting will tell.
Madeushipurpants 22 feb 2016, ore 6:46 
was wondering if any of the tracks r for outside trains or can all 4 tracks be used hjust for outside trains
Yamashta  [autore] 22 feb 2016, ore 1:46 
@kamotion4449. I am thinking of using standard train tracks to avoid using ETST. How would you have tram lines in a new variant?
kamotion4449 20 feb 2016, ore 8:23 
Is it possible for you to make a varient of this station with standard train tracks and tram lines?
Yamashta  [autore] 14 feb 2016, ore 2:07 
@jerrykoala2112. You maybe missing this mod-
If so my apologies for not making it clear.
jerrykoala2112 13 feb 2016, ore 19:33 
For some reason, I can only add train lines to one of the train tacks instead of the other 3? Am I missing something?
BadPeanut 8 feb 2016, ore 20:03 
@Crimson Sky Dux is the mod turned on?
Yamashta  [autore] 8 feb 2016, ore 10:56 
Hmm, ok I'm thinking on it.
Crimson Sky Dux 8 feb 2016, ore 10:41 
I already have it. That's why I have posted this here :-)
Yamashta  [autore] 8 feb 2016, ore 10:36 
@Crimson Sky Dux, please subscribe to "Extra Train Station Tracks" mod by Bloody Penguin. The link is above. I think this will fix it.
Crimson Sky Dux 8 feb 2016, ore 10:11 
This is what I get :

Broken assets:

Custom Assets: 618517661.City Station Platform._Data: NetInfo missing

No details
BrokenAssetException: Broken assets:

Custom Assets: 618517661.City Station Platform._Data: NetInfo missing
Yamashta  [autore] 7 feb 2016, ore 23:00 
@BadPeanut, thanks for that. I had no idea what that was about. I'll get on it later today!
BadPeanut 7 feb 2016, ore 22:27 
@Snarky if you change the height of the first floor level (in the asset editor properties) you'll get rid of the floors that appear in the large windows
Yamashta  [autore] 7 feb 2016, ore 21:52 
I think I have the answer. You possibly don't have the Extra Train Station Tracks mod. . If so my fault for not mentioning it in the description. Please take note of the warning accompanying that mod.
Yamashta  [autore] 7 feb 2016, ore 21:37 
Sorry to hear this is not working for you. I shall have to seek advice on why this should be. What error messages?
kamotion4449 7 feb 2016, ore 20:45 
Correction, the platform will not load even in the asset editor. Error messages keep appearing.
kamotion4449 7 feb 2016, ore 14:46 
For some odd reason, this asset will not load in game. Can you please fix it?
The Kombat Tether 7 feb 2016, ore 14:27 
When I plop this next to Part 1 or anywhere it dissapears. Is this a known issue? Can't get it to work.