Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Tannu Tuva Improved
103 条留言
xX_Cryptique_Xx 9 月 13 日 下午 11:23 
Can you make it so that the focus tree shrinks for each path you use? its a pain trying to scroll the whole national focus tree to get a specific path.
Mayor Maxim Mandovich 9 月 8 日 下午 5:57 
missed opportunity to call it tannu impruva
Supporo 9 月 8 日 上午 2:30 
Game instantly crashes upon attempting to play tannu tuva. The Error log is to long to submit to forums. Where may I send the error log?
Gansepanzerundfrohgewerkschaft  [作者] 9 月 3 日 下午 5:22 
ZDongYu 8 月 25 日 上午 12:00 
Can I make a Chinese translation for this mod?
weekend 8 月 24 日 下午 1:41 
Перевод прошу уалаха :steamsad:
CamsLand 8 月 20 日 下午 5:51 
Thank you very much Plebejer! I went ahead and did that and will go ahead and play the mod! Good to know and thank you for sharing! :steamthumbsup:
Plebejer 8 月 20 日 上午 9:32 
You can simply fix it yourself. just go to
open file "tannu_tuva_ideas.txt"
change lines 97 and 127 and replace "conscription" with "conscription_factor"
Modding in paradox-games is surprisingly simple.
And I'm sure the moddeveloper will make the same change in the next update.
It should also be savegame-compatible - my old save before changing these values worked fine.

Oh and after playing it for a while - great mod!
CamsLand 8 月 19 日 下午 9:18 
Darn! I just saw that he updated it and fixed the issue with the Government and Economy and I see a comment about the conscription now! Whenever that is fixed I will try the mod! lol
Plebejer 8 月 19 日 上午 11:22 
The "Lacking Military" and "Partially Modernized Army" National Spirits seem to use the "conscription" modifier, instead of "conscription_factor", which leads to being unable to recruit any troops at all, since it's a flat value reduction, meaning you will always stay at 0% recruitable population.
Gansepanzerundfrohgewerkschaft  [作者] 8 月 18 日 下午 8:25 
CamsLand, to answer your question I think I have patched all of them.
CamsLand 8 月 18 日 下午 5:55 
I was just about to start playing this mod and saw that comment by Kiwi, when will that issue be patched? I checked twice in the last 2 hours. Just wondering. Also awesome mod!
Gansepanzerundfrohgewerkschaft  [作者] 8 月 18 日 下午 3:27 
Got it Kiwi! I am working on those issue right now.
󠀡󠀡󠀡⁧⁧Kiwi 8 月 18 日 上午 9:09 
you start with hyperinflated currency but the Production_Methods focus removed "Very Inflated Currency" (which we dont have) and adds "Inflated currency" which adds more debuffs to the hyperinflated currency debuff
󠀡󠀡󠀡⁧⁧Kiwi 8 月 18 日 上午 9:00 
tanna tuva starts with "Weak Government" and the first focus on the right removes "Extremely Weak Government" and adds "Very Weak Government". so it removes something it doesnt have and gives it more debuffs
󠀡󠀡󠀡⁧⁧Kiwi 8 月 18 日 上午 8:57 
also instead of removing one national spirit and adding one more, you can "replace" them and it will show the effective change without making more mess
fer55098 8 月 18 日 上午 2:15 
i tried the fascist and the old believers path but it is impossible to haqve manpower. Apart from that its an incredible mod
KREBGUT 8 月 17 日 上午 12:52 
I was waiting this mod for so long you cant not believe me.
Please continue make this mod I will SUPPORT you forever.
Thank you again for making this mod.
Gansepanzerundfrohgewerkschaft  [作者] 8 月 16 日 下午 11:27 
Update 0.1.32 and Update 0.1.33 Alpha
- added localisation for most of the Nationalist branch
- added a new focus tree to remove Weak_Government, Hyper-Inflated Currency, and National Corruption, had to relased early so there will be some problems
- added more political power for the Nationalist branch to switch ideologies easier
- fixed the 700 days Vladivostok focus
- fixed spelling mistakes
- changed costs in the focus tree
Thank you or all of you guys' support and I sorry about the release, I promise though I am doing everything I can with the time I have. Thank you for playing, suggesting, and telling me things that need to be fixed.
Gansepanzerundfrohgewerkschaft  [作者] 8 月 16 日 下午 11:12 
Issues fixed, sorry about that, I didnt realize that time has passed
dwagoo 8 月 16 日 下午 4:55 
I was playing the siberian fascist path and there are three main issues, one there is very little pp gained to help you go fascist, two the balance of power isn't shown and three the vladivostok focus takes more than a year which I feel is too long.
chrisalex82 8 月 16 日 下午 2:16 
i saw the advancement of the mod on the hoi4 modding discord, i will try it it looks cool:GDNormal:
Гасдрубал 8 月 16 日 下午 12:34 
В описании под модом ошибка, церковная реформа Никона прошла в 1650-ых, а не в 1400-ых.
LilMikMik 8 月 16 日 上午 11:44 
erm what the sigma
Mstae 8 月 16 日 上午 10:54 
Some time ago I've done a couple of portraits for Tannu Tuva if you are interested. They are here:

I have also 21 advisors icons.
АЯАЯААЯАЯАЯАЯЯА 8 月 16 日 上午 1:37 
Безумный безумец просто безумен
Gansepanzerundfrohgewerkschaft  [作者] 8 月 15 日 下午 6:28 
@Bennomite I shall get to work on that issue and other related issues
Deha 8 月 15 日 上午 6:37 
HOE updates be like:
esmuller 8 月 15 日 上午 3:18 
Uncle 8 月 15 日 上午 3:02 
I want you to know you made my day
Bennomite 8 月 15 日 上午 12:38 
When I did the focus to become the mongol empire, I didn't get any name changes, and cos I puppeted half of russia, I somehow declared war on my own puppet when I did the whole attack russia focus thing
Gansepanzerundfrohgewerkschaft  [作者] 8 月 14 日 下午 4:56 
Thank you for the suggestions and letting me know what part of this mod sucks and what parts are good. I will try my best to accommodate all of this feedback and integrate it best into the mod. Thank you! With my busy schedule though it may take some time.
Brolya Democratic Republic 8 月 14 日 上午 9:48 
when I tried to negotiate with the soviets for ownership of siberia I got war declared
stevevalmadre 8 月 14 日 上午 9:33 
I can't go on with focus tree because my fascist support doesn't grow more than 22% and I need at least 30% for the next focus I also can't get a fascist political advisor because I have less than 150 political power and it goes down by -0.10 so I'm literally stuck with negative political power. I can't build, can't train troops (0 manpower) and just can't do anything
Sun-tzu 8 月 14 日 上午 8:20 
жалкая пародия
q7 8 月 14 日 上午 6:37 
I haven't played this mod ever, but the icon intrigues me every time i see it. The man in the icon is drawn very well, well most of him, except for his big wide ass mouth. It ruins everything, idon like it :(
Gansepanzerundfrohgewerkschaft  [作者] 8 月 13 日 下午 9:02 
No songs should be replaced
Sir_Campbell 8 月 13 日 下午 6:23 
did you replace some existing songs in game? i swear i no longer hear certain songs i used to
Capt Polak 8 月 13 日 下午 4:12 
Sooooo can we talk about why we need the Phoenix Island(which is in the middle of the Pacific) for the Unified State of Siberia focus? xD
Reaper08 8 月 13 日 下午 2:06 
Hollow Being will play this mod
Trolltastrophe 8 月 13 日 上午 3:21 
Question, is this mod compatible with the road to 56 RP mod?
John Curtin 8 月 13 日 上午 1:41 
smallest country with biggest focus tree nice
Noname 8 月 13 日 上午 12:25 
tannu... what? amazing mod
后藤一里想玩鸣潮 8 月 13 日 上午 12:11 
ZombieKiller8989 8 月 12 日 下午 7:13 
Gansepanzerundfrohgewerkschaft  [作者] 8 月 12 日 下午 7:01 
Issue fixed!
lb33 8 月 12 日 下午 4:58 
there is a typo in the religious coup focus. Neutrality is spelled wrong causing the crash when moused over.
Gansepanzerundfrohgewerkschaft  [作者] 8 月 12 日 下午 2:49 
Anyone who has their game crash please fill out the Google Form and tell me what happened before the crash. Please also make sure you are not running any mods with this mod or using an old version of the game. I will try my best to solve the issue.
ZombieKiller8989 8 月 12 日 下午 1:14 
It crashes when I hover over the religious coup focus