Space Engineers

Space Engineers

S - Whispercraft Thrusters - DX11
114 kommenttia
Gromit 24.8.2022 klo 7.46 
No need then. Don't waste your time on this. They are still useful and the design is really good :sehello:
Sektan  [tekijä] 24.8.2022 klo 4.35 
Yes because this mod was uploaded in 2015 :) I use my own texture. IDK if I will do it because this need edit models and recompile it. (free time)
Gromit 24.8.2022 klo 2.44 
I tried to apply the silver texture for example but the block remained white. It seems only the default one works (not 100% sure)
Sektan  [tekijä] 24.8.2022 klo 2.15 
Is some problem with textures in game?
Gromit 24.8.2022 klo 1.47 
Hi Sektan :se:
I'm still enjoying these thrusters :selike: . Do you have any plan to update them with the new textures ? (not a request, just a question)
AP 5.10.2018 klo 9.06 
Cool mod, but sadly the rotorblades do not get displayed on my end :(
MisterMagnificentMittens 8.2.2018 klo 20.53 
This is amazing! Could you possibly make a smaller blade version of this mod for helicopters that would need that?
Greyson XMG 7.11.2017 klo 13.27 
No it is.... Let me know if you change your mind.
737✈Garrus 5.11.2017 klo 9.19 
@Greyson XMG=

OK. Thank you! You're awesome!
Greyson XMG 4.11.2017 klo 17.35 
Nevermind. ( <-- a term to use when something is deemed unimportant )
737✈Garrus 4.11.2017 klo 17.32 
@Greyson XMG=

Wages??? :steamconfused:
Greyson XMG 4.11.2017 klo 14.52 
Speed typing. Wages of the internet.
737✈Garrus 4.11.2017 klo 14.46 
@Greyson XMG=
localy should be
Greyson XMG 4.11.2017 klo 3.47 
If your pressed for time, I have a localy modified version with my desired changes, I could send to you for review.
Greyson XMG 28.10.2017 klo 21.08 
However, if you choose not to, I will respect your intelectual property.
Greyson XMG 27.10.2017 klo 9.32 
It was my intention to make 2X2 and 6 progressively more difficult to make, with more expensive parts. Tiered rotors.
Greyson XMG 27.10.2017 klo 9.24 
Propeller 2 950 KW 150.0 kn
Propeller 4 1,300 KW 225.0 kn
Propeller 2X2 1,100 KW 230.0 kn
Propeller 6 1,750 KW 330.0 kn

Sloped 75 KW 7.5 kn
Box 100 KW 10.0 kn

Please and thank you!
Johnald P. Redham 27.10.2017 klo 4.07 
They're not that powerful, at all. Same as vanilla.
Sektan  [tekijä] 27.10.2017 klo 3.57 
No edit/No republish my mods, try write what you need and I can do second version.
Greyson XMG 27.10.2017 klo 3.27 
I request permission modify this and repost this. Spicificly I would like to adjust the power to make them appropreately powered for a survival server I am running. As is they are incredibly powerful, and perhaps too much so.
Johnald P. Redham 19.3.2017 klo 16.29 
Love this mod, getting a new crazy error in the logs when it loads up on multiplayer server though.
SVarg 6.7.2016 klo 11.07 
Hi Sektan, can you make a version without 1 block thrusters (thruster box and thruster slant)?
Niviryd 28.6.2016 klo 1.08 
hey Sektan, do you have any plans to give the rotor blades a sound change to sound like a helicopter while spinning up?
737✈Garrus 19.6.2016 klo 6.55 
@Maks2103, @emetlikina

FOR MOTHER RUSSIA!!!:steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:
Maks2103 19.6.2016 klo 5.20 
@emetlikina, нет, не один
Саныч 8.6.2016 klo 6.56 
я один русский???????????????????????????????????????:steamsad:
Yuxtapuestoelmono 25.4.2016 klo 16.03 
I do not understand, are the blades for eye candy only?.
Sektan  [tekijä] 25.4.2016 klo 9.16 
I have prepared update
SEModder4  [kehittäjä] 16.4.2016 klo 16.38 
yeah he has to add in the new code and make changes to the fan blades by adding in a subpart dummy to the frame itself and it should reshow back up.
cherv-saper 25.2.2016 klo 0.26 
I guess no one asked - do rotors consume much less electricity than vanilla thrusters, as i hope they should?
DMMWolf 14.2.2016 klo 8.51 
Its nopt just this One either, any Mod of his with Rotors is currently glitched. It really is a shame too, because I have noticed the star rating on these mods dropping since this glitch showed.
Veador 13.2.2016 klo 11.24 
Sektan, please repair this mod!!(((
tachankin 3.2.2016 klo 8.44 
SVarg 29.1.2016 klo 11.01 
@Sektan, yeah blades still missing. Give us some info on further fate of this mod please.
FFaruk 29.1.2016 klo 5.40 
Sektan can you please fix blades bug. this is one of my favorite mods :)
737✈Garrus 25.1.2016 klo 7.34 
I'm with you, Greiztoph, very poor Sektan. :steamsad:
Meat Vegetable 24.1.2016 klo 11.24 
Poor Sektan I hope he gets it figured out soon.
737✈Garrus 24.1.2016 klo 1.49 

Ok, thank you :D
SEModder4  [kehittäjä] 23.1.2016 klo 17.08 

no they are still functional, however the blades just don't show up since Sektan needs to convert them to the new system Keen released when they make the atmo thrusters spin.
737✈Garrus 21.1.2016 klo 23.52 
I hear the rotorblades are gone, but is their ForceMagnitude gone?
Veador 21.1.2016 klo 16.42 
sooo, what about update?)
FFaruk 17.1.2016 klo 6.03 
great mod, I love it. just what i needed to make nice futuristic heli


I also lost blades after last update, but I'm sure it's just a little bug :)
Ranos 16.1.2016 klo 9.22 
This mod it great, it's going to be fun to see what people make with it. Also here is my mod review of this mod plus another like it.
DMMWolf 15.1.2016 klo 22.45 
ok not just me on the vanishing rotors
Sektan  [tekijä] 15.1.2016 klo 1.44 
Ok I look on it on evening
Veador 14.1.2016 klo 11.52 
Blades have disappeared since today update! (1.117)
SVarg 11.1.2016 klo 11.29 
Can you add even less powerfull version for use on lighter helicopters to the pack, but with roughly the same size (baybe smaller but not too much)? Because as i understand now there is no way to limit max power of rotors and thrusters, so my helicopers still climb too fast even on 2x blade rotor. Also coud we expect balancing for survival, because now these positional thrusters have 110 kN power against 80 kN on vanilla and 1x1x1 size against 1x1x3 on vanilla with same recepie and weight, whick makes them far supperior to vanilla and coud lead to obuse on multiplayer. I'm not demanding anything, just asking...
Duski 27.12.2015 klo 23.54 
Could you add anti torque blades as well or just smaller blades?
64bitrobot 26.12.2015 klo 20.59 
Are these survival usable?