Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

49 kommentarer
Peppers Boop 29. juli kl. 13:33 
Rampart seems broken on allies- On myself it works fine but on allies the icon flashes then vanishes
Tarso 23. okt. 2023 kl. 4:14 
I'm not learning new skills even with the preset selected.

All I did in the preset was change INT to STR

EDIT: It seens to work when I use the command BecomeGlyphwarden but only for that level... this way makes me type it everytime I level up
2290892069 22. aug. 2023 kl. 21:36 
I get it, thanks very much!
Focus  [ophavsmand] 22. aug. 2023 kl. 14:01 
The Chinese translation is included as part of this mod; there is no other version to download. If your client is set to Chinese (not Chinese traditional) then the text should use the translation provided by 灵空寂灭. If you're adding the mod to a campaign already in progress, you'll need to use the chat command !Glyphwarden_BecomeGlyphwarden to get the skills.
2290892069 22. aug. 2023 kl. 13:35 
I have two questions, how to get the 灵空寂灭 version, and I'm already over level 16 now, can I these skills?
Focus  [ophavsmand] 26. juli 2023 kl. 19:03 
Thanks! Nice to hear you felt it good enough to include in your video!
Lebensmude YT 26. juli 2023 kl. 16:07 
Focus strikes again with another great class mod -- impeccable work.

Included this in my best mods of 2023 video, hope that's fine with you. Keep up the great work.
Focus  [ophavsmand] 17. juni 2023 kl. 11:58 
Then a mod is adjusting the tooltip damage (and possibly the actual damage). I just verified in game with Glyphwarden only that the range of Flame Carpet is 62-67 at level 10 with 11 Pyro. Glyphwarden relies on vanilla damage scaling curves and doesn't manually calculate or override damage values in tooltips. If the damage is underwhelming for your playthrough, hopefully some of the other utility is at least fun.
Ghrin 17. juni 2023 kl. 11:47 
I was basing the damage off the tooltip. It was dealing less damage than basic vanilla spells at the same level with same int level. Idk, might just be the int thing you mentioned
Focus  [ophavsmand] 17. juni 2023 kl. 11:41 
Level 10 Flame Carpet with 11 Pyrokinetic deals 63 damage, which is 126 expected total damage if the enemy isn't teleported out of the field before their next turn. My initial guess is that you were fighting an enemy with fire resistance or some other sort of mod-related mitigation since the change between 63 and 40 is about a 35% reduction.
Ghrin 17. juni 2023 kl. 11:24 
Tbf I'm doing Conflux and Odinblade in my playthrough, using a talent called Equilibrium so I have a below average intelligence finesse score, but it was dealing around 40 damage at level 10 in act 2 with 10-12 pyro
Focus  [ophavsmand] 17. juni 2023 kl. 11:10 
Very little damage compared to what? I set up a damage expectation chart in the skills spreadsheet a while ago if you want to look how the damage skills compare to some Larian skills.

At level 11, Flame Carpet is expected to deal ~10% less damage than a Fireball, provided you have the expected 43 Intelligence. If you have more Intelligence, then Fireball will be comparatively stronger; if you have less Intelligence then Flame Carpet can end up being stronger than Fireball.
Ghrin 17. juni 2023 kl. 8:46 
I wanted to say that the damage of the skills are actually not that good. The water skill was okay, but the fire skill had very little damage at like 12 pyro at level 11
Focus  [ophavsmand] 17. juni 2023 kl. 6:16 
@Fuzzy Sadako All damage scales with level, but most of Larian's skills also scale with an attribute. Glyphwarden skill damage is boosted to compensate for the lack of attribute scaling. The skills don't scale with an attribute so the only stat you need to worry about is the relevant ability (Pyrokinetic, Hydrosophist, etc.).

Ghrin is correct about Flowing Currents orientation. The hitboxes are always lined up on the cardinal directions.
Ghrin 16. juni 2023 kl. 23:01 
@fuzzy I noticed it always lines up with North, West, East and South. Check the compass on your map to find North easily
DitzySystem 16. juni 2023 kl. 22:54 
Very fun mod! My only criticism is a limitation of what I assume to be the game engine itself. It's difficult to intuit where the shield's orientation will end up for the purposes of Flowing Water. That isn't too much of an issue usually, though.

I'm very excited to see how the class feels at later levels! Not having the skills scale with intelligence feels really odd, but it opens up the door for scoundrel or one-handed warfare characters to really shine. If it were up to me, I'd change the scales so the effects scaled off int rather than level.
Tribak ✨ 12. juni 2023 kl. 23:46 
I'd make an argument that there's plenty of damage skills available to you once you reach Lv.5, where it allows you to use Flowing Currents and Flame Carpet both to deal damage within the class itself, as you level up you'll unlock a few more skills that'll allow you to deal a modicum of damage but is mostly focused on its utility.

I'm sure me and Focus both appreciate the inputs however, as it is neither of us are interested to add more skills to this class as it was meant to be as a much of a direct translation of my 5e subclass into DOS2 as possible, and both systems feature spells/abilities outside of the scope of the class that would supplement it in areas it lacked.

Thanks for enjoying the mod though! It is very nice to see people being active and talking about it, if you have any questions you can always come over to "stribak" on Discord. :luckypopo:
Ghrin 12. juni 2023 kl. 8:59 
I kinda get that feel but I personally like classes that are a whole thing on their own without needing to spec into other classes or skills to get the most out of their kit. Glyphwarden is a bit whack but not bad. Looking at trying the Feenex Paladin subclass with Glyphwarden to be a menace in combat
Tribak ✨ 12. juni 2023 kl. 8:53 
@Ghrin The goal with this class is to be a supportive backline warden for your allies, offense is something that isn't a focus in this class (but still supported).

If you are seeking additional damage skills I'd go look for them in different skill trees, consider which damage type you want to enhance the most out of your Glyphwarden skills and then what additional skills you want to supplement them with.

My two picks for that are either water or fire as a focus, depending on how you want to play it. :dos2dagger::dos2skull:
Focus  [ophavsmand] 11. juni 2023 kl. 17:01 
I don't have plans to add more skills. This mod is feature-complete and will only be updated to incorporate translations and bug fixes.
Ghrin 11. juni 2023 kl. 15:32 
Are there plans for more skills? Preferably offensive in the early game?
Focus  [ophavsmand] 3. juni 2023 kl. 9:23 
The Arcane Shield is meant as a flavor/vanity item. You can use any shield to create a glyph. I don't have plans to make the shield level up; there are other mods that do that already.

The glyph hitboxes are based on the shield that is part of the Arcane Shield Glyph visual. The shield always defaults to the "ground". If you throw your shield and it hits a tree branch or something, the initial glyph gets created on the walkable area below. The glyph effects are based on an invisible dome at the shield. The engine draws the glyph decal such that it ignores height. This is good since it's drawn on small nooks and bumps instead of disappearing into the floor. The problem is if the height difference is large, the edges of the glyph can extend outside the radius of the dome. There isn't a way to draw the glyphs such that they will obey the radius of the dome and still look natural, and obeying the glyph would also allow for weird stuff like hitting enemies at extreme height differences.
CaptainMilkyCrow 3. juni 2023 kl. 5:49 
Hey just curios about something, is there a way to get upgraded shields that I'm just not aware about? My buddy and I are doing a play through with this and we're also running a crafting overhaul mod which gives us an item leveling shrine, we tried using the command to obtain a new shield at our level but it still gives a level 1 shield. Is there a chance to loot one off a body? or are you intending to add a natural way for the shield to level up? The only other issue that I can think of is some glyphs, mostly the attack glyphs, are kind of janky when it comes to different altitudes, like the hitbox show's it'll hit and in some cases it does, but in most cases the attack just goes right over/under. Thank you for your time, your work is beautiful!
Focus  [ophavsmand] 2. juni 2023 kl. 6:53 
There are no skill books. You need to pick one of the Glyphwarden class presets when creating your character, or you need to use the chat command !Glyphwarden_BecomeGlyphwarden. Then when you level up, you'll automatically learn a skill. The last skill is learned at level 16.
敏捷女特务 2. juni 2023 kl. 1:12 
Where can i get these skill books
zacharysgordon1989 24. maj 2023 kl. 22:08 
for ome reason when i use the withdraw shield spell it takes away my "stance" from feenex mod natural harmony i dont know why it would do this its not a big problem
Nocho 9. maj 2023 kl. 5:43 
After playing with the new damage scaling the class feels much better. I think the only other thing that can be annoying is all the crowd control spells also effect your teammates which results in me sometimes never casting those spells due to also screwing over my own teammates, especially since the AOE's are huge on some of the spells its almost impossible not to hit your own team. Overall this is a great class :)
Focus  [ophavsmand] 3. maj 2023 kl. 15:57 
@Nocho I set up an expectation that a player will have 70 attribute (Str/Fin/etc.) and 15 ability (Pyro/Geo/etc.) at level 20 and rebalanced the damage scaling around that in the most recent patch.
Nocho 1. maj 2023 kl. 8:00 
Just finished a tactician playthrough with some friends and this mod is great! However, as some people have pointed out the damage that this class does is almost non-existent when compared to any other optimised build. Having the glyphs scale off nothing but level means I'm doing around 80-100 damage level 12 while most other classes are reaching around 200-400 damage with 2h warfare crossing over 1k damage when optimised. I feel this class works well for lower difficulties but on higher difficulties it's completely useless, I could only kill enemies by doing a retribution stacking build with over 20 ret + all the %armor buffs this class provides which is fun but makes some of the glyphs completely useless. Also the AI will try their hardest to not stand in the glyphs, even choosing to take AOP to get out of them which makes keeping them inside the glyphs difficult at times unless you're teleporting and nether swapping them in.
locslol528 26. apr. 2023 kl. 7:43 
I see, thanks for the support! @Tribak ✨
Tribak ✨ 26. apr. 2023 kl. 5:39 
@locslol528 Hello there, there is no merchant selling any skill books for this mod as it uses its own system for skill acquisition.

Follow these instructions to passively gain Glyphwarden skills as you level up:

"!Glyphwarden_BecomeGlyphwarden - Receive an Arcane Shield and all Glyphwarden skills appropriate for your level. You will continue to learn Glyphwarden skills as you level.

You may need to enter commands in twice if you have not yet sent a message in the chat box. A confirmation message will appear in the chat box when a command is accepted."
locslol528 26. apr. 2023 kl. 1:04 
Hello, may I ask where can I find the npc merchant selling the skill books?
Focus  [ophavsmand] 19. apr. 2023 kl. 10:48 
I added a sheet to the skills document that compares some Glyphwarden abilities to some Larian abilities. Keep in mind that during combat, persistent glyphs like Flame Carpet will deal damage when immediately cast and then again when the target takes their turn. I've listed the damage as "x2" in the document to account for this.

Given that many of the glyphs have a much greater radius than Larian abilities, I'm disinclined to adjust any damage values. The Glyphwarden abilities are much stronger early and become weaker at the end game, at which point you will have plenty of CC to keep targets inside of persistent glyphs or can liberally utilize Overload to increase damage.

If there are specific skills you think need extra consideration, I'd be happy to take a closer look. Saying that damage is "too minimal" doesn't give me enough direction.
Tribak ✨ 19. apr. 2023 kl. 0:24 
@Wolf The abilities (excluding the targeted ones) deal damage exclusively based on your level and is done through statuses.

Re-making these abilities to allow for scaling damage will take quite a bit of work.
What abilities do you feel deal too little damage in-general? I think a simple number tuning will probably do the trick.

Do you have any estimated numbers based on other skill's damage output in-comparison to Glyphwarden skills?
Wolf 18. apr. 2023 kl. 23:55 
so just a odd question, the skills dont quite scale with anything besides like... the ones you hit when you get to level 10. without the scaling, its dmg is too... minimal... i got to rely on other skills to help compliment these abilities. is there going to be an update for scaling on some of these skills? i feel the dmg falls off quite hard.
Tribak ✨ 4. apr. 2023 kl. 12:42 
@JumpOnit There isn't really a main stat that is used for this mod as it all has its own unique level-based scaling, that and there are no skill level requirements to these abilities so once you start as a Glyphwarden or type in the chat command, you automatically gain access to these skills.

They all cost memory slots as normal however.
JumpOnit 4. apr. 2023 kl. 10:30 
The mod seems interesting but I might be a bit confused. What are the main attributes and combat abilities?
Focus  [ophavsmand] 29. mar. 2023 kl. 10:18 
The chat box. It can be toggled with the dialog icon above the character portrait on the far left side of the hotbar when playing with keyboard+mouse. The controller UI doesn't have a chat box as far as I know.
iWisd0m 29. mar. 2023 kl. 9:24 
chat box or developer console you put the command?
Tribak ✨ 28. mar. 2023 kl. 2:51 
Yeah it isn't something specific to your mod Cleric, that's just how it worked before this patch.
Focus  [ophavsmand] 27. mar. 2023 kl. 23:16 
I'll get it set for GM mode next patch.
Rumblyy 27. mar. 2023 kl. 23:03 
This looks amazing! Any chance of it being brought over to GM mode as well as story? I'd love to be able to use this for some NPC's/give this as an option to my players. Cheers!
Focus  [ophavsmand] 27. mar. 2023 kl. 17:15 
Bubble will no longer trigger from surface damage and knockback effects should no longer end turns. Thanks for bringing these up!
Cleric 27. mar. 2023 kl. 14:15 
Enjoying it a lot so far. The only thing kinda driving me nuts is that Bubble's knockback (and ending of turn) occurs on surface damage (like when a player skill elecrifies water, specifically). Granted, I am not using vanilla skills, so it could be something specific with my mod.
Focus  [ophavsmand] 25. mar. 2023 kl. 18:15 
To the comment I accidentally deleted: thank you for the compliment. I will add a skill next patch that lets you move your shield without having to withdraw it. This will still destroy your current glyphs, but it should make repositioning the shield much smoother.
meneze.lage2 23. mar. 2023 kl. 19:31 
This is awesome. Super unique class.
BabyNanachi 23. mar. 2023 kl. 16:33 
so it says there are chat commands but is/could that be included with the mod book from leaderslib?
Tribak ✨ 22. mar. 2023 kl. 21:54 
Gah! How could you? I'll take second then... Thank you Focus for all the work and the enormous amounts of patience!
Doctor Beetus 22. mar. 2023 kl. 19:56 
First. Good work!