Garry's Mod
TF2 Professional Killstreak Kit
Коментарів: 31
tubboaim++ 16 берез. 2024 о 10:09 
i like chugging futaba
silverbullet1983 6 серп. 2023 о 22:12 
there is a glitch that if you go in third person the killstreak eye effect is stuck in the air
Dalek 25 трав. 2023 о 14:27 
the sheen breaks the arccw scope attachments.
Gamerette 8 квіт. 2023 о 8:59 
is there a way to change the color? for me its red
♥Xilekai♥ 31 берез. 2023 о 12:49 
I know this is for killstreaks, but can a command to make it carry between lives be made? I usually kill bind to clear my weapons then I have to merc a ton of npcs again.
Matsilagi  [автор] 16 берез. 2023 о 1:10 
@nuclearbomb42: Yeah, i figured that out recently, gotta figure how the render code is done, not gonna be doing a patch anytime soon due to me sucking at RT code (every time i try to do it i break everything)
Nukl3ar 15 берез. 2023 о 22:22 
the weapons from modern warfare base don't shine, the viewmodels don't break though, at least for me.
Mr Nasty 28 лют. 2023 о 10:00 
Can you do the weapon and footprint spell effects? Would be rad as hell
BLUEBLASTER 27 січ. 2023 о 8:09 
that would be dope
BLUEBLASTER 27 січ. 2023 о 8:09 
imagine this with npcs
NextKurome76TheSoldier 25 січ. 2023 о 7:37 
ouchers, atleast i mind those QoL things that should have been there to begin with, its listen to the community, not ignore.
Wyatt The Sans 24 січ. 2023 о 4:12 
@YuRaNnNzZZ The linked is removed but ok.
Kayden 24 січ. 2023 о 2:54 
how to use this addon? :v
YuRaNnNzZZ 24 січ. 2023 о 2:03 
@NextKuromeThe76Soldier except he had a part in the original addon (look at the credits section), you just plain steal stuff and claim that it's "superior" ( Dynamo [], TFA-VOX and many other addons)
While i might be not particularly happy with this reuse/reupload, he has more grounds than you and put way more effort in this addon than you have into all of yours combined
NextKurome76TheSoldier 22 січ. 2023 о 13:20 
not sure if it was fixed, but colors also make errors, fixed it by doing a
if eye_color1[color] == nil then return end
if eye_color2[color] == nil then return end
near 170 and 186
Matsilagi  [автор] 22 січ. 2023 о 11:10 
Ok, seems fixed now. Tested here. Have fun!
NextKurome76TheSoldier 22 січ. 2023 о 10:15 
that was just a rough description, i was using this model
and got the error when i went into thirdperson, or when looking at another player with the model
Matsilagi  [автор] 22 січ. 2023 о 8:59 
btw, let me know which headcrab you were using because, on the playermodels i tried it worked fine.
Matsilagi  [автор] 22 січ. 2023 о 8:43 
EDIT: It wasn't checking for nil exactly, pushed yet another fix attempt.
NextKurome76TheSoldier 22 січ. 2023 о 8:43 
i went to line 169 and added an return false if its nil, not much going on
Matsilagi  [автор] 22 січ. 2023 о 8:41 
btw, the error seems related to the particle not getting the color value. Are you sure you ain't messing with them too?
NextKurome76TheSoldier 22 січ. 2023 о 8:41 
well when i decompiled the addon and added an nil check, it fixed
Matsilagi  [автор] 22 січ. 2023 о 8:40 
Just made a fix attempt, try and see if it works.
Matsilagi  [автор] 22 січ. 2023 о 8:37 
It should actually not even create the particle in the first place if it doesn't detect the attachment...
NextKurome76TheSoldier 22 січ. 2023 о 8:36 
use a model that has no eye attachmens like a headcrab, maybe have an nil check that returns false if theres no attachment
Matsilagi  [автор] 22 січ. 2023 о 8:27 
I know what happened, but im not sure yet how to fix...
Any hints on how to reproduce?
NextKurome76TheSoldier 22 січ. 2023 о 3:14 
[TF2 Professional Killstreak Kit] lua/autorun/client/cl_killstreaksheen.lua:169: bad argument #2 to 'SetControlPoint' (Vector expected, got nil)
1. SetControlPoint - [C]:-1
2. v - lua/autorun/client/cl_killstreaksheen.lua:169
3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:96 (x1163)
NextKurome76TheSoldier 21 січ. 2023 о 7:46 
i just realized that the dev for the old killstreak is also the dude that claims his TFA-VOX is better than mine, he really isnt much for updating his stuff.
JBMike #FixJBMod #RootOfAllEvil 21 січ. 2023 о 5:57 
now I know which addon broke the c_model rendering of arc9
Matsilagi  [автор] 21 січ. 2023 о 1:17 
If it worked with the other version, it will work with this one, yes.
VoidLeak 21 січ. 2023 о 0:52 
Looks cool! Does this work with TFA?