Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Civ IV Leader Traits in Civ V
331 commenti
Gerishnakov 5 mar 2022, ore 7:28 
Damn, I've just realised that the Aggressive trait renders moot the military bonus from Alhambra.
Amadeus 5 ott 2020, ore 18:22 
Some of the JFD civilizations have updated and are now incompatible with this mod. In my current game Mussolini, Stalin, and FDR are without traits where in the past they had some.
Полинкаж (Polinkazh) 17 set 2020, ore 23:36 
how do I add compatibility to custom modded civs myself?
Galgus 24 lug 2020, ore 22:27 
I use a long and tangled list of mods, but for some reason when I add this one to it the Liberty opener gives every city free Floating Garden buildings in all cities.

Since it has an ID of 0 in the buildings table, it's what gets loaded when the game tries to add an invalid building to a city.

Do you have any idea what may be causing that?
twentyonelol 16 nov 2019, ore 9:35 
found an incompatibility with the Nazca civilization mod, any suggestions?
Lucius, the Heavenly Dragon 29 ott 2019, ore 8:59 
Does this mod work with the Community Patch?
Caracal 22 set 2019, ore 11:55 
Found and issue when combined with the Plus Three Unique Components Mod ( . Playing as Carthage and the Unique Components mod changes the Harbor (to a Cothon) and Lighthouse (to Breakwater). The issue is when a Cothon is popped at city creation, the Cargo Ship does not show up. Same for the workboat (with Breakwater). In addition the Breakwater is full price. Otherwise everything is working great. I tested with another Civ building Lighthouse and Harbor and both units appear just fine, it's only Carthage with it's changed buildings.
Phrasing?! 24 lug 2019, ore 18:03 
Works very well when I found non-conflicting mods to go with it, really boosts the success rate for annoyingly weak civs. Open new play-through opportunities, would reccomend.
Kung Fu PANDA 28 set 2018, ore 9:19 
Are you awake the aggresive unit promotions only apply to trained units?
Kung Fu PANDA 18 set 2018, ore 19:25 
Could I find a way to randomize leader assignments?
Kung Fu PANDA 18 set 2018, ore 18:59 
This is greaaat. I hope it works with saga of man
sarasosio 18 ago 2018, ore 20:17 
Crashed faster than my last date
spoon98 25 apr 2018, ore 0:46 
im playing this on VP and all of a sudden whenever I settle a second city and i get a bug where i have negative values and i can buy all the policy trees. It worked for one game but all of a sudden its doing this and i haven't added any other mods.
Way 22 gen 2018, ore 20:39 
If only Korea had industrious and inventive.
Baleur 14 gen 2018, ore 12:23 
This mod is so amazing that i just cant play any custom civs that dont support it =/
Shadowrunner3 31 dic 2017, ore 23:34 
for some reason the traits for rome and mongolia don't appear.
darkninja339 19 apr 2017, ore 19:36 
what does the Arrow mean? its not in the Leader Traits help bar
SookieikooS 14 nov 2016, ore 16:15 
the aggressive trait is very powerful in early game
you may want to tweak it slightly
Anarcomu 10 nov 2016, ore 6:38 
Great mod, but I noticed the Charismatic trait does not increase zoo's happiness, is it normal ? (maybe because zoo is BNW exclusive ?)
LucidVision 11 ott 2016, ore 7:17 
How do I change a civs traits?
Paragon 16 set 2016, ore 1:14 
Don't you think some of the traits are stupid OP compared to the others?
Matti 2 lug 2016, ore 9:54 
Wow, this is really interesting mod! Haven't played it yet but I'm gonna love this if it works
Vthero 19 giu 2016, ore 8:31 
Well ofc, because most modded civs won't have mods like this supported
эΔƤƖƩϯoш 27 mag 2016, ore 7:45 
I have a problem. It doesn't show me the leader traits of added civs like icealand, but they are there and working. Has any one else experienced this problem and knows a solution?
thenikus 28 apr 2016, ore 6:17 
I love this mod. Any mod that distinguishes the civs from one another some more.
IAmTheMistake 11 feb 2016, ore 17:30 
Thanks Stephan!
TheTrueFinalBoss 11 feb 2016, ore 2:48 
No, changing the policies assigned to a civ in the files will change the actual traits. Changing the name is purely visual.
IAmTheMistake 6 feb 2016, ore 15:59 
One question, although this may sound crazy, but does changing the name on a Civ affect the traits at all? Such as changing Aggressive to Inventive?
twentyonelol 17 gen 2016, ore 10:47 
i got the financial city connection to work, was another bugged mod.... disregard my previous comment! great mod thanks!
twentyonelol 27 dic 2015, ore 8:11 
I didn't notice the Financial City connection +10 % production and food working for me. Just an fyi, it seems this mod is sort of ... dead though. It's a shame because it's a really fun mod, surely it couldn't be that hard for someone to pick up and expand upon and update...?
Baleur 12 dic 2015, ore 21:37 
Any further compatability patches for custom civs planned? =)
IAmTheMistake 19 nov 2015, ore 13:50 
@Eisen I know this may be a bit late, but throughout German history, they've been known for being aggresive when they were settling in Post-Fall of Rome times. And before WWI, they were known for their great works, which fits in with the Philosophical trait.
XboxAddict77 30 set 2015, ore 10:48 
@Eonfge actually its an issue w/ whoward69's combined DLL and CSD. It shouldn't be this mod.
Gilded Champ 19 ago 2015, ore 7:04 
while I love this mod, I its safe to say that this mod is dead and will no longer get any updates.
Eonfge 1 ago 2015, ore 6:44 
Hey, I found an incompatibility with your mod and with the Community Patch + the City State Diplomacy mod. There spawns a constant stream of Great Diplomats (tested with Ethiopia) once you enter a golden age.

Log through proxy:
zaku_zelo 20 lug 2015, ore 14:31 
Considering how religions are first come, first served, the spiritual trait is incredibly powerful, almost overpowered, even compared to the other stronger traits. So many civs should not share the Celt's ability to practically gaurntee getting a pantheon. I'd highly recomend making it so the faith per city doesn't kick in until you research pottery or something.

bunnygirlGaming 9 giu 2015, ore 10:06 
K_Wizz187 28 mag 2015, ore 1:22 
Good mod, would you be able to creative a tooltip for this whilst choosing a civ so its a bit easier to see the different traits of the leaders?
Skelly 27 mag 2015, ore 17:20 
Why is Bismark aggressive and Philosophical?
Mustakrakish 5 mag 2015, ore 15:36 
Sounds good, but it's basically rather civilization/people's trait, than leader trait, since there's one leader per civ. Semantics, I know.
Pensezforte 16 apr 2015, ore 17:10 
Mod doesn't work. Crashes my game.
Firebird 5 apr 2015, ore 13:11 
Also it would be great if you had multiple leaders per civilization like in civ iv. Because I always played as Russia but I strongly prefered Peter I to Catherine I.
Firebird 5 apr 2015, ore 13:08 
Umm there was no "inventive" trait for civ iv, and also the building library bonus should be under the "creative" trait.
Rabid Mongoose 2 apr 2015, ore 22:14 
The experience boost for charismatic doesnt work
zaku_zelo 21 mar 2015, ore 22:41 
Japan being aggresive makes Samurai even more underwhelming...
Raz0r0x 19 mar 2015, ore 5:01 
Also crashes the game when used with the super power modpack v5.0, complete edition.
Crescidious 19 mar 2015, ore 2:04 
Crashes the game when used with community patch.
JLScorpio 3 mar 2015, ore 9:27 
Apologies for the noob question but... I do not know how to code or change ingame files. Is there some kind of documentation what will explain in detail HOW this mod works? A video perhaps? I've installed it but cannot seem to figure out EXACTLY how to use it. Thanks.
Joe 25 feb 2015, ore 12:05 
Morrolan 9 feb 2015, ore 21:44 
It would be awesome if you could include compatibility with Teddyk's civilizations! They are in a collection by him called LS Civilizations. His Civfanatics username is LastSword.