Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

ÖBB Railjet
64 kommentarer
Radltruhe 11 jun, 2017 @ 1:50 
der Railjet verursacht leider einige Fehler im output_log.txt. Im Spiel wird er aber gespawnt.
Loading custom asset Trailer0 from 540895661 [Modding]
d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=16 h=6 d3dfmt=71 [80070057]
d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=8 h=3 d3dfmt=71 [80070057]
d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=16 h=6 d3dfmt=71 [80070057]
d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=8 h=3 d3dfmt=71 [80070057]
d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=16 h=6 d3dfmt=71 [80070057]
d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=8 h=3 d3dfmt=71 [80070057]
Loading custom asset Trailer1 from 540895661 [Modding]
CrazyGraham 27 maj, 2017 @ 15:13 
ok i will have a look into it thanks
SoJiro  [skapare] 26 maj, 2017 @ 1:53 
@CrazyGraham Hey, sorry for my late reply... we currently stopped modding at all, sorry to say. But it is not that hard to learn doing your own models in Blender, just follow tutorials on YouTube :steamhappy:
CrazyGraham 22 apr, 2017 @ 17:29 
This is a great model just like everything you have uploaded thank you.

I was also wanting to ask if you would be able to make this for me me i would be very greatfull if you could.
SoJiro  [skapare] 27 jan, 2017 @ 14:11 
@smeltinggaming Hey, danke für Dein Interesse. In der Beschreibung sind alle Assets gelistet, die unter "Archive Content" sind gegen eine Spende in beliebiger Höhe jederzeit verfügbar.
MrAnvsLP 27 jan, 2017 @ 13:02 
Wie kommt man an den Talent 4024 hinter dem Railjet im Bahnhof?
SoJiro  [skapare] 25 dec, 2016 @ 16:57 
@noddster Hey, konntest Du das Problem zwischenzeitlich beheben? Falls nicht mal in der output_log.txt nachsehen.
noddster 2 dec, 2016 @ 5:59 
Wenn ich dieses Asset aktiviere werden alle Fahrzeuge schwarz wenn herausgezoomt... was mach ich falsch?
Tante Tinnitus 17 sep, 2016 @ 10:48 
super Danke nochmal.
macht nix - lieber spät als gar nicht XD
lg TT
SoJiro  [skapare] 16 sep, 2016 @ 13:10 
Das geht mit AVE (Advanced Vehicle Editor), sorry für die späte Antwort!
Tante Tinnitus 13 sep, 2016 @ 15:31 
Hallo SoJiro
ich möchte dich um Hilfe bitten - wie verbindest du 3 verschiedene Wagontypen als einen Zug?
Ich schaffs nicht. zB wie bei Dir Taurus als Lok, dann Zwischenwagen und zum Schluss quasi einen Steuerwagen. Würdest du mir einen Tipp geben?
Danke im voraus Tante Tinnitus XD
Angry_CJ 28 jun, 2016 @ 18:48 
Hey, Ich wollte dir sagen dass dein Railjet Keine Probleme macht. Es waren die MRCE Lok und eine 185. Die 2 machen diesen unbekannten fehler.
Mr Jay 28 jun, 2016 @ 15:36 
It would be nice if the train could be line coloured.
Angry_CJ 28 maj, 2016 @ 6:28 
Ah ok. Wie gesagt, ich hab absolut keine ahnung, gerade bei solche Fehlermeldungen... Wenn im Fehler wenigstens stehen würde, WAS den Fehler verursacht.. Aber wenn dort nur steht Null bla bla bla, kann man es nicht allein herraus finden. Der Typ vom Support meinte nur vom Log her, das der Railjet auch ein Problem machen würde.
SoJiro  [skapare] 28 maj, 2016 @ 5:25 
:) Aus dem Link konnte ich aber nicht entnehmen, dass der RailJet dafür verantwortlich sein soll... Tendentiell tauchen solche errors eher bei Mods als bei Assets auf :)
Angry_CJ 27 maj, 2016 @ 15:36 
Ich weiß.. Das ist alles total komisch... Hast ja unten n Link zu dem Problem.. Ich hatte auch noch nie das problem überhaupt
SoJiro  [skapare] 27 maj, 2016 @ 9:09 
Wie gesagt, da Du der Erste bist der dieses Problem hat (das ich selbst in keiner Weise nachvollziehen kann) gehe ich nicht davon aus, dass es so ist. Hab das Game zwar schon lange nicht mehr gestartet, hatte diese Züge aber selbst ohne Probleme im Einsatz - wüsste nicht warum jetzt auf einmal ohne jegliche Änderung eine Fehlermeldung kommen sollte :P
Angry_CJ 27 maj, 2016 @ 7:43 
Ich hab absolut keine Ahnung.. Ich weiß nur dass ich immer diesen Null fehler bekomme..
DIe von Paradox haben von der log wohl herraus gelesen, das dein Mod einer der mods sind, die probleme machen. Dabei hab hatte ich noch nie solche probleme.. erst seitdem ich das Spiel verschoben habe manuell, da gingen keine mods. Dann gingen mods, ist jetzt dieses scheiße da.. Am libesten einfach nur C.S spieln mit mein Lieblingsmods und fertig. Is auch scheiße das es nur den englischen support gibt...aber was will man machen.
SoJiro  [skapare] 26 maj, 2016 @ 17:23 
@Angry_CJ Seltsam, Du bist bisher der Erste der dieses Problem hat. Bitte mal den Zug unsubscriben und neu abonnieren, sollte das nicht helfen repariere mal Dein Cities Skylines über Steam...
Angry_CJ 26 maj, 2016 @ 4:57 
ÖBB Railjet_trailer3 - dx errors - failed to create textures
SoJiro  [skapare] 28 apr, 2016 @ 9:29 
Thanks :steamhappy: The stations used are Austrian Train Station (S) and (M), they are archive content and accessible after a donation :hardhat:
itsworthgaming 28 apr, 2016 @ 8:30 
Nice work! I just have one question, what train station are you using in your first 3 screenshots?
SoJiro  [skapare] 8 jan, 2016 @ 17:50 
69 + 420 = 666 7 jan, 2016 @ 8:47 
Grad 5€ gespendet :-)
sag032 29 dec, 2015 @ 3:34 
I think players should decide for themselfe if they want to pay for an asset. As long as this is allowed by Steam, SoJiro has the right to do so (no, i am not involved with this modder).

So pay or play guys, stop moaning !
nace888 3 dec, 2015 @ 9:56 
@SoJiro All I have to do is respawn them? O_O Okay, XD I'll try it out next time I get into the game! :D
SoJiro  [skapare] 3 dec, 2015 @ 7:41 
@nace888 I think you should simply respawn your trams, the bug you mentioned happens because i updated them like a month ago :steamhappy:
nace888 2 dec, 2015 @ 22:56 
While I'm a bit sad, I can see where you're coming from about all of this. I'm an Artist, and when I draw things, it's because I want to. I'll do requests from time to time, but if all people want is FREE STUFF ALL the time, it gets a bit tedious, for no work at all. When people ask me to do one drawin, sure,but when they're like "I ned 4 by such and such" and you don't even get a thank you or money, it's pointles. You've put hard hard work into something, and get nothing out of it..

Honestly, I think you should keep up the good work!! I know how you feel, and why you've done it!

I will say though, that all my Vienna trams are now chopped, and look like funny buses, LOL!!

Again, I see what you're coming from, and keep up the good work!!
SoJiro  [skapare] 23 nov, 2015 @ 5:53 
@kawei Thank you for your support and have fun =)
co-wie 23 nov, 2015 @ 5:52 
Got it, thanks!
SoJiro  [skapare] 23 nov, 2015 @ 5:41 
@Baleur I dont like people using "fuck" in every sentence but other modders get my stuff for free, as I can see you uploaded some stuff to the workshop... why dont you send a request instead of insulting me :P
SoJiro  [skapare] 23 nov, 2015 @ 5:37 
@kawei Sorry I added low_ka_wei like you wrote in the donation message ;) Added you now..
Baleur 22 nov, 2015 @ 23:23 
SoJiro they do disappear when steam decides to re-download all workshop assets due to some being missing from the workshop page, such as yours.
co-wie 22 nov, 2015 @ 21:44 
Hi I donated 10 euros yesterday via Paypal and still haven't heard back. I just want a couple of assets I used in my city that I unsubscribed from while spring cleaning, not knowing that you've locked them, and now can't get back.
SoJiro  [skapare] 22 nov, 2015 @ 16:34 
@MarcusL Well I think its also bit greedy what you demand, giving (for example) 1€ for 40 assets is 2.5 cent per asset -.- And if this stuff is worth it is up to you, dont see anything that could offend you... if you take a closer look the valve pay mod attempt was different... _fixed_ prices and 70% went to valve and game dev... look what ppl give for streams etc, if you take (for example) 10hrs per asset work time this is about 450hrs of work -.-
SoJiro  [skapare] 22 nov, 2015 @ 16:17 
@Baleur They are not removed and they also do not dissappear for players who already abonnented them...
Baleur 22 nov, 2015 @ 8:19 
Oh, to scrounge money from people. Nice.
How about, fuck you? You could just ASK for donations for access to newer items, you know? Like every other modder on the workshop.
Its extremely shitty practice to REMOVE stuff you previously had available. Just broke many peoples entire cities train routes. No warning, no nothing.
Just because you feel entitled to money.

Maybe you do deserve money, but not after pulling such a fucking stunt. You're just as bad as actual game publishers that lock off existing content behind a day-1 DLC pack.

Because your older assets were already here, free, done, finished. People already incorporated them into their cities.
Now you just broke peoples cities out of personal greed.
How the fuck do you think we will react happily to send you money? Fuck that.
Baleur 22 nov, 2015 @ 8:15 
I dont understand why on earth you removed your other assets?
Loved the small Austrian Train station, now its completely gone from the workshop. Why??
its joever 20 nov, 2015 @ 10:05 
yeeesss taurus und railjet. stolzer sack kartoffeln :D kriegst nen euro von mir ;)
Albanian Don Draper 15 nov, 2015 @ 11:07 
Kommt noch irgendwann eine Austrian Train Station (large)? Vielleicht elevated a la Wien Praterstern
Albanian Don Draper 15 nov, 2015 @ 11:06 
hab gerade auf Paypal gespendet, danke!
SoJiro  [skapare] 11 nov, 2015 @ 5:35 
@Freakoffreaks Hey, ja klar, der PayPal Link ist oben... danke :steamhappy:
Freakoffreaks 11 nov, 2015 @ 2:06 
Ist es auch möglich, mittels einer Einmalzahlung zu spenden (Auf Patreon geht das nur monatlich)? Ich fand deine Werke immer sehr gut, will dafür aber aufgrund dessen dass ich selbst nicht so viel Geld habe nicht monatlich zahlen.
RAU5 9 nov, 2015 @ 12:14 
Please can you make prop version?
cill_i_am 9 nov, 2015 @ 10:54 
cool thanks
SoJiro  [skapare] 8 nov, 2015 @ 16:30 
@barron You can also donate with paypal with this link:
After your donation I will add you to my friendslist and you'll see all of my content :steamhappy:
cill_i_am 8 nov, 2015 @ 10:54 
How does one donate on Patreon? And once the donation is received how would the archived files be shared?
Memento Mori 5 nov, 2015 @ 17:23 
Garfield 4 nov, 2015 @ 8:56 
Where did all your assets go?
SoJiro  [skapare] 4 nov, 2015 @ 1:25 
@PixelBuilder123 Wieso geht denn dein CSL nicht? Schon in den output_log geschaut?