

RimThunder - Northerngrad Lion
46 kommentarer
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 31 aug @ 9:49 
@Just fixed
Just 28 aug @ 9:02 
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 28 aug @ 8:50 
@Just got i'm gonna check and fix it
Just 27 aug @ 2:29 
@Wolves Hero, I created a tiny mod to display ammunition in vehicle's description: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3316479246

Veak40: AmmoSet_40x311mmR_RTBofors, AmmoSet_50BMG
Strv104: AmmoSet_105x617mmRCannonShell, AmmoSet_50BMG, AmmoSet_762x51mmNATO, RTC_AmmoSet_SmokeGrenade
Just 27 aug @ 2:19 
Hi! There is a space in the end of description of "RT_Ush_405_Vehicle_Blueprint". It makes error on load: "Config error in RT_Ush_405_Vehicle_Blueprint: description has trailing whitespace".

<description>The U-SH 405 is an experimental tank destroyer with 2 rocket launcher, developed from Unimog truck chassis of Daimler-Benz in the late 1950's. </description>
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 27 jul @ 2:35 
too busy on something else about CE patches, mb this week i can update description
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 24 jul @ 23:54 
@Wolves Hero ok my fault, i forgot to add english translation in this mod, im gonna add it today, thx for notice
Wolves Hero 24 jul @ 21:06 
Lazy Description, Which ammo for Veak 40 & Strv 104 &??
I founded out 40x311mmR & .50 BMG for Veak 40. I used CE.
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 19 jul @ 1:37 
CE ammo has been fixed, now coaxial MG use 7.62x51NATO instead of 7.62x54R
王者方舟碧蓝原神高手  [skapare] 10 jul @ 22:26 
yes it is
dinokingty 10 jul @ 4:41 
is this CE compatible?
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 10 jul @ 1:50 
@Avian Arsonist in retexture progress, will update recently
Avian Arsonist 9 jul @ 12:34 
Can you please update western green?
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 9 jul @ 12:06 
sry for guys want cv90: we don't have plan about it recently, so u can subcribe another mod provided cv90 first
TheEventHorizon 8 jul @ 9:39 
Wheres the funny cheese wedge?
BlueRaven307 7 jul @ 11:07 
where is stridsfordon 9040/56
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 7 jul @ 10:19 
@Maltesefalcon strv122 mb join game as a upgrade choice of German Army
1098309775 7 jul @ 7:03 
Pan_Chemik 6 jul @ 9:49 
u-sh a fuckin rat with automatic 18 rocket canon i fuckin HATE! IT but I'M IN
Maltesefalcon 6 jul @ 6:52 
Sorry Stridsvagn 122 being made?
Need CV90&AMOS~~~~ love u
KDOSIS 5 jul @ 22:46 
Strv103 when?
dipldocus 5 jul @ 11:40 
swedish tech tree real
Blutdrachen 5 jul @ 10:13 
No Stridsvagn?
Curcan_ 5 jul @ 8:42 
Not broken enough, needs VIDAR
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 5 jul @ 6:12 
@Abee as i said before tanks without turrets performs not well in rimworld, if u guys all want it we will add this in later update, but not soon
Abee 5 jul @ 6:04 
breh no strv 103?
Wolfe 5 jul @ 3:11 
Great work as always, loving the new options for my military forces.
Laors 4 jul @ 22:44 
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 4 jul @ 22:37 
@ополоченец British in list, but coldwar vehicles has all delayed until we finished modern pack series, we have finish something about chieftain, surely they are in our plan
ополоченец 4 jul @ 22:17 
Does Strv 104 count as a demo of upcoming British vehicles pack?
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 4 jul @ 21:43 
@Doctrine Now planes in VF cannot attack ground targets, but AF has something wrong with CE, at least one of them solved those problems then we will plan to add some aircrafts
Muninn 4 jul @ 21:42 
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 4 jul @ 21:40 
@ShadowYeeter in fact tanks without turrets performs not well in rimworld, we plan to try them on Tank Destroyers in WWII first
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 4 jul @ 21:38 
@Muninn huh?我检查一下
Muninn 4 jul @ 20:39 
Doctrine 4 jul @ 19:23 
More WW2 planes please
ShadowYeeter 4 jul @ 18:55 
oh dam no Strv 103 :(
Gato 4 jul @ 14:59 
Attack the D point!
佣兵格鲁斯 4 jul @ 12:33 
ansonh92 4 jul @ 12:22 
lol @ last one
Karaknor 4 jul @ 11:02 
I absolutely love you're rimthunder mod's keep up the good work !
八重神子单推壬  [skapare] 4 jul @ 5:31 
@摩多罗.隠歧奈 无炮塔坦克表现还是有点问题,我们做二战的无炮塔TD的时候也碰到过这些问题,所以没做进来
摩多罗.隠歧奈 4 jul @ 4:52 
Uriel Septim VII 4 jul @ 4:34 
I love the rim thunder series but we need more logistical veichels too!tho i'm not going to like that BKAN 1C is a sexy beast
PiccoloDom 4 jul @ 4:19