Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

Charlie the Gardener
137 件のコメント
XD Mich 2021年12月4日 7時41分 
Voidex 2021年3月16日 11時31分 
Hey! May I ask you about modding the code for a character?
JoyFlameball 2019年12月28日 12時41分 
Me: (sees Charlie) WAIT, DEMONESS CHARLIE?!?!

(sees he's male) Oh
ahcwestend 2019年6月16日 12時14分 
Any intention on bringing him over to don't starve? (i asked a couple years XD)
Buggsoup 2017年8月4日 15時46分 
Who knew Charlie was a gardener?

Shader 2017年3月14日 17時35分 
Charlie and Willow would not get along well... :steamsalty:
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2017年1月12日 19時40分 
@Steroidz: I agree this mod's become a little dated, I haven't really updated it since before caves were implemented fully. I'm actually a little surprised that birchnut trees weren't covered, I could have swore they were.

Next time I get around to it I will update the character to be affected by them.
Stewk ⁧∞⏳ 2017年1月9日 14時35分 
Sanity decrease perk doesn't works on Twiggy Tree, Birchnut Trees, Spiky Tree, Spiky Bush, Juicy Berry Bushes and all Caves stuff like Mushtrees, Lichen & co...! Needs a lil' update.
Btw nice mods, especially Zack char I really love it.
Lynx (kittenpower739215) 2016年11月20日 11時09分 
Planting flowers are worth more "happiness points" than anything else. It takes 6 of them to make tai happy enough to plop down butter, or revive. But if you don't got the silk to spare. Shovel and replanting the same sapling will revive your little friend (eventually)
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2016年7月15日 15時08分 
The code works as follows, hold tai's wings in your hand, plant flowers and other things, but flowers will restore tai faster. Make sure tai is in your inventory while your doing this, it should take about 10-20 butterflies to revive tai if I remember correctly.
bjork 2016年7月15日 12時32分 
My Tai died, and I can't bring her/him back to life with my green fingers..
Is it a bug, or do I have to plant very many trees and stuff even more?
Belleina 2016年6月30日 5時23分 
@Zackreaver: Thank you very much. It's must be wonderful to play in my dream character <3 So cute butterfly and i love to sit near flower. :D
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2016年6月29日 16時10分 
@Belleina: Sorry, I am not an artist, but if the spritework was provided I would gladly create a reskin for this character.
Belleina 2016年6月29日 1時46分 
Kain Morgen 2016年6月20日 18時30分 
I got some questions regarding the custom sanity aura of burning things.
Would appreciate if you would add me. Thanks. :)
Echo Quni 2016年6月20日 5時07分 
он не спин
BlizzardAngel 2016年2月3日 16時18分 
It's so great how you made this character!! I look forward to new cool characters from you with such thoughtful back stories. I absolutely love the idea about the butterfly Tai and your adventure as a gardener. :steamhappy:.
Vinquin󰀐󰀫 2016年1月3日 14時20分 
What do you use to make a character mod?
Bentley 2015年12月22日 9時47分 
add new skills
Rusty | SkyPaladin 2015年12月11日 20時33分 
I love Charlie so much I decided to include him in my collection of other nature-loving characters / utility mods, :dswilsonscared:
Gurkenyoshi 2015年11月15日 23時02分 
I really looooooove playing the gardener! I really like the butterfly and the flowers, really great work!
username1 2015年8月27日 2時30分 
@Zackreaver: Thank you for saying it is caused by another mod I fınd what caused it. Wynn-Zack-Map sharing mods caused crash I tried them one by one. By the way thank you again have a good day
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2015年8月26日 15時32分 
@royalguard: I can't emulate the crash your having, try turning wynn off and seeing if the crash still happens, if it does post the same log again, it should have a new error for me to look at.
username1 2015年8月26日 13時25分 
@Zackreaver: Yes happens when I am not the host Ok Im copying the hole text to PINNED: Post Bugs Here. Appreciate if you solve it.
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2015年8月26日 1時39分 
@royalguard: Let me guess, it only occur's when your a client and not the host right?

I read the crash, but you didn't give me the full error, there's a portion above it I need to see to tell you what the problem is.

It's not my mod, it's being caused by another.
username1 2015年8月26日 1時16分 
@Zackreaver: When hoverin to Tai. Game crashes I commented my log.txt to PINNED: Post Bugs Here. Please solve this.
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2015年8月11日 0時14分 
Though it sounds like the crash your getting is
[01:09:57]: ERROR: Mod component actions are out of sync for mod workshop-####. This is likely a result of your mod's calls to AddComponentAction not happening on both the server and the client.
[00:03:14]: [string "scripts/componentactions.lua"]:916: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:

Except that the #### is the workshop number belonging to the mod that's causing the crash.

Right after you get the crash, open the log.txt and let me know what it says, the crash should be right where it says ERROR and LUA ERROR. Or just give me the log.txt and I'll find it.
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2015年8月11日 0時14分 
That sounds like a client crash caused by another mod. Whenever a mod makes adjustments to Actions without using AddComponentAction it desyncronizes the clients from the server and create's that crash the moment a client tries to put their mouse over a modded creature or poison birchnut trees.

When I start up my mod on my dedicated server, I can put my mouse over Tai without crashes ever happening. If you want me to help find the cause of your crash, show me the crash log that get's printed at My Documents/klei/donotstarvetogether/log.txt.

That file point's directly to the cause of the crash.
muy loco pinocchio 2015年8月10日 22時31分 
When you hover over the butterfly that this character has you crash
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2015年8月10日 16時08分 
@illusionist: Post the crash log in the bug's discussion, I can't fix crashes if I don't know what they are.
Doppy 2015年8月10日 2時31分 
hey can you update this character it has been crashing very frequently.
Jimmy 2015年8月5日 10時00分 
lovely idea
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2015年7月9日 4時13分 
@ahcwestend: Yeah, it's not that I don't want to bring him over to single player, it's just I have plans to improve charlie, and I need to change alot of things to make it work on single player.

I'd hate to have to do the same thing twice.
ahcwestend 2015年7月9日 3時14分 
eh at least you responded.
I really like the character, good job!
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2015年7月9日 3時09分 
@ahcwestend: converting and maintaining characters on both versions is alot of work, I have alot of things I'm working on at the moment and I mostly play on together.

There won't be a single player version for a while.
ahcwestend 2015年7月8日 16時32分 
you should bring him over to dont starve
jmwest 2015年7月7日 15時14分 
k-night and zach, this is my FAVORITE character ever!
L9 操你妈 2015年6月29日 1時28分 
This is basically libarian with the green thumb and without the knowledge...
Rumble's Kitten 2015年6月26日 9時38分 
op op op op op op
Solaire 2015年6月19日 14時43分 
inb4 i test the other mods disabled the error only happens when i connect to another server. Even if we both have him downloaded when anyone tries to play him and connects to the server whenever you stop and go left the butterfly stops animating then as soon as it tries to move again it fails, works flawlessly on localhost.
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2015年6月18日 23時18分 
From what I researched into the error, it looks like some other mod's might be causing the conflict as well.

The mods mentioned in the crash were
Wiley the Little Princess
and Wall Gates

Can you see if the crash still happens with these mod's disabled?

Aside from that, give me a scenario to repeat in game so I can get the error to happen on my end. Once I can replicate the error I should be able to create a fix so it will work.
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2015年6月18日 21時28分 
@dotchris: I'm having trouble replicating the error, could you describe whats being done when the crash happens so I can make it happen on my end?

Tai causes no problems to the client on my end.
Solaire 2015年6月18日 15時32分 
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2015年6月18日 13時30分 
@DevelopedX: I believe I fixed the compatibility issue, charlie and wickerbottom should now both be able to make the gardening book. Charlie's version will have his name on it, which wickerbottom will complain about.
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2015年6月18日 12時44分 
@dotchris: Unfortunately that screenshot doesn't show where my mod causes the error. componentactions is a part of don't starves main lua script. If my mod is causing the error to happen, I need to know where it's happening so I can figure out the error. Because as far as I'm concerned, my mod does nothing to component action's in any way.

Your log file should be in My Documents/Klei/DoNotStarveTogether/log.txt

If I can get that file, I can find the error and come up with a solution. Alternatively, it should contain text that says LUA ERROR, which is the part that I need to read.

There is a good chance that another mod breaks compatibility with charlie, though again I can't really be certain until I read the log file.
Solaire 2015年6月17日 23時08分 
Not sure how to add a log but I have a screen shot, p.s i know it's not any of the other mods cause it only crashes on charlie
[☆] Zackreaver  [作成者] 2015年6月17日 11時42分 
@DevelopedX: I must have overlooked checking for that, I'll fix it right away

@dotchris: If you have a log file it would help me in finding that crash
DevelopedX 2015年6月16日 15時11分 
I've found a possible issue with Charlie being a compatible mod, if other characters have bookbuilding skills they aren't allowed to make "Applied Horticulture" including wickerbottom's ability to do so. Outstanding mod, but he will definitely be the only bookbuilder available since all other ones would be significantly worse.
Solaire 2015年6月13日 20時08分 
Tai crashes clients when standing still
NinetyNine 2015年6月10日 10時27分 
Make it so Charlie cant eat meat to balance him