Gigastructural Engineering + Military Enhancements Patch
Комментариев: 6
OSOL 18 июн в 13:29 
Gigas are NOT balanced. So it isn't really a problem.
Voidlord 20 мая в 5:03 
Or how about adding a Megastructure in the base mod that produces massive amounts of armaments?
BaconDoneRight  [создатель] 6 мая в 18:08 
Only issue is I have never used giga structures extensively in my own play through, so I’m not sure on the balance. I’ll see what I can do, though 🫡🫡
Dr. Democracy 6 мая в 17:49 
+1000 to that suggestion :) It's really cool flavorwise!
William07142 6 мая в 2:44 
+1 to Strange's suggestion
Strange 18 апр в 17:26 
Could you tweak a megastructure to produce armaments as well? Like a job on the equatorial shipyard or the hyperforge?