Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

All Diplomatic Options Submod - DeI
148 opmerkingen
armen 16 jul om 8:14 
I don't have the option to sack. does it work with the newest DEI patch?
matteomora95 7 jun om 14:49 
Unfortunately I fear this mod causes a crash during the shift change
mikecohu82 1 jun om 18:50 
im trying to get the all cheat one mod and the campagin mod together and the 3 after
and im not getting the huge stats it worked the first time then i shuffled them i put the all one cheat mod first then the campgain the 3 after reqirements and the imperal agustus can you help me by puting the order by mod please im going through rebblion
LWH 28 mrt om 2:13 
szecutor 11 feb om 11:53 
in general load submods above main overhaul mods and you should be fine
steve_ford85 28 nov 2023 om 19:54 
what is the best load order for this mod?
Adohleas 16 nov 2023 om 16:54 
It didn't work until I changed the load order. So it seems to still work for me now.
Pernillan Kukkulat 30 okt 2023 om 20:55 
Klepht 11 okt 2023 om 15:12 
Doesn't work for me any more, can no longer confederate as Athens for example (with Sparta, Rhodes, Knossos etc)
Stix_09 30 sep 2023 om 22:44 
Mod still works for me , iI've also checked in the modding tools and cultures and subcultures have not changed in dei since mod was made , so no update is required.

Alexander and Mithridatic Wars campaigns may need an update (but then I'm not sure this mod is appropriate for these anyway)

Make sure u put above main mods in load order.

Baktria can't make client states appears intended but it can make Satrapy (aka puppet states)

As said in description mod makes options available , but still need conditions to make diplomatocy work , eg
"Factions that can't confederate (because they are their own subculture): Rome, Egypt and Pontus."
daniel.zoltan13 7 sep 2023 om 10:25 
this is not working
$herman 14 jul 2023 om 11:27 
Baktria can't make Client states
hfsjr46 10 jul 2023 om 16:56 
Where is the link to download DEI from Steam?
flaviolunardon 1 jul 2023 om 14:20 
Does this work only on the Grand Campaign? Because I would love to use it with Alexander to avoid having to betray Sparta an conquer them to support my armies on the Persian attack, but it doesn't show me any extra option
Interfector ex Domini 25 mei 2023 om 11:53 
@boomer_745 theres an easy diplamacy mod, its super broken since at the start you can buy a hostile nation into client statehood with just 500 gold, but i turn it off and on again dependign on RP scenarios, like me defending a client state, and the surroundign client states refusing to join for even 10X their own treasury, yeah no, rome demands it!
Red Swiss 7 nov 2022 om 0:02 
@Dresden, does the team plan to update these submods?
boomer_745 30 okt 2022 om 15:43 
there was a Mod that forced the AI to accept diplomacy if they are happy with you. can someone say where it went?
aon_ 3 okt 2022 om 5:48 
Would it be possible to modify this mod to only allow the player to use all diplomatic options?
DudeChris33 10 apr 2022 om 22:22 
@Jon KMM breaks a lot of things because it puts the mod files into your data folder. You need to find the mods you have stopped using since you started with KMM and remove them from said data folder
Jon 4 apr 2022 om 18:11 
I was getting CTD an hour later of investigating this was the culprit. I'm using KMM btw.
DudeChris33 2 apr 2022 om 18:53 
Do you need to have the vanilla version as well in order for this to work?
† Valerius † 2 apr 2022 om 9:02 
Shame not all factions cant confederate :/ All ways thought it should be other ways of taking etc betraying a loyal alli like the Syracuse´s just to have full control over the island :/
msslupu 15 mrt 2022 om 12:26 
This has never needed any change. Unless DEI itself changes the diplomacy, It won't need an update.
H.Feketics 3 mrt 2022 om 6:52 
It still works, just created a satrapy as Rome. Put it at the top.
Sylph 22 dec 2021 om 17:45 
Search universal diplomacy dei mod. Thats updated
Drax70 12 sep 2021 om 3:53 
Yeah, this definitely needs an update.
Luka, The Grand Master 12 sep 2021 om 1:39 
update please
Devil May Cry 29 aug 2021 om 15:26 
@lion of the north. No faction in dei can confederate its client states. At least from my experience they can be anything but client states/satrapies when confederating. and of course the same culture
† Valerius † 3 aug 2021 om 14:02 
So Rome cant confederate its client states? Werid?
本多 忠勝 28 feb 2021 om 21:03 
I think it's no longer 100% compatible with Divide et Impera 1.2.7. I just had a settlement (Olbia) taken but only the vanilla options were available. Meanwhile when I took Rhodes the options were present.
KJ 28 feb 2021 om 8:33 
Does this work with the new update for DEI?
Clockwork 8 dec 2020 om 13:43 
Can I use this mod in my own DEI submod? I will of course give credit where credit is due.
zlonghorns 23 aug 2020 om 10:22 
for anyone that needs the tip, mine wasnt working so i put the submod #1 on the launcher and now its working.
RamJam 13 jul 2020 om 14:31 
doesn't seem to work anymore, is this save game compatible?
Killen 12 mei 2020 om 22:54 
Playing Rise of Republic and a few of the factions can't form client states or satraps.
The Prattman 6 mei 2020 om 15:59 
Is this Sav game compat? :)
Joker [IT] 2 apr 2020 om 10:39 
update please
Marvin 30 dec 2019 om 9:20 
the launcher give me the out of date mods warning. even though my mods are up to date.
is this normal?
The Grimwar 17 nov 2019 om 13:38 
A pity that Client States don't stop their current wars with other factions, Epirus being a Client State and remaining at war with Rome AND Carthage just sucks.

Creative Assembly, what were you smoking when you left out the "Make peace with" option in the diplomacy screen?
polaris 20 okt 2019 om 10:02 
Alexander seems to be the only one that can't create satrapies, every other faction/culture is able to do so. :d
Solaris 20 sep 2019 om 15:34 
It won't let me create satrapys as rome.
Dresden  [auteur] 28 aug 2019 om 18:04 
I havent tested it, but it should
Gabelo01 28 aug 2019 om 17:58 
Continuing on my previous comment, i can only Client state as Alexander, and would prefer to create Satrapies.
Gabelo01 28 aug 2019 om 17:47 
Does this currently work with DEI Alexander Campaign?
zlonghorns 12 aug 2019 om 20:22 
does anyone know if im the Thracians, and I confederate with the Dacians, will I be able to recruit their units?

Dresden  [auteur] 21 jul 2019 om 11:16 
I believe its subjugation which is satrapy, but its been a long time since I tested it.
DemocratsTriedToKillTrump 20 jul 2019 om 23:33 
A simple question:
When I conquer the final city of a state, what subjugation options do I have as a non-eastern faction? I remember in Vanilla, the default option for an eastern faction is satrapy but for Rome it's client state. That sucks, as a state subjugated via conquest should not be left with independent diplomacy as in the case of a client state. I had played a mod a while ago that changes that by making every subjugated state automatically a satrapy. I can't remember which mod I used at that time. Is such setup included in your mod or should I look elsewhere? Please enlighten me! Thanks!!!!!
Dresden  [auteur] 7 apr 2019 om 13:24 
NOTICE: The new launcher has issues with mod load order which negatively impacts submods especially. If you are having problems getting submods to work, please try the beta launcher option in the Steam game options (called release candidate launcher).
Dresden  [auteur] 7 apr 2019 om 13:22 
Since some people seem to have issues with the new launcher and mods not saying they are updated, I am re-updating various mods to try to help with that issue.
polaris 2 apr 2019 om 0:14 
Reverted to the old launcher and all the sub-mods (including this one) work perfectly fine now, I guess it's the new launcher's fault that they didn't work.