Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Wico NAV Autopilot [OBSOLETE]
13 comentarios
Wicorel  [autor] 18 JUL 2019 a las 16:37 
This is the updated version.

I should mark this obsolete and link to the new version.

I have an upgrade approved for your CaptionCall phone. I would like to schedule a time to come out to your home and install the new phone.

Please let me know what days and times you are available. The Upgrade usually take about an hour.

Thank you,
Dots 18 JUL 2019 a las 5:17 
Script is soo outdated that even "Escape from mars mod" vehicles have issue using this script. is there a possible way you could update it?
Wicorel  [autor] 27 DIC 2018 a las 20:40 
It doesn't work with wheels because I haven't updated for that. It will work with "sled" (zero friction wheels with thrusters) and rotor-driven wheels.
Emiricol4Rl 22 DIC 2018 a las 21:09 
Would this work with ground vehicles? Say I have a refinery over here, and a hydrogen "gas station" over there, automating pickups and deliveries would rock my world.
woostyboy 11 JUL 2017 a las 17:20 
Thanks fort that.
Wicorel  [autor] 11 JUL 2017 a las 7:41 
From Steam. Right click on Space Engineers, Choose Properties, then choose the 'Betas' Tab. Select the desired version from the drop-down.
woostyboy 11 JUL 2017 a las 6:08 
Hi Guys. How would I roll back to a previous version (miss my working wheels), is it easy? Thanks.
Wicorel  [autor] 17 JUN 2017 a las 17:05 
We've already checked it and it's because the wheel height offset is not loading correctly.

Duckroll recommends using SE 1.180 where the wheels work correctly.

Dark_453 17 JUN 2017 a las 5:51 
Wicorel, I beleave Duckroll is using this for his Drones on Escape from mars. - But they seem to be broken. (Script is not sending stuff to correct loactions) 90% convorys Crash.-

Just woundered if you could check see if its due to version-
maybe you have updated something, perhapes he needs to do the same?
I am only a basic coder (i know enough to spot errors and get by) "most of the time"
- Thanks
PS: If you know ducky maybe you can contact him directly to get this sorted- i did report this via the mod's community forum link (bugs) but no one even looked at it.
Wicorel  [autor] 17 ABR 2016 a las 16:50 
The change notes list the things that were changed.
Kalsaphix 17 ABR 2016 a las 15:14 
It says you changed some bits, how so?
Wicorel  [autor] 17 ABR 2016 a las 10:23 
I think so. I tested a couple of builds ago.
Kalsaphix 16 ABR 2016 a las 21:36 
This still working?