Garry's Mod
splatoon weapons (Props)
37 comentarii
OR10N Cozz 1 mai 2020 la 6:47 
I have nothing but Errors, and the models arint there.
Gaming4aLaugh 18 mart. 2020 la 13:38 
can u shoot from these?
Карина ^-^ 24 febr. 2018 la 0:29 
не скачался
MORE MEDICATED, MORE DEDICATED 19 ian. 2018 la 16:17 
Ha We already have one
Black Rose 5 apr. 2016 la 14:08 
Its also the only on that has a blaster.
Black Rose 5 apr. 2016 la 14:08 
Don't delete this. Its the only one that has the Hero Splat bombs and the Octoling Splat bombs.
Kitchen 4 apr. 2016 la 18:21 
wowcheesepizza made better inkbrush
Wayback 19 mart. 2016 la 18:39 
we don't need the inkbrush auymore
RandomMajin  [autor] 2 ian. 2016 la 21:22 
@Ahead: Restart your Garrysmod then try it.
Ahead 2 ian. 2016 la 17:37 
I have this, but it just shows up as "error"...
RocketLauncherMan 15 oct. 2015 la 16:09 
RandomMajin  [autor] 15 oct. 2015 la 12:03 
I pretty much discontinued this project because other people made a butt-ton of more awesome models than I did. Also, because my computer crashed I lost all the stuff to port the models.
kottln 1 oct. 2015 la 7:39 
no me funciona
snominos 26 sept. 2015 la 19:38 
Well Since I'm A Squid The Model Props Are Very Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
RocketLauncherMan 6 aug. 2015 la 8:00 
@NomadMajin can you please make the cloths gear as effects so we can body group them to the inklings? and if not, can you release more props like the splattling gun and the slosher please? :)
N1ght 5 aug. 2015 la 9:15 
RealRaccoonHours 2 aug. 2015 la 20:22 
RealRaccoonHours 2 aug. 2015 la 20:22 
RandomMajin  [autor] 2 aug. 2015 la 19:06 
willisthorn: Those I didn't port, those are in the Splatoon Inklings pack made by Dr.Squidbot
RealRaccoonHours 1 aug. 2015 la 21:07 
where did you get the splattershot & roller?
RandomMajin  [autor] 30 iul. 2015 la 15:50 
It should be fixed now, sorry for the hiccup and enjoy. I'll be porting some more later.
IntrepidNeon 30 iul. 2015 la 15:42 
RandomMajin  [autor] 30 iul. 2015 la 15:17 
Not really. This is something I need to try and fix, I apologize for this BS.
IntrepidNeon 30 iul. 2015 la 15:14 
what does than mean? and can i fix this?
RandomMajin  [autor] 30 iul. 2015 la 15:11 
No, it's an error on the addon server.
IntrepidNeon 30 iul. 2015 la 15:09 
its still a bunch of weapons from windwaker. does this have anything to do with the windfall island map i had and my other splatoon wepons pack?
RandomMajin  [autor] 30 iul. 2015 la 0:59 
Yeah, sorry. Turns out that I accidently mixed this up with one of my WoW weapon model addons. Should be fixed now- sorry
Black Rose 29 iul. 2015 la 12:35 
What happened to this mod? It was what it says it is at first but now it has nothing to do with Splatoon and all the weapons are from other games!
RandomMajin  [autor] 26 iul. 2015 la 9:37 
jeremybutler2004 As much as I'd love to, the intricacies of sweps and how to make them continues to elude me. Sorry.
Sir Lukas 26 iul. 2015 la 5:58 
hey uh would it trouble you to make actually weapons? some people want to splat people.
vennie 25 iul. 2015 la 19:45 
uhh ._,
no there only one splatoon
not 4 or 100
its not FNAF
spy cool 25 iul. 2015 la 17:39 
Splatoon is starting to invade the workshop with the same crap... just like FNAF...
RandomMajin  [autor] 25 iul. 2015 la 11:41 
Don't be a dickbag in the comments.
vennie 22 iul. 2015 la 10:57 
wasnt there already one
pumpkinpie 19 iul. 2015 la 7:10 
Ba Dum Chhhh
xCeezyx 18 iul. 2015 la 9:07 
cool addon i wish there were the spatoon weapons there was a splatershot but it was removed for some reson
xCeezyx 18 iul. 2015 la 9:06 
first comenter and 19 sub