Cities: Skylines
938 коментара
adam.wantoch 18 май в 4:06 
@Sullen Secret if you set the anarchy on and use move it you should be able to move it as you like
Sullen Secret 7 апр. в 2:04 
I'm using this to add crossings for walking paths. The problem I'm getting is that they are not placed on the same square as the paths. Instead, they are placed next to them as if the paths are roads that the crossing would obviously avoid. I'd like to be able to have the crossing continue the paths across the road.
PhazezGova 3 март в 9:44 
Just tested the mod with 26 other mods. It works perfectly
Qu@rks 8 февр. в 6:14 
This mod still works perfectly fine. No lines appearing, no other incompatibilities.
someguywearingahat56 26 ян. в 1:18 
Ugh, both this and node controller cause a bunch of weird lines to appear all across the map.
Testiercactus94 10 юни 2023 в 21:29 
Shame this doesn't work as all I want to do is add crossings, but Node controller renewal kills my fps
LAF Games 3 апр. 2023 в 11:45 
@DarkSahagin, make sure you don't subscribe to the old Node Controller as it's deprecated and broken.
LAF Games 3 апр. 2023 в 11:43 
@DarkSahagin, I use Node Controller as an alternative. I don't think the creator is going to update the Crossings mod anymore because the alternative is more popular. Here's Node Controller:
DarkSahagin 30 март 2023 в 18:21 
I just subbed to this mod and the crosswalk is not showing but the node is created, it's kinda frustrating not seeing the crosswalk. Can anyone help?
MoonTheGoon 23 март 2023 в 21:58 
thanks Demo
democritusparadise 23 март 2023 в 9:55 
Hi, I have identified that this mod is causing corruption to the userGameStae.cgs file, as described here:
breakfast_monkey 13 февр. 2023 в 18:15 
Thank you!!
FeliscatusX 4 февр. 2023 в 1:57 
Out of date, not displayed in game.
yao_zhou 15 дек. 2022 в 2:33 
Bear_Rux 12 дек. 2022 в 8:28 
Update please!
Staffel 9 дек. 2022 в 12:07 
please update
Drima 23 ноем. 2022 в 21:53 
need update
bzimage 22 ноем. 2022 в 5:35 
It would be great if this MOD can control whether to create a crossing or a u-turn.
rycroftenator 21 ноем. 2022 в 11:05 
Great Mod thank you. Any chance it's getting updated to latest 1.15.1 F4 ???
agasabellaba 14 ноем. 2022 в 5:49 
This has been made redundant by Node Controller mod...
Thanks to all mods. This community is amazing!
NOTHINGNESS ADEPT 10 ноем. 2022 в 14:42 
dont work with "node controller"
Boogieman 23 окт. 2022 в 4:44 
Has been added to the game for free by now I think. Caused my game to show errror messages all the time according to mod "compatability report"
Musharaf 17 окт. 2022 в 6:15 
I don´t see button anywhere.
Dimensional One 30 септ. 2022 в 12:43 
It still works for me. But sometimes I get a single and sometimes double crossing. It doesn't seem to matter if it's at a node or not. Can't figure this one out yet.
PhazezGova 30 септ. 2022 в 8:08 
I have problems and there is an error message at the beginning. Maybe because the other 20 mods have been updated by me?
IndianaBronx 28 септ. 2022 в 12:27 
Working well, no issue
Blue Monkey 24 септ. 2022 в 14:59 
I have no issues with it.
Muramune 5 септ. 2022 в 13:08 
Still a no go?
Frienderella 21 авг. 2022 в 21:31 
I suddenly can't seem to find the Crossings button anymore.
Snewo-NL 20 авг. 2022 в 14:47 
not working
Romarus 13 авг. 2022 в 6:57 
The same problem. Conflict with NCR Here is screenshot:
SunGod 23 юли 2022 в 8:02 
Would be awesome if I could have the mod icon appear inside of the Unified UI panel. I've moved almost all of my network and node management mod icons into Unified UI's panel, and it's amazing. This is the only mod I can't do that with, and it's kind of a bummer.
Chamëleon TBN 23 юни 2022 в 6:24 
@It'sMeTwinkerBill use together with Node Controller / Noide Controller Renewal and TMPE ....
It'sMeTwinkerBill 11 юни 2022 в 14:58 
mod doesn't work. I always get a message saying that node controller is disabled because of this mod and I can't seem to activate both of the mods at the same time. Is there a fix to this?
GamerMooseNC 13 май 2022 в 23:25 
Found a workaround. After it is placed and it doubles up, just move it around slightly with Move It! and it corrects itself. Hope this helps track it down. Many thanks!
GamerMooseNC 13 май 2022 в 17:14 
Getting the double xwalk with a dot in between and also single crosswalks depending on where I put them. I'm not entirely sure, but I'm thinking it might have something to do with the bus routes. Doesn't matter much, as it functions as intended. Thank you so much!
Chamëleon TBN 10 май 2022 в 5:00 
@Spectra nice, you work again on this. But in all my tests it was incompatible to various mods, that includes functions for this... TM:PE, Node Controller, Node Controller Renewal, Hide Crossings Plugin, Network Multitool...
Saif 6 март 2022 в 4:46 
this mod disabled and permanently emptied my outside motorway connections? spent the whole night on this city only for it to go to waste ;(
Herbehart 27 февр. 2022 в 16:04 
Wow! Sorry, but i feel like this might have been so terribly missing from the vanilla game, t h a n k - y o u !
pre life crisis 19 февр. 2022 в 13:18 
the node controller renewal mod is incompatible with this mod. :( if u can please fix this, thanks!
Spectra  [автор] 16 февр. 2022 в 17:54 
@spotacuss Not to my knowledge - the issue was with "Harmony (Redesigned)" which is not the one this relies on.
--JR-- 14 февр. 2022 в 17:58 
It seems now on every saved game load, traffic lights are being added to 4-lane & 6-lane street crossings made by this mod even if you have traffic lights disabled using the "Toggle Traffic Lights" mod.
spotacuss 11 февр. 2022 в 10:07 
is this affected by or related to the Harmony malware issue? since this mod is now using it
Donald Truck 9 февр. 2022 в 15:47 
This mod is so much better then any other for unlocking built in roads if nothing else.

Also Its not hard to find a button... or select roads.
Consuela 26 ян. 2022 в 8:24 
@wolfman34p Yeah, finding this mod is extremely annoying, i'll give you that. It shows up only when the Road tool selected,a little icon under the road tool shows up. Incredibly, there are no instructions on where to find it. THE ICON SHOWS ONLY WHEN THE ROAD TOOL IS SELECTED. ITS RIGHT UNDER THE ROAD CURVATURE SELECTION BUTTONS. It's really dumb not to have clear and concise instructions. It's not where you'd think it is. It's not in the pedestrian paths tab.
Consuela 26 ян. 2022 в 7:11 
I love this mod so much. I want to make pedestrian friendly cities where they are the priority, not having to cross just at intersections. I can make a long path through the city and have them be able to cross streets directly along their path. Beautiful. Thank you.
jr-6380 31 дек. 2021 в 1:20 
I just started playing on pc but I like it going to give it a try thanks 👍🏻
JoshBoshGames 26 дек. 2021 в 11:54 
honestly, this mod can be replicated with node controller and network multitool, though not as easily, so if you need node controller, you probably are better off getting network multitool.
JoshBoshGames 26 дек. 2021 в 11:53 
wbussing, use a combo of node controller and network multi-tool to unlock a segment first to then add crossings. Plus with a multitool unlocked segment, you can upgrade the segment built into ports, stations etc.
Playerguy11 17 ноем. 2021 в 6:52 
When I d/l this I get a message from Node Controller saying it is incompatible. Is there a similar mod to this one that is compatible with node controller?