Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Bonk Blizzard Gear
11 件のコメント
Redix396 4月29日 7時27分 
ačivment dyk
geometry dash 3月23日 2時11分 
ShadowMan44 2023年12月10日 2時16分 
I would've loved some puffy pants to go with these. I know that there is at least one winter-pants but it would've been cool to have the legs say "Bonk" on the sides.
DR Narbacular (eviler) 2023年11月12日 15時33分 
i personally wouldn't use this (never really liked winter cosmetics that much), but it's well made and not some random wacky bonk related thing that makes no sense. good work that is made with care in mind is a yes in my books
Kingkrool94 2023年11月12日 12時47分 
this is well-made and should be in the game.
Lu7ky is playing topless 2023年11月12日 8時39分 
very fitting of tf2
Yakuza Merkitzi 2023年11月12日 6時05分 
I really love that Puffy jacket. Works well with winter loadouts and Scout's existing Bonk Atomic Pucnh-related items.
Gay Demon Warlord 2023年11月12日 1時49分 
This is what these item reference cosmetics should be, it combines gear that is typically used to market products with products without over the top, this is a good time
Hareulder 2023年11月11日 20時56分 
this is bonkers
Spektral 2023年11月11日 20時29分 
very bonk tastic!
Glitch 2023年11月11日 19時19分 
Pretty poggers :crtamazed: