Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Concrete Walls - Prop
6 megjegyzés
Fun Noober 2020. márc. 29., 15:15 
If this is a prop, why is it under the buildings tab?
starman8299 2015. márc. 23., 19:59 
*says in Ronald Reagan's voce* "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!"
David  [készítő] 2015. márc. 20., 8:58 
These walls are completely cosmetic props so they cant stop flooding :rpokka:
Jason Waterfalls 2015. márc. 20., 7:20 
I don't suppose this could be put along rivers and such to stop flooding? Nice prop either way
David  [készítő] 2015. márc. 19., 4:39 
you can have these bananas: :mm_bananas::mm_bananas::mm_bananas::mm_bananas::mm_bananas::mm_bananas::mm_bananas:
Bucking♞Horse 2015. márc. 18., 22:13 
no banana for scale