Trade Ships No Matter What (Continued)
댓글 3
Kokorocodon 2024년 7월 6일 오전 11시 22분 
well both taking to long to get trader ships and getting them every few hours is a loss
klvlt 2024년 7월 4일 오후 1시 09분 
Same here! I think the problem is with the config file, possibly its initial generation. When I first opened it, the node <minDays> wasn't there. I added it manually, and now everything seems to be working as it's supposed to. Any further changes to the settings are saved properly, and minimum days between traders are obeyed.
Reddeyfish 2024년 7월 1일 오후 8시 49분 
is anyone else having the problem where the mod's options seem to be ignored, and it keeps spawning trade ships every few hours?