294 comentário(s)
Nex_Pak 1/out./2023 às 17:47 
server still up?
Mertez1508 30/mar./2022 às 18:23 
this mod still alive?
UnstoppableGiant 14/jun./2021 às 15:25 
Fixed it
Mike Hawk  [autor(a)] 14/jun./2021 às 15:19 
The zombies will have guns unless you play a modded server. If you play local you will only get the player skins
UnstoppableGiant 14/jun./2021 às 13:03 
Are the zombies supposed to have guns??? cuz they do for me
Sean2111 12/fev./2021 às 1:47 
What is required to work to play solo?

It seems when I follow instructions Bots can be killed from other than just head shots?
Joel 5/out./2020 às 9:54 
Mike that would be great, thanks, where can I find the plugin?
Mike Hawk  [autor(a)] 1/out./2020 às 3:00 
I have a custom sourcemod plugin for it called touch damage. You are welcome to the plugin if you are running sourcemod
Joel 30/set./2020 às 5:39 
Mike, I've been looking through this mod for help because I'm making a custom theater atm that needs one of the bots to only use a knife, but if the bot only has a knife they just run up to me or lie down and never actually attack me. How did you manage to get the bots here to attack as "zombies" only using their knives?
Cap'n Beens 17/ago./2020 às 16:43 
Aha, no I do not, I never got it to work. I go through the instructions, and every time I try, when I type in meta list in the console, it gives me an unknown error.
Mike Hawk  [autor(a)] 17/ago./2020 às 16:29 
You have sourcemod running? You need a plugin to get the damage right
Cap'n Beens 17/ago./2020 às 12:15 
Maybe it is just me but, in my server, the bots just charge at us with knives. There is no custom skins. Also, it is too easy. I can beat it myself. Is there something I might be doing wrong? subscribed to the mod, and I changed the startup command to include:

+sv_pure 0 +map "buhriz_coop checkpoint" +mp_theater_override InsZ2005 +sv_cheats 0 +ins_bot_knives_only 1

like you mentioned in a comment, and tried the one in the instructions.

Perhaps there is a way to make the bots faster, more HP, or slightly slow down players? As it is right now, it is just way too easy.
Mike Hawk  [autor(a)] 27/jun./2020 às 17:04 
Yes server addresses changed to and
Stukas Over Disneyland 27/jun./2020 às 4:22 
No remaining servers? :(
Mike Hawk  [autor(a)] 8/mai./2020 às 16:21 
It will work with any checkpoint map (coop). Just substitute another checkpoint map name in place of buhriz_coop
grandpa 7/mai./2020 às 10:50 
sir can i play other map? , now i can play only "uhriz_coop checkpoint" map
Mike Hawk  [autor(a)] 2/mai./2020 às 3:13 
They are very old instructions, try this in the target line:

+sv_pure 0 +map "buhriz_coop checkpoint" +mp_theater_override InsZ2005 +sv_cheats 0 +ins_bot_knives_only 1

Just be aware it will work but for best experience it should be run on a dedicated server running sourcemod.
Koventry 1/mai./2020 às 21:58 
Is step 3 missing instructions? what is "+in+"? Trying to play this with a few friends.
Ryu 11/set./2019 às 12:32 
Local play doesn't work, zombies still have access to guns
Mike Hawk  [autor(a)] 19/ago./2019 às 17:16 
Mod is fixed and server back up.
el p 20/jul./2019 às 12:15 
this mod work with bots?
Vlask (Va'len) 10/mai./2019 às 18:58 
is this server/mod still alive?
Shelshocker 21/abr./2019 às 7:51 
been playin ins since 2016... not even usin mod since then n now im just checkin stuff n found this...
Monday12354 9/abr./2019 às 14:00 
does anyone still play this
JESTER 13/jan./2019 às 16:57 
does it work still? im trying to connect
WolfKiller 2/jan./2019 às 5:25 
guys please tell me how do i play it i mean i subscribed and i dont find anything please help me
Scitronaut 14/dez./2018 às 5:47 
Zombies shooting RPG lol
(Secondlt2) 1/set./2018 às 19:37 
can you configure or modify the mod to make it possible to play it in solo?
ԾՐɿԾՌ 16/ago./2018 às 16:48 
Yep, i stumbled across some DFS zombie servers. 2 actually, they are decent. Fun. Love hearing the zzombies scream ''ALLAHU ACKBAR!!!!' before shooting you with an RPG. Stupid as it may be it's still kind of fun so i gotta just commend you for making this mod.
Mike Hawk  [autor(a)] 16/ago./2018 às 14:18 
I am a little confused. I am just the developer of the mod. I do not operate servers anymore. You guys ar saying somebody is actually running a server?

Two things:
There is no "official" mod server anymore
If the zombies have RPGs the mod is not working correctly.
ԾՐɿԾՌ 15/ago./2018 às 20:22 
It's good and all but. It's bullshit. I mean the zombies get RPG's and thats not exactly fair since while you are busy with the ones running towards you, you won't get alot of time to get the one that's currently aiming an RPG at you. That and for some reason it's always ME that gets RPG'd. Apparently zombies in this gamemode hate me enough to blow me up.
Dantanius 9/ago./2018 às 13:50 
Messes with graphic and audio settings for vanilla and other mods by replacing their textures with its own eye-blaring textures and tries hard to blow out your eardrums regularly (several times a minute) with different types of white noise. "official" mod server owned by a bunch of asshats who won't really let you play unless you lick them up the backside.

Single worst insurgency mod I've ever tried. I'm including those that just crashed the game and forced me to reinstall in that statement.
!d⛧ 16/jun./2018 às 8:56 
how do i download
MassiveFire 15/jun./2018 às 20:58 
guys i don't know if you guys have tried this but how about simply having the enemies only use knives and if necessary boost the damage output of the knives.
Le Brown Jaymes 5/jun./2018 às 3:04 
can this mod played in singleplayer
NickySins 30/mai./2018 às 10:12 
Lua 6/mai./2018 às 17:43 
We have our own zombie horde checkpoint mod server, check it out :3
Ryu 4/mai./2018 às 12:13 
Can you play this by yourself with bots?
𓅃 スノ 𓅃 7/abr./2018 às 15:43 
the sound freaks me out in other games :/
Kilroy 6/abr./2018 às 2:40 
People Should Just contact The Author Because,

File Size
{59.401 MB}<------------|
Jan 1, 2015 @ 9:51am
Apr 7, 2016 @ 5:35pm
Virgile 🦖 2/mar./2018 às 10:17 
2k 2/mar./2018 às 8:13 
this is the only reason why i bought this game.
2k 2/mar./2018 às 8:12 
please make this work again.
[RKT] Skynet 8/fev./2018 às 14:30 
unfortunately it does not work anymore
[PRS] jigsaw77 1/fev./2018 às 8:55 
no man, no servers and mod don't work
lalala.Thomson 1/fev./2018 às 5:53 
are there any servers who still does this mod? i can't find any
KOR_KoPI 28/jan./2018 às 5:02 
Zombies themselves don't attack.....
Arxez 27/jan./2018 às 21:25 
are there any servers still up?
demonteeth 4/nov./2017 às 22:57 
what's the point of putting up something that you don't have time to finish>? I don't get it.
REDneckHYENA 4/out./2017 às 6:00 
As in find a fix for the mod ;)
Sad to see such a jem of a game mode go to waste