Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Divide - Old World Blues
Яндекс.Warhammer 10 Aug @ 3:09am 
6)И да, если можно, добавь предустановку в правилах игры про Разлом - пойдет он в НКР или самостiйность. Несколько неприятно лишний раз тегаться и прожимать читом ему нужные фокусы чтобы пошел в нужный тебе путь
Яндекс.Warhammer 10 Aug @ 2:57am 
4)Если Разлом съедает Мохаве, ему даются министры Мохаве. Можно ли в таком случае добавить решение НКР об поедании такого большого Разлома, с интеграции уже его министров и генералов?(после съедания Мохаве)
5)Очень не хватает тематического названия для пути НКР. Например, Штат Эштон-Хоупвиль, хотя бы.
Яндекс.Warhammer 10 Aug @ 2:57am 
3)Очень странная штука с генералами. Я играю с модом на интеграцию генералов захваченных и с модом на интеграцию генералов марионеток. Если Разлом съест Мохаве, он получит генералов, которых у Мохаве просто НЕТ - Призрака и Папаз(Папаз можно получпить, но по пути Оливела в Гражданке). Но если я съем такой Разлом в качестве НКР(через команду) и интегрирую генералов, то мне не дадутся генералы Мохаве, а только те, что изанчльно у Разлома. Проверял разными путями.
Яндекс.Warhammer 10 Aug @ 2:57am 
1)В целом неплохо, но я охуел-прихуел, когда Разлом съело моё Мохаве. Невероятно ломает восприятие и отыгрыш. Может хотя бы сделать ивент, где НКР спросят - можно я съем или нет?
2)Если идет по пути НКР, то лучше окрасить его в цвет НКР, как и все остальные субъекты. Ооооооочень ломает восприятие, когда эта зелёная клякса под боком
GoatEatsGrass 22 Jul @ 2:31pm 
Pretty Sigma But i feel like the divide when aligned with california should have their own flag.
SukaUser 25 Jun @ 7:10am 
Отличный мод! Единственное, что режет глаз это стандартные модельки войск...Было бы здорово иметь уникальные модели или хотя бы не НКРовские, а так мод замечательный!
Keksimus Maximus 1 Jun @ 7:23am 
Not sure if intended or not but when you do either of the 3 focuses to unite either Nevada, California or The USA the NCR declares war on everyone that you have a claim on causing them to basically kill themselves
LinkkJaxon 30 May @ 3:14pm 
I'm really enjoying this mod, great work and an excellent homage to the game
Nord17  [author] 30 May @ 11:02am 
it seems to work stably
Betim 30 May @ 8:15am 
Is this working on the current patch or should i wait for an update? Seems interesting!
Salty Bananas 29 May @ 1:37pm 
This is an awesome mod, however the Divide should at some point be able to use the nuclear arsenal it's sitting on, maybe they get it up and running at the end of the independent branch and use it to stave off any attacks from the NCR or Legion :)
Nord17  [author] 28 May @ 7:55am 
Hmm, did you play in New Vegas and were you annexed by decision?
El Gavino 28 May @ 3:19am 
I played with this submod as New Vegas and was annexed without warning. Is this intended for the New Vegas AI/Player to have no input?
MC Gorbachev 5 May @ 9:00am 
Ору с мелодии из Семнадцати мгновений в главном меню, однозначно лайк
yxcnbv 29 Mar @ 1:31am 
How do I trigger Supermutants let us through and King for us? I have completed every focus except the ones involving Caesar and have all three puppets
Comrade Boogie 21 Mar @ 12:24pm 
unbalanced, NCR will just steamroll you at the start.
Nord17  [author] 20 Mar @ 10:28am 
💖⎛⎝Silver Knight⎠⎞, They open up as the story progresses
Needs more advisors, and by more i mean actually add them because there are 0
AverageFalloutFan 18 Jan @ 3:28pm 
Because late game, I expanded into nevada and Utah and took a good chunk of Caesars Legion. At that point, the mojave becomes not as significant and i could probably core those states without need for doing the focuses.
AverageFalloutFan 18 Jan @ 3:25pm 
Nord17  [author] 18 Jan @ 3:22pm 
I will look at this moment when I make the path of independence
AverageFalloutFan 18 Jan @ 3:19pm 
yeah, time. I believe i was going into 2285 the last i was playing, still doing the bottom most focuses, but maybe im not remembering well
Nord17  [author] 18 Jan @ 2:19am 
Are you talking about time? I thought they were about to end there in 81-83 (that's all)
AverageFalloutFan 16 Jan @ 9:56pm 
Great mod! I do wish the mojave and new vegas focuses were shorter.
Nord17  [author] 9 Nov, 2023 @ 10:33pm 
там все переведено, просто из-за это Е с черточкой - attaché_mojave, все пошло по одному месту.
KleshneKot 9 Nov, 2023 @ 2:34pm 
Очень, ОЧЕНЬ многое нуждается в дополнительном переводе - захватил Нью-Вегас и... Все. Конец перевода блин(
cat paw pad sock 9 Nov, 2023 @ 10:07am 
SayruZ 8 Nov, 2023 @ 8:48am 
Comrade Anton 8 Nov, 2023 @ 7:56am 
Nord17  [author] 8 Nov, 2023 @ 7:44am 
interestingly, I have not met this. Do you have Murphy for the NCR or Kimball?
Comrade Anton 8 Nov, 2023 @ 7:33am 
Does somebody know, why the Mojave Republic suddenly turns into a puppet of the NCR? I was independent but in the NCR Faction. After forming the Republic and being ruled by the Courier for some years, NCR has me suddenly as its puppet and the Senator took charge of the country. There were no notifications or something like that.
Does it maybe have to do something with the Economy Laws and The Republics Customs Union?
TibViking 8 Nov, 2023 @ 12:43am 
That's all i ask, for the mean time I'm playing without this mod until something gets done
Nord17  [author] 8 Nov, 2023 @ 12:34am 
I'll take a look, but I don't promise anything
TibViking 8 Nov, 2023 @ 12:24am 
I'm aware of that, what I'm saying overall The divide focuses break Mojave territories overall,

i have a problem with the divide just outright annexing the Mojave territories and i rather have Mojave territories Finish all of it's focuses before annex em,


just have an option when playing the NCR just tell the divide no you can not annex the Mojave territories at all.

also like i said before the 2 focuses i mentioned before I will be unable to complete unless the divide turns into Mojave territories

Side not: I'm not worried about who owns Area 51 When i mainly spawn the zetans event and puppet em and zetans take new vegas anyways so new vegas won't last for about 3 to 6 months In-game.
Nord17  [author] 7 Nov, 2023 @ 10:25pm 
I'll see what I can do about it. But I doubt I'll come up with something. The NСR itself has a focus on zone 51, that if someone from the alliance owns it, then he takes it away without question and creates his vassal
Nord17  [author] 7 Nov, 2023 @ 10:15pm 
You don't want to give him the Mojave? and so that he doesn't form a republic or a Mojave state? In this country, half of the fodus are connected with the territory of Vegas and Mojave
TibViking 7 Nov, 2023 @ 9:45pm 
No I'm just telling you my experience I took Murphy as president as the NCR

All I'm saying divide annexed Mojave territories and it broke/bypassed most of my focuses also there should be an option to reject Mojave territories from getting annexed by the divide

Focuses that are affected: Of, By AND For The People and in the Shadow of the valley
Nord17  [author] 7 Nov, 2023 @ 8:27pm 
Do I understand correctly that "All-Good murphy path" is a separate mod?
TibViking 7 Nov, 2023 @ 6:58pm 
The mod needs more work, I'm playing All-Good murphy path Most of my focuses bypassed due To the divide annexing Mojave territories/Mojave Republic Get's Outright annexed, that just outright ruins playing the NCR and playing this mod.

Side note: and no I don't hate or dislike the mod I just won't play/use it until it get's more work.

Overall I'm just happy to see Wendell Peterson back And the divide has a focus tree, this mod has potential to be great
☭Стрілецький☭ 7 Nov, 2023 @ 9:34am 
Спасибо за этот мод) давно ждал контент для разлома