群山的遗孤:诺斯矮人(Norse Dwarf Extended:wanderer of the karaz ankor)
105 comentarios
Mattis hace 9 horas 
Does it only work if you play as Malakai?
I've confederated Malakai in a previous campaign with this mod, but I didn't get the LL for the Norse dwarfs
Hoshi 12 JUL a las 12:34 p. m. 
How can I allow horde building if I want to Cross-race, is it possible ? I know very basic RPFM
(Skarin) ᚦᛁᚴᚾ ᛋᚴᚬ 7 JUL a las 2:15 p. m. 
Can we get a straight up norsca faction like this with these assets and beards?
DDP 1 JUL a las 12:00 a. m. 
Blackbeard147 20 JUN a las 12:38 p. m. 
Could you make english pack for all your mods some have english and some dont but all your mods are really cool
alejandropatriciodooland 18 JUN a las 10:59 p. m. 
A must have mod for a dwarf player. each unit looks amazing, the mod plays flawlessly. I love that is not a faction but it's built into malakai's. having 2 lords with "shipbuilding" its a bit op but feels amazing. the only downside is that you won't want to play another faction!. never gave a wall of text a as compliment, never in all my years, But i'm really impressed with the work these guys did and I can't wait to see what else they could bring us
sigmars_disciple 15 JUN a las 6:49 p. m. 
@Caliger190 I'm no modder but I'm relatively sure that someone just changes "Harald shows up in Malakai's recruiting pool" to "Harald shows up in Kraka Drak's recruiting pool" instead in this mod's .pack file, the submod would be done and ready ;) Maybe a user with a bit of RPFM experience wants to test/share that? <3 There could be some side effects (or things I completely forget to think of rn) due to Cataph's faction being modded but AFAIK they're in vanilla too so this one RPFM change might be all that's needed
sigmars_disciple 15 JUN a las 6:41 p. m. 
@Turin's Love-Child You're being amazingly rude and annoying, it doesn't matter that you slip in such a large compliment. Plus it's untrue - yes it would be cool if this was its own faction, but you underestimate the at least 10 things that wouldn't work as well out of the box that they do now

@Cardenalet Bro, if you CONFEDERATE you always get that faction's armies (if their leader is still alive) or the injured immortal LL if they have one. So yes, you will get him IF THEY RECRUITED HIM

Is it generally compatible with RDLLs? Yes, because due to being a part of a vanilla MAJOR Dwarven faction, pretty much any Dwarven mod on the workshop works out of the box with it (feel free to explain it to @Turin's Love-Child if you get a chance, his disappointing existence is a waste of my precious time, even though he could be SUCH AN AMAZING, PLEASANT person if he ever just put his mind to it - thanks!) <3
VictorWJ 15 JUN a las 12:53 p. m. 
RagnaroK 13 JUN a las 12:36 p. m. 

Turin's Love-Child 13 JUN a las 7:27 a. m. 
This mod would be amazing as its own standalone faction faction. Trying this only to Malakai is a disappointing waste of this top quality mod
Cardenalet 13 JUN a las 5:14 a. m. 
hello good morning, this mod is compatible with Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords? is posible recruit Legendary Lord HARALD GOLDBEARD if malakai faction confederate with my faction?
CALiGeR190 12 JUN a las 12:33 p. m. 
Wait for a Sub-Mod if you want to merge the two.
CALiGeR190 12 JUN a las 12:33 p. m. 
For those wondering: It works with Cataph's Kraka Drak mod, but the units are only recruitable with Malakai.
精灵副将·TOM 10 JUN a las 5:05 a. m. 
非常棒的MOD 创意很贴合战锤风格 立绘毫无违和感。
短火枪矮人的弹药数有点少 性价比好低
加入到马拉凯 感觉给他加强了不少
希望能做成独立的游牧势力 这样感觉会有趣不少
扫了二维码 祝作者和家人端午安康
八宝山酒店一级葱师  [autor] 9 JUN a las 6:44 a. m. 
@Декабрист 这个应该是游戏内的历史遗留问题了,我们也不知道怎么解决
八宝山酒店一级葱师  [autor] 9 JUN a las 6:44 a. m. 
@wuzhenghua602 代码是 to_pool general ghs_norse_harald 可以试一下用这个
Декабрист 9 JUN a las 5:59 a. m. 
大佬 哈拉尔金须骑山羊的时候冲锋攻击模型会错位
wuzhenghua602 9 JUN a las 5:25 a. m. 
Cardenalet 9 JUN a las 3:57 a. m. 
Is compatible with kraka drak mod? this units play like a landsmark or are only for malakay faction? thank you!!
八宝山酒店一级葱师  [autor] 9 JUN a las 12:31 a. m. 
@VanVan碎冰冰 试试我放在必需品区的那个mod,如果还不行我就不知道原因了,我这边并没有这种情况发生
VanVan碎冰冰 9 JUN a las 12:20 a. m. 
@八宝山酒店一级葱师 大佬你好,我按照你说的方法进行订阅了 lpd mod但还是没法显现模型,并且在mod加载顺序上也把lod mod 往前排序了但是问题没有解决
Jay 8 JUN a las 3:51 p. m. 
An Arousing Avocado 8 JUN a las 3:23 p. m. 
this goes so hard
TheOneBearded 8 JUN a las 10:37 a. m. 

Much appreciated. This mod looks sick.
八宝山酒店一级葱师  [autor] 8 JUN a las 8:02 a. m. 
@VanVan碎冰冰 是ca切换lod模型导致的,可以在工坊下载一个lod mod
VanVan碎冰冰 8 JUN a las 7:28 a. m. 
RagnaroK 8 JUN a las 6:26 a. m. 


RPFM 中的哪个表用于单位信息卡上的绿色文本?

八宝山酒店一级葱师  [autor] 8 JUN a las 6:17 a. m. 
@RagnaroK 非常感谢。我的英文不好,没法制作正确的英文翻译,谢谢你的翻译,我会把它加入到必需品中
RagnaroK 8 JUN a las 3:59 a. m. 



RagnaroK 8 JUN a las 3:38 a. m. 

Thanks for making this amazing mod. :Dominated:

I also made an English translation simultanously with the other one being made, felt like I would still share it, as this mod is brilliant. :lunar2019piginablanket:
八宝山酒店一级葱师  [autor] 8 JUN a las 12:22 a. m. 
@Aangu安谷 嗯之前更新应该已经加上了,你重新订阅一下看看?
Aangu安谷 7 JUN a las 8:33 a. m. 
sigmars_disciple 6 JUN a las 8:55 p. m. 
It has been confirmed working with custom faction mods (SCM's Tribes Of The North, Cataph's Kraka Drak), on modded campaign maps (e.g. ChaosRobie's IEE with SCM's LCCP) and with all popular Dawi unit mods such as the Lost & Found compilation, Derpy's unit mods (Gunpowder Units/Gunships/ Polearms), Sons Of Grimnir, Deco's "Expanded Roster" for Dawi or Decky's "Dwarf Tech-Tree" or his compilation mod.

You should also see no problems when using character mods like GHS' own "Dwarf Legendary Characters 3.0", Phyrex' "Dwarf Character Expansion", Zerg93's Dannath Blackmore, Stratovarius' Legendary Characters or Snek's Variants compilation which now includes beautiful Dawi variants (Snek's "Dawi Thunder" will work once updated for 5.0.3)...

EN translation by @Terickz (move above main mod in load order):
Hope that helps folks! <3 Thanks to everybody who contributed
sigmars_disciple 6 JUN a las 8:50 p. m. 
This mod does not add a new faction, but it adds new Legendary Lord HARALD GOLDBEARD plus 10 exclusive Norse Dwarven units. HARALD is recruitable when playing with MALAKAI MAKAISSON's FACTION "MASTERS OF INNOVATION". He uses his HORDE PANEL to progressively unlock and recruit the new units. Norse Dwarves are overall better at attacking than defending, compared to their distant kin.

As Malakai's faction is now a "major" vanilla faction (DLC "Thrones Of Decay" required) this mod is pretty much compatible with any mod out on the Steam Workshop that "5.0 ready".
sigmars_disciple 6 JUN a las 7:56 p. m. 
Yep, so dear author, I tried to put all English info together and shorten so all essential things are there in a few lines of text. Lots of thanks to everybody who helped, starting with @RagnaroK and ending with @Terickz who turned around the EN translation file quickly <3

@author Consider this for an English section of the description here? We could add the 10 names of the units as they appear from left to right?

NORSE DWARVES Extended: The Wanderer Of Karaz Ankor

From the vast plains of the tundra to the most remote bays, the armies of the "Ruthless Ones" vow to crush all threats from the Sons of the Mountains...
八宝山酒店一级葱师  [autor] 6 JUN a las 5:56 p. m. 
a english text mod , thank @ Terickz
八宝山酒店一级葱师  [autor] 6 JUN a las 5:53 p. m. 
@Terickz thank my english is poor
NorscanWarlord 6 JUN a las 5:52 p. m. 
@Mojo thanks for the info, i was wondering what faction i had to play to get access to them, now i know :D
MoJo 6 JUN a las 5:35 p. m. 
To recruit these units you need to recruit the new Legendary lord, hes a horde like Malakai, slowly upgrade his horde and you get the new units.
NorscanWarlord 6 JUN a las 5:13 p. m. 
How do i play as them or recruit them? Malakai or someone else?
nlikely 6 JUN a las 3:56 p. m. 
Someone NEED to create a legendary lord for that!!
Like a sub faction!
mariusz.sabadasz 6 JUN a las 3:53 p. m. 
can you start a campaign with those guys? how do I recruit them ?
.4 6 JUN a las 1:56 p. m. 
@Gleen Cross - Not all Norscan tribes are chaos aligned, The Kraka Drak Dwarfs regularly traded with them.
Terickz 6 JUN a las 1:20 p. m. 
hey, i did a quick english translation of your mod, available here :
Gleen Cross 6 JUN a las 1:10 p. m. 
@Enyalios I don't mind the models that much, but I think its weird how Cataph included Norscan units in his Kraka Drak mod. It makes sense if those particular dwarfs were able to tame bears and mammoths, but to accept Norscan among their ranks? This is a bizarre concept
HIMOH 6 JUN a las 8:49 a. m. 
佬,游牧建筑能不能整个增加招募容量的建筑,一容量有些太整蛊了₍ ˊᯅˋ₎
Saikyoku 6 JUN a las 7:32 a. m. 
Beautiful mod, we need eng version please, I can't wait to play a dwarf campaign with them again
Enyalios 6 JUN a las 1:37 a. m. 
@Ilivius, yeah but they are modeled by cataph, so they look awful. This ones right here? This are proper models, much better than Kraka Drak mod
ILVIUS 6 JUN a las 12:03 a. m. 
Guys, Kraka Drak? They're already a faction!