Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Directional Traffic Report Tool
36 件のコメント
MineTrain/Justin 2022年12月4日 9時36分 
This mod is dead this the last game Update.

Game cant start anymore, and Spaming this the the log:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at DirectionalTrafficReport.QueryToolGUI.get_guiVisible () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at DirectionalTrafficReport.QueryToolGUIBase.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)
enemy man 2017年5月30日 1時13分 
this mod doenst work like the original used to work for me, all i want is to be able to click on a segment of road and see where every vehicle in that segment is traveling to. I'm sure this mod is supposed to do that but it doesn't do that for me it only works on individual vehicles. It also doesn't work when i click on a building to see where everyone going to that building is coming from, on things like industrial train stations and stuff that's pretty cool but definitely not as vital as the clicking on a road segment to see where eveyone on that dsegment is going to..
I'm pretty sure the mod is designed to do that but it's just screwed up for me, not sure why though. It aboslutely works when i click on a car, it'll show me that path that that car is taking but it doesnt do anything else for me.
fadster  [作成者] 2017年4月18日 17時42分 
@angk500 I don't know what to tell you. I run the game on a machine that barely meets the minimum requirements and I have no trouble displaying reports for road segments with hundreds of vehicles. There's really no way the frame rate would be affected if you're generating reports on empty cities as nothing would be drawn in this case. You might want to try checking the output log to see if it contains any relevant information. Also, try the original Traffic Report Tool mod. If either of these mods caused such a problem, it would've definitely been a known issue by now.
Personal Responsibility 2017年4月18日 15時15分 
@fadster I have tried it with only this mod enabled. Still the same problem. I tried old (bigger citys) and completley new, empty maps..
fadster  [作成者] 2017年4月18日 14時13分 
@angk500 Have you tried with only this mod enabled? It could be due to a combination of mods. How large is your city? Do you have the same problem with the original Traffic Report Tool? This mod is based on the original so the performance should be the same. As hundreds of thousands use the original without such drops in frame rate, I'm still inclined to believe the problem is on your end.
Personal Responsibility 2017年4月18日 13時47分 
@fadster And I have searched for around 40 minutes by turning mod for mod on/off and reload the game until I was able to define it is DTRT that gives me that massive of a frame loss. :S
Personal Responsibility 2017年4月18日 13時44分 
@fadster Yes I have around 40 mods active. With DTRT turned on, I have around 18 FPS. Moving the camera freezes the picture for around 1-2 seconds until FPS is back. Turning DTRT off gives me back my 60 FPS constantly without any loss and all other 40 mods active.
fadster  [作成者] 2017年4月17日 15時11分 
@angk500 Plenty of people have been using this mod as well as the original on large cities for quite some time now and nobody's ever reported a loss of FPS. Your problem may be due to another mod or some other issue. Have you made sure to rule these out before giving a negative rating?

@krtecek0257 As stated in the description, click on the tool icon (magnifying glass in the top left corner) then click on a road segment to see the different types of traffic going through it. Right-click will show one direction, left-click the other, and middle-click both directions combined.
Personal Responsibility 2017年4月17日 10時28分 
The tool itself works, but with the mod activated the whole game is having a huge FPS loss! Cannot be used like that.
krtecek0257 2017年4月14日 9時21分 
How to use it ? please
fadster  [作成者] 2016年6月26日 20時35分 
@Guy Yeah, the code from this mod was incorporated in the original a while ago. However, I left this one up because some like the simpler interface as the newer versions of the original made it a bit heavy in this regard.
Guyeo 2016年6月26日 19時26分 
The original mod does this already. Left Click is full report. Right Click is one lane, Shift + Right Click is the other lane.
fadster  [作成者] 2016年6月13日 21時52分 
@FourteenChief Glad you like it, you're welcome! :)
FourteenChief 2016年6月9日 11時10分 
I had the original mod before, did not work at all. Subed to this one and the amazing tool start to work again. I haven´t tried it for the latest patch. When a new patch is out I wait a couple of days coz my computer skills is far below average. Well done and thx a lot for your effort
fadster  [作成者] 2016年5月30日 6時45分 
Would the person who gave this mod a negative rating please care to comment on the problem you're having? I can't help you if don't know what your issues are. Thank you!
fadster  [作成者] 2016年4月21日 23時51分 
@::::Ghost:: You're welcome! :)
Kermit 2016年3月29日 12時17分 
very cool stuff, thx fadster :)
fadster  [作成者] 2016年3月25日 22時17分 
@agusingnavy Thanks, glad you like it! :)
agusingnavy 2016年3月22日 12時32分 
This mod is awesome.
fadster  [作成者] 2016年3月12日 22時45分 
@黑桃A :steamhappy:
黑桃A 2016年3月9日 8時25分 
谢谢!我已经删除了不兼容的Traffic Report Tool,换成Directional Traffic Report Tool!:steamhappy:
Daveroski 2016年3月8日 14時00分 
Excellent. Oh and please after that can you please do one other thing?

Leave it alone.
Keep it simple.
Keep it current. So it works with all the DLC and none of the DLC.
Don't add extra features.
Ignore everyone who wants extra features.

Ok.. that's five(ish) other things but they are not asking a lot are they? ;o)
fadster  [作成者] 2016年3月8日 11時35分 
@Daveroski I'll look into it.
Daveroski 2016年3月7日 11時11分 
Now can you make the window moveable and disable click-through?
fadster  [作成者] 2016年3月6日 12時00分 
@mexahuk lol ok I will, and you're welcome! :)
Лысый Пёс 2016年3月6日 10時51分 
Man, you must to add some pictures! And tnx)
fadster  [作成者] 2016年3月2日 15時39分 
Uploaded an update which fixes bug introduced by patch 1.3.2-f1.
inoxe06 2015年10月2日 23時58分 
ok cool man
goes on....
fadster  [作成者] 2015年10月2日 18時18分 
@SeaShepered06 You're welcome, and yes it is :)
inoxe06 2015年9月25日 13時28分 
hi thx for ur job!
is it ok for "after dark" plz
fadster  [作成者] 2015年8月31日 12時37分 
Folks, the official Traffic Report Tool has been updated to include the functionality provided by this mod. You may unsubscribe from this mod and resume using the original. When all subscribers have migrated back, this mod will be taken down. Thanks for your patronage! :)
fadster  [作成者] 2015年8月17日 5時45分 
@harag You're welcome!

I updated the description with a link to the source code. It's a fork from the original mod.
Harag 2015年8月16日 7時42分 
@Fadster Great work on this and the TM+AI mods - thanks! It's much easier to read the informaiton.
fadster  [作成者] 2015年8月16日 3時02分 
Thanks guys! @BloodyPenguin Either is fine by me, as long as we have the functionality. I think she's going to merge it. :)
RZ_new 2015年8月15日 18時02分 
BloodyPenguin 2015年8月15日 7時14分 
Good job! It would be great if @BlackWidow agrees to merge your changes and makes you a contributor. It would even be better if you could take over the original mod's ownership :) (not sure if it's possible in Workshop)