Second Front

Second Front

The Tractor Works
1 comentários
Nukealope  [autor] 4 fev. 2023 às 17:07 
Version 0.1. This is a faithful recreation of Squad Leader scenario number 2, by The Avalon Hill Game Company. To achieve victory, the Germans must capture 6 hexes of the Tractor Works building by the end of turn 8. The Russians can win by preventing this. The game currently does not have a method to recreate this victory setup, but a single Victory Point is located on the Tractor Works building, and if the entire building is captured by the end of turn 8, the Germans should be victorious.

The lack of smoke grenades from infantry yet in this game do not hinder the powerful German assault engineers. With proper use of flamethrowers and assaulting, the Tractor Works building should easily fall to the Germans early. The AI does not seem to be able to utilize the huge number of troops to overwhelm and overrun the Germans defending on the west side of the board, so victory should be easy to obtain.