[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行 派系包(Faction leader)
243 kommentarer
Lancelot 9 timer siden 
青莲子12 6. juli kl. 4.27 
Innovation 5. juli kl. 6.00 
寂陌幻想 5. juli kl. 1.49 
浪哥哥 3. juli kl. 23.21 
菜鸟快递,说寄就寄 1. juli kl. 0.54 
@LoVessss 30. juni kl. 18.59 
@LoVessss 30. juni kl. 18.56 
It'sPaperBagMan 27. juni kl. 15.51 
Thank you
Sentinel AI 27. juni kl. 7.04 
343 27. juni kl. 1.53 
343 27. juni kl. 1.52 
浪哥哥 26. juni kl. 23.55 
𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四  [skaper] 26. juni kl. 20.30 
派系包已修复,在之前的版本中,CA在解锁祟唐英雄的脚本legendary character设置的生效派系是通过单独的派系代码来设置的,因此我需要单独添加额外派系的代码才能让所有震旦派系都可以招募这个英雄,但在这次更新中,CA将招募生效的条件直接设置为了种族,因此旧版的脚本失效并会导致严重的冲突,也就是大家遇到的内容全部消失的情况,目前已经通过删除脚本解决了问题,大家可以正常使用了:altera:
老子一菊花 26. juni kl. 13.14 
浪哥哥 26. juni kl. 3.42 
It'sPaperBagMan 25. juni kl. 12.33 
plz fix
]UniformProcess]] 22. juni kl. 23.43 
Crash during loading screen, I can have the other mods (Unit patch, English Translation, Cathay reskin) active and run the game without any problems together with many other mods.
heer kaiser 22. juni kl. 15.20 
when setting units stats it crashes
The slothful sloth 20. juni kl. 8.13 
Maal 19. juni kl. 3.28 
泡泡茶壶 19. juni kl. 1.38 
小狂 18. juni kl. 8.04 
请问一下 不能合邦同族之后招募他的传奇领主吗
Michael the Anarchist 17. juni kl. 23.10 
This is a great mod but the ctd is unbearable. Took me forever to find out it was this one. If someone could fix it that would really be great.
Leblanc 16. juni kl. 15.12 
Unconditional CTD within 10 turns
BlackCat 16. juni kl. 11.03 
BlackCat 16. juni kl. 10.46 
Oscar 13. juni kl. 8.27 
Phoenix Archer 12. juni kl. 23.41 
Sadly, looks like this mod is abandoned by its author. Wish someone could help and fix its serious CTD issue.
CaesarRock 12. juni kl. 18.29 
It's a shame, but I am having the same crashing issue as @castor91483. This mod is amazing and I was able to get to almost turn 50 with the numerous crashes, but every turn it's crashing now. I don't understand why. I have no big overhaul mods...
[-=STFU=-]8===NOOBS===-) 11. juni kl. 15.55 
this mod causes my game to ctd
M-feather 8. juni kl. 23.57 
M-feather 8. juni kl. 23.38 
castor91483 3. juni kl. 15.48 
Wow it took me 3 days to figure out that this mod was causing all my problems in campaign. Freezing while scrolling the map, and numerous ai turns hanging. I don't know why this mod is doing it considering I love all of deer24's work and have had zero problems with other mods. Such a massive shame as I am so highly impressed with the work on this one. The opening movies in the selection screen are great, an addition I'd like to see more people do. Hopefully deer can come and take a look again at this.
Phoenix Archer 3. juni kl. 5.10 
@CanadianHussy As a workaround, maybe you can use following mod to recurit LL as Yuan Bo, the Jade Dragon. I think in this way you can avoid the CTD before the author fix this annoying issue.

- Cathay Units Patch:Walk with the Dragon

- This make Yuan Bo recurit all 11 LLs added in Cathay Units Patch:Walk with the Dragon
CanadianHussy 2. juni kl. 18.50 
Turns out it's The Golden Youth hero causing my CTDs when advancing to rank 10
CanadianHussy 2. juni kl. 10.08 
I know the easy fix is to not use this mod but for anyone reading this I highly recommend these mods. This mod author does amazing work and breathes a-lot of life into this faction as both an enemy and as a player.
CanadianHussy 2. juni kl. 10.07 
I hope it's ok to say this in English as I do not speak the native language. This causes crashes for me from the Dissenter Faction whenever I play anyone but Miao Ying. It seems to be around turn 8. I have tried multiple other lords and factions and if I don't play Miao and kill off the rebels ASAP then it crashes when getting to Dissenter Lords.

I have removed all Cathay mods but yours + English Patches and it persists. I have no major overhauls but do have multiple unit additions for various factions.
As I am typing I am going to try removing bad's legendary lords update to see. All my mods are up to date as well. I will report back if I find anything.
大白 29. mai kl. 18.47 
Big Babol 29. mai kl. 0.31 
Decadence 27. mai kl. 17.02 
好像是派系包的问题, 去掉派系包玩了100+回合一次都没闪退. 体验简直太好了...

弄个增强AI的mod让ai狂暴兵, 很快AI就会招募全部领主, 也不用担心传奇领主没招出来就被灭的问题了.
你瞅啥 27. mai kl. 2.54 
岛田家不相信眼泪 26. mai kl. 22.58 
我也遇到闪退问题,我是刚建的当 第一回结束就开卡闪退,不知道是不是我哪儿没弄对呀。 除了最基础的喵影和另外一个基础英雄可以选以外,其他英雄点过去看背景全是空白没有介绍头像也没有。 哪怕点了进游戏后能选的英雄也不在地图内,不知道是不是我哪儿没弄对,求各位大佬指点 一二,十分感谢了
Decadence 26. mai kl. 22.30 
@xesolor 拿掉派系包和美化包之后目前30会和我还没闪退过... 希望是这个问题. 震旦没与龙同行这个mod很不好玩, 但是开与龙同行后期天天闪退也没法玩.
xesolor 25. mai kl. 19.24 
Phoenix Archer 23. mai kl. 23.01 
要是可以领主人物模型和脚本部分拆分出来就好了,我个人就喜欢看好看的人物模型,新机制和数据调整暂时可以不要 :brownchicken:~
Phoenix Archer 23. mai kl. 9.07 
[out] <222.1s> LL_OCCUPATION: region checker fucntion calle.
[out] <222.1s> LL_OCCUPATION: loop ended, region was not edtected, return false.
[out] <222.1s> **** BattleCompleted event received, the attacker won
[out] <222.1s> waiting for the camera movement to complete before completing battle sequence
[out] <222.1s> **** Battle involving human faction [wh2_dlc11_def_the_blessed_dread] has been fought - they won a settlement battle as the attacker, triggering events ScriptEventHumanWinsSettlementAttackBattle and ScriptEventHumanWinsBattle
[out] <222.1s> & Removing effect bundle [wh3_main_bundle_force_crackdown_corruption] from military force with cqi [57]
[out] <222.1s> Infamy: Adding 221 infamy to wh2_dlc11_def_the_blessed_dread, factor is enemy_units_killed
[out] <222.1s> * killing character with cqi [4118], their unit, and their military force
[out] <222.2s> ### kill_all_armies_for_faction() just killed 1 force for faction wh2_dlc11_def_dark_elves_dil ###
Phoenix Archer 23. mai kl. 9.06 
我打了 130 个mod,其中包含这个mod,不知道是不是这个mod 导致闪退,仅供分享,请不要介意:


EzUNreal 23. mai kl. 1.06 
@Draco100000 It's kinda weird and random, sometimes when you play as Gelt with this mod and IEE, or you play as another faction but move camera to Gelt at turn 1, game freezes. Not sure if anyone else can duplicate this bug
THE DEEP 22. mai kl. 21.29 
Anyone get a freezee ---> crash on Duan Wei campaign ?