Garry's Mod
[CW 2.0] Seburo MN-23
113 件のコメント
Rogue Party Man 2022年2月3日 22時59分 
Hey, if it's not any trouble, I really like this weapon and it would be my favorite smg that I've downloaded, but the lack of iron sights is a little disappointing. Any way you could replace the flat rail with something that looks better and works with iron sights?
Constantine 2018年7月19日 14時46分 
whats that playermodel
Eddie 2018年3月23日 4時57分 
the holosight has vanished from my game.
bartemuss 2017年12月2日 8時01分 
can anyone help me find the sight in the thumbnail
The Real Ice Prince 2017年6月27日 12時29分 
can you make the KSG-G1 from the game "ghost in the shell: first assault" along with its attatchments?
Eser 2017年4月11日 11時39分 
what is the grande an shoutgu launcher
Renard_Kitsune 2017年3月21日 17時17分 

to use the shotgun/grenade launcher attachments, you have to aim and hit the "use" button. it will then say "ready" on your weapon's hud. Once that appears, you can fire the attachment while aiming (not hipfire as it'll just shoot the gun normally.
Meme 2016年12月19日 9時47分 
If ya know what Ghost in the Shell is, ya get my support.
Praefector 2016年12月11日 17時13分 
Okay so i know there are several but none of them are done as well as these so.... would it be possible to see an ak 12 in the future from you please?
If you cant well ok as said there are others and I'll deal with it.
Optiguest 2016年12月5日 14時11分 
Hey, how do i use the shotgun/grenade launcher attachment ?
Kissi-kun 2016年11月19日 21時41分 
Pretty much any white snow weapon i have is actually having some odd attachment issues, but my guess is maybe an attachment pack i have is clashing with it, i'm gonna go disable some and see what happens.
Nyetvison 2016年8月23日 23時01分 
+sentinelben, ALL HAIL WHITE SNOW X2
Patriot 2016年5月24日 17時58分 
Best bet you will ignore my request but I guess it's worth a try. You should try to make a Volkssturmgewehr 1-5, it's a semi-automatic german rifle used in WWII, it holds 30 rounds per magazine and uses 7.9mm ammo. If some information is wrong, please, feel free to correct me anyone.
Western Hell 2016年5月7日 13時02分 
This is just a general question about CW 2.0...
How would I take a model from a CW 2.0 addon and use it as a swep/hl2 model, when ever I try to use my models I have created for CW 2.0 in HL2, even when I decompile and recompile them, it doesn't work
Lawxilim 2016年4月2日 23時10分 
If you take requests: a mid length barrel that will support the M203 but not reach out so far past it
Big Black Boss 2016年1月15日 14時53分 
@Blake the Faunus

Sure, I can make a futuristic skin. I made one with a SIOEOS style (White & Cyan), looked so great on this gun.
Desert Punk 2016年1月11日 16時04分 
That fixed it! Thank you so much!:steamhappy:
Kindred Flame  [作成者] 2016年1月11日 13時59分 
@Tetragrammaton thank you for notifying me, I currently fixed the problem so it sohuld be working.
Desert Punk 2016年1月10日 18時03分 
Hi, I'm having a sudden and unexpected error.
After months of using the Seburo with no problems whatsoever, I recently got on GMod only to find a lua script error popping up every time I try and customize my attachments.
For some reason, most of the available attachments have disappeared and the console prints the following problem:

[cw20] lua/cw/shared/menutabs/customization.lua:148: CW 2.0 - attempt to display non-existent weapon attachment 'md_cod4_acog' in category index '1' of weapon 'cw_mn23' AKA 'Seburo MN-23'

I MUST stress that I haven't changed ANYTHING about my mods, and that I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Seburo, CW itself, and the Sci-Fi pack (since the sci-fi optics aren't appearing on the list of attachments, just like everything other than the standard optics. No barrels, no silencers, no ammo types, nothing.)
Raven 2016年1月3日 23時12分 
OMG Love it. But what if there was more skins, like the hk 416? I like the futuristic skin from the sako you did, maybe something like that?
Big Black Boss 2015年10月30日 12時46分 
Requests? Fine, but they surely won't be answered at all unless you actually got a very good model for it. More points if you edited the model to the skeleton so White Snow can easily add more attachments to it without having to spend his time doing it himself.
Kindred Flame  [作成者] 2015年8月3日 11時07分 
Yea that is easy to set
A_Loaf_of_Bread 2015年8月3日 11時00分 
Can this work with spys new mag system?
CutACrow 2015年7月17日 11時32分 
@White Snow i have seen a GCDW version. but never any CW2.0 matebas. I want to see a GOOD high quality Mateba such as the weapons you have been making.
@☆Mr.Dutch-Bear☆ Being a Gunsmith, i know how the Mateba works. (being a fan of revolvers i searched it up when i saw one at my local range) quite a relovutionary design, the upper reciver of the weapon slides backwards slighty which cocks the hammer back again, and Wikipedia isnt that good of a source for the system of firearms, pick up a few books or even the Weapon dissasenbaly game.
THE-LAST-SAINT 2015年7月17日 10時23分 
@Death more info on this gun look here
Kindred Flame  [作成者] 2015年7月17日 10時03分 
I already saw a ok CW2 Unicha, this is why i did not make one orgininaly.
CutACrow 2015年7月16日 17時34分 
@White Snow i have a simple request. Can you make the Mateba revolver/Unicha 6 (both would be amazing) but the Mateba is from Ghost in the shell and it has never been done as a CW2.0
THE-LAST-SAINT 2015年6月24日 2時16分 
new good comment!! i love this gun i'm a collector! never can have to many gun's XD
soundcloud rappist 2015年6月22日 10時07分 
Kindred Flame  [作成者] 2015年6月22日 9時36分 
Why do i always get the weirdest comments?
soundcloud rappist 2015年6月22日 7時45分 
Look For the Lower Case 'L' And You
Will Be Kissed Tomorrow:
*Now Look For The Q And Your Wish
Will Come True:
*This Is Really Hard, Now Find The 'N':
*Now Find The Mistake:
*Something You Really Want, After the
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Now Close Your
Eyes And Make A Wish! ;*;*;*;*;*;* Now
Paste This On 9 pages And Your Wish
Will Come True! Hurry, You Have 20
minutes! Or What You Wished For Will
Be The Opposite
Gram 2015年5月31日 7時33分 
this gun kinda looks like a project from Aperture Science...i like Aperture Science.
Drake 2015年5月2日 16時57分 
Ooh. Okay.
Kindred Flame  [作成者] 2015年5月2日 16時44分 
The textures are fixed know and they are not my models, knife kitty allowed me to use his as a DLC
Drake 2015年5月2日 16時42分 
Good impression on the thumbnail. I see missing textures for one of the scopes. Aren't these models you made yourself? If so, how can you have missing textures for your OWN models?
Kindred Flame  [作成者] 2015年4月26日 9時09分 
This should help, thanks man
👑 Duke the King Indo-Rex 👑 2015年4月26日 7時12分 
btw before i officially continue to fix this problem, here is the thread on the main cw 2.0 base addon discussion board i was talking about awhile back.

now im off to fix this problem HOPEFULLY while i away some help as well.
Kindred Flame  [作成者] 2015年4月24日 17時16分 
👑 Duke the King Indo-Rex 👑 2015年4月24日 17時15分 
whelp back to the drawing board... thanks anyways mate
Kindred Flame  [作成者] 2015年4月24日 17時14分 
Never tried them
👑 Duke the King Indo-Rex 👑 2015年4月24日 17時09分 
dont have that, what about doktor haus's thompson contender or any other of dzembi's sweps?
Kindred Flame  [作成者] 2015年4月24日 17時08分 
Such as the silverballer, i understand.
👑 Duke the King Indo-Rex 👑 2015年4月24日 17時02分 
i did that actually in the past 9 days. it STILL didnt work.
also, telling this to spy might not even work i 99% garentee it wont make him change it. Because if he dosent have problems with the cw 2.0 sweps then he wont update the base. Plus he trolls the community when it comes to bugs and fixes with cw 2.0 and keeps saying its their end which it most of the time is but what he fails to realize that he SHOULDVE made a pinned dicussion himself and constantly updated and tested reported conflicting addons for the base and any other sweps for the more 'smarter' part of the community read and then remove said addons that are tried and true that either conflict with cw 2.0 even cw 2.0 sweps that might NOT work together too. because there is a few like that around the workshop.
Kindred Flame  [作成者] 2015年4月24日 16時57分 
This is very good information you have. You should tell this to Spy so he may take action. Also try deleteing your addons in your addons folder, it will redownload all addons brand new and get ride of unwanted ones.
👑 Duke the King Indo-Rex 👑 2015年4月24日 16時45分 
tried that and i didnt work, sorry for the very late near 10 day responce but i have no problems customizing cw 2.0 sweps on friends server but in singleplayer its a problem still.

I might or might have not found out that nikolai's sweps 3.0 on a fixed up and modified version of leeroy's base conflicts with cw 2.0 according to my friend.
But even if it removed that it didnt seem to help the problem that i still cant customize it at all. (an old gmod 10 to 12 base before the whole big gmod 13 update that was used extensively and is pretty complex and pretty neato if i do say so myself.)

so honestly dude i have no idea whats causing it and no one but a select few others still have this problem, i guess ill keep on testing till i find the problem.
Kindred Flame  [作成者] 2015年4月15日 14時12分 
Thanks for the tip, also i think i found possible fix, it's a complete full reinstall of your addons. Try this: unsub all cw2 addons, goto your addons folder and delete all cw2 addons, then resub to them agein. This will completly redownload your cw2 from scrach. I am thinking maybe the cw2 files corrupted somehow.
👑 Duke the King Indo-Rex 👑 2015年4月15日 14時04分 
like hell they will answer thought because they consider it a 'stupid question' when its a legit problem for some unlucky people who got the problem when the last major update occured and im one of them and nor does spy care because hes not having problems nor my spesific problem at that. ah well i tried to spread the question here but failed but i hope i can get an answer out of someone eventually. oh and if your wondering i once tested with just cw 2.0 base pack and gmod 4 phun's customizable knife pack only when all other addons disabled and the problem persisted. just something to keep in mind.
Kindred Flame  [作成者] 2015年4月15日 13時56分 
I cannot recommend anything else then, and truly i'm not mutch help becasue i only code with the base. I do not know mutch on how it's code fuctions. That is why i recommended the cw2 page becasue the best people to ask are those who made it.
👑 Duke the King Indo-Rex 👑 2015年4月15日 13時31分 
i already have a dicussion going on there but no one is responding i just bumped the thread not to long ago