[JPT] Human Resources (1.4 Unofficial)
63 件のコメント
SovG 5月19日 13時47分 
Please update for 1.5
Alise7716 5月13日 14時39分 
Incompatible with Fishery
I try many times and I always get an error when generating maps.
Cedaro  [作成者] 3月25日 23時50分 
@MarpatNinja might never
MarpatNinja 3月25日 21時29分 
Will this mod be updated to work with the new books in 1.5?
Ixcatl 3月1日 16時01分 
does anyone know how this interacts with Mechanitors?
ChrisPikula 1月18日 21時23分 
@Gnob, they have to use the H.R. specific training dummies.
Gonb 2023年12月20日 17時21分 
maybe im missing something but Is there a way to teach pawns how to use weapons without having that research done? Im fairly certain some weapons are similar enough to justify this despite not being locked behind the same tech such as longsword/monosword or HMG/assault Rifle or even the recurve bow and the short bow. Or when the empire gives me charge rifles for quests id id like to ask them for a manual
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年11月16日 2時42分 
@kaczorski :luv:
kaczorski 2023年11月16日 1時23分 
Hey Cedaro, thank you for all the work you've done on this amazing mod and good luck with your career :)
보스니아헤르체코슬로 2023年10月19日 19時53分 
@Cedaro Sorry, I was stupid...
why I didn't read description?
Thank you for kind answer
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年10月19日 7時58分 
@보스니아헤르체코슬로 Research Tree?
보스니아헤르체코슬로 2023年10月18日 21時32分 
Its 'Tech'tab isn't appear.
I used this mod with:
No Laggy Bad
XML Extensions
Vanilla Expanded Framework
[JPT]Human Resources (1.4 Unofficial) << your mod is here
Rocketman - Performance Mod
Miyuri 2023年9月19日 4時18分 
if I reinstall a book shelf on areas with items, the book shelf will "eat" the items to nothing.
随心的那一抹悸动 2023年9月16日 20時42分 
我遇到的情况 如果书架在袭击中被损坏 书籍被抢走 之后小人重新制作书籍 存入书架后会出现书架中书籍消失的情况 不知道是不是有这种情况 希望可以为大佬优化提供帮助
MJRMatthew 2023年9月15日 14時48分 
For some reason the study bench won’t work. I’ve tried to use it for the starting techs, but it just says that the research is not allowed for this bench. I looked at the bill configuration and it says that it’s limited to industrial tech. Idk what I’m doing wrong, although I do use a lot of mods.
lagking 2023年9月2日 21時36分 
I'm actually surprised that not having research tree or researchpal complete broke the game
SovG 2023年9月1日 11時22分 
waited a long time for this. works well seen no issues
Jnana 2023年8月31日 7時55分 
@Cedaro Gotcha, thanks for pointing that out. I think it's okay, just gotta be more selective about when I train my colonists to use weapons.
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年8月30日 18時58分 
@Jnana It's a historical issue, you can find more details in here [github.com]. Since I'm not good at optimization, this might wont be fixed for a long time.
Jnana 2023年8月30日 18時47分 
Heads up for anyone experiencing massive recurrent lag spikes. Looks like if you leave the target and dummy open to train all the time the check for what type of weapon to train with creates massive spikes, like 3 seconds every few seconds. I turned those off and it went back to normal.
Lama man 2023年8月22日 6時51分 
also anyone know why Rimfactory is incompatible
Lama man 2023年8月22日 6時48分 
Cool Human Resource is ''back
老中医 2023年8月12日 11時33分 
我使用的是ResearchPal - 1.4 Repackage,不知道为什么有些科技显示不全,滑动科技树页面会消失一部分,滑到特定的位置又会显示一部分,但总有一部分怎么设置科技树页面或者是滑动,我都不能让他显示出来
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年8月4日 4時22分 
@Xu 开发者模式有的,在HumanResources一栏
Xu 2023年8月4日 3時59分 
kaczorski 2023年8月3日 2時33分 
This is THE research mod for me and without it there's no point playing RW. It really does add another layer to pawns' value. I really see no appeal in taking in someone who's completely useless but if they know secrets of advanced tech things start to get interesting! Thank you so much for keeping it alive :)
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年8月2日 17時41分 
@Ennian @kaczorski
thanks for report, fixed now

You'll need to have your new tech documented to unlock new items / buildings.
Enrico 2023年8月2日 13時11分 
I NEED a version of this mod that keeps the collective knowledge of the colony (no personal tech tab), while also needing to keep those researched projects inside bookcases. I just wanna make libraries, and risk losing research, that's all.
kaczorski 2023年8月2日 10時55分 
Are you sure the guy who researched the tech documented it? You need to set a bill on the study desk.
stillwolfer 2023年8月2日 10時17分 
i can learn techs but items i learned (also too fast as mentioned earlier) not appear in menu. so i cant build anything. I have no errors, wtf is wrong ???
kaczorski 2023年8月2日 5時13分 
On an unrelated sidenote, RIMMSqol let's you easily modify the speed (and sound!) of exp gains while training. Default was way too fast for me :)
kaczorski 2023年8月2日 3時28分 
Yes! I have the same issue! I've been trying to work out the reason, but there are no errors. I was suspecting Research Data, but it was the same after I removed it. As a temporary fix I'm using Change Research Speed, with research cost x10 higher... It sort of works.
Ennian 2023年8月2日 2時33分 
I am not sure why, but I'm finding that research (individually) is happening really fast? One of my pawns is researching electricity right now and despite not having any prereqs and only 1 intellectual is blasting through it at about 5x the speed it would take on vanilla. Anyone else experiencing this?
zyzyhasl 2023年7月25日 7時30分 
Mad 2023年7月25日 4時52分 
I’ll check it again only with your mod activated..

Because right now I can build a study desk and research new stuff without the need for anything else..

I have a modest modlist of about 400 mods, so it’ll be fun hunting for the one that Is causing this bug lol.. wish me luck!
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年7月25日 4時28分 
@Mad glad you enjoy this mod. Study desk only can document tech or study known tech, a research bench is still required to investigate new tech. (or if you mean you can research on study desk? that's would be a bug)
And you don't have to give up the Dubs Mint Menus entirely, just need to disable the "Override research tab" option and the rest of its feature are still usable!
Mad 2023年7月25日 3時55分 
@Cedaro Now that I experimented a bit with the mod I have to say that its such an amazing addition to the game. I'm really grateful for you efforts.

I had to give up on couple of mods that I really liked in order to make it work; mainly "Research Reinvented" & "Dubs Mint Menus" (I hope one day patches will be made to make them work together, but if not then I'm okay with it because this mod is WAAAY more important to any play-through in my opinion!!!)

It makes the game harder in a meaningful way, and the idea of losing your main researcher became such a frightening idea!!!

I have only one question: what is the need for the research bench? I tried searching for an answer but became a bit confused; because it feels that ultimately I only need a study desk, and whatever research I'm trying to get will be researched through it.
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年7月24日 21時26分 
@TelsaCola thanks for report, yeah that's kinda hard to fix, I'll need some time to figure out.
TelsaCola 2023年7月24日 19時45分 
@Cedaro After a bit of time pruning down my many many mods, I found out the conflict was with Project Rimfactory Revived. Totally understand if you cannot put out a fix for it, and I greatly appreciate you taking the time and energy to respond and sort out errors :)
tolaburke 2023年7月24日 2時50分 
Norland's research returns to Rimworld. And even from that demo, it seemed....annoying.
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年7月23日 20時46分 
@TelsaCola another guy has found out that Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval may cause problem, for your reference. Thanks for your support.
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年7月23日 20時43分 
@zyzyhasl 有影响但不多,个人感觉差不多是 Common Sense 把选项拉满的程度
TelsaCola 2023年7月23日 9時32分 
Yup bill is set at the study desk, and that specific pawn has projects researched that are ready for documentation. I am going to prune my modlist and see if that fixes the issue.
zyzyhasl 2023年7月23日 8時29分 
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年7月23日 0時30分 
I mod as a hobby, your thumb up is my motivation :mhwgood:
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年7月23日 0時26分 
Did you set a bill on the study desk?
TelsaCola 2023年7月22日 13時15分 
@Cedaro If Arkash's problem is similar to mine the options state that "assigned projects not allowed here" I am trying to document tribal level techs (Stonecutting etc)
DahBakon 2023年7月21日 23時06分 
you are a fucking godsend. I adored this mod! if you take some support for this work (or have a charity i can donate to in your username?) please let me know.
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年7月20日 8時19分 
This mod requires the tech tab exclusively from research tree, not the one in Dubs Mint Menu.

If my suppose is right there shouldn't be any hard conflict between them. I rarely played with Life Lessons, so I cannot guarantee the compatibility, but I'll try my best if there's any bug discovered.

You means nothing happened after you choose the option, even the portrait didn't show up? Any error log or warning?

done, have a try :)
三宝 2023年7月20日 0時36分 
Not compatible with Dubs Mint Menus
Loading the Dubs Mint Menu tech tab will be lost, resulting in minions not being able to learn tech