Legendary Surthara Bel-Kec for IE
39 opmerkingen
Olaf_The_Moose 16 jun om 14:23 
very cool mod, I think you can get her chariots down to 10% upkeep, maybe even less
太易 4 mei om 2:32 
omletinaomletina 2 mei om 14:36 
@medusa0, forgot that this is maybe a startpos-mod, alright, dear author, wait this lovely mod)
medusa0  [auteur] 1 mei om 23:23 
I need to finish updating these mods, best to not try it before I finish.
omletinaomletina 1 mei om 14:54 
Does it work on new patch, friends?
Maal 10 apr om 23:45 
Might be a script break or something. Just added this to my modlist and also found many modded things broken: modded starting lords, option menu, the new victory conditions...
skag 10 apr om 18:13 
With this mod enabled, Lords from the "Legendary Characters" mod appear in the start menu but not in game (option to start with modded LL in the start menu, but when you load in you start with a generic lord). Don't know if this is due to other mods that I have enabled or not, only posting to see if anyone else experiencing this.
medusa0  [auteur] 3 dec 2023 om 22:08 
Thanks! I will make the change!
LordOmlette 3 dec 2023 om 21:11 
When you have a chance, please remove the

wh_mod_hef_surthara wh2_main_anc_follower_hef_counsellor

line from ancillaries_included_agent_subtypes_tables.

Patch 4.1 changed it so that every Asur general should have access to that follower, but because of that line, only Surthara can currently get it. (I made the same mistake in my Storm of Derp mod but, in my defense, I never anticipated CA would fix that!)
Saw It In A Pro Game Once 21 nov 2023 om 23:03 
Thanks for updating.
medusa0  [auteur] 1 sep 2023 om 22:43 
Updated! Patch 4.0 broke every single one of my mods with custom skill trees.

It looks like Patch 4.0 broke the Tiranoc and Ithilimar Chariot missile attack animations (but fixed the projectile spell bug), so use the Lion Chariot for now.

Please let me know if there are any more bugs!
MohsarTrilar 1 sep 2023 om 20:17 
Is there any plan to update this for 4.0? It looked like there were a few issues with the skill points after the latest patch
LordOmlette 17 jun 2023 om 13:36 
Works like a charm :D
LordOmlette 15 jun 2023 om 18:20 
Will try as soon as I get back to my computer (hopefully Saturday)
medusa0  [auteur] 14 jun 2023 om 22:02 
Done! Please try to assign the ancillary to her and see if it works!
LordOmlette 14 jun 2023 om 17:02 
Minor proposal: please allow Surthara to have the Advisor to the King follower. (Add wh_mod_hef_surthara wh2_main_anc_follower_hef_counsellor to ancillaries_included_agent_subtypes_tables)
medusa0  [auteur] 11 jun 2023 om 8:03 
Both mods work fine without update after 3.1. The chariot mount missile bug isn't completely fixed yet (only Lion Chariot mount can use Reaver Bow, Fireballs, etc.) and I will port it to the submod after the fix.
jshshadowknight 11 jun 2023 om 0:15 
Surthara Bel-Kec for Legendary High Elven Characters submod will also update?
kkc495 27 mei 2023 om 4:58 
medusa0  [auteur] 4 mei 2023 om 0:23 
@Evanescent and Mortarch Of Blood:
Why not? Here is a version of this mod with Surthara Bel-Kec as a recruitable lord:
The two mods are not balanced the same, so Surthara Bel-Kec will not be nearly as strong in combat as the characters from the Legendary High Elven Characters mod.
Mortarch Of Blood 3 mei 2023 om 23:02 
What Evanescent said is the best option, she would be good as an additional recruitable LL rather than the faction's leader
Evanescent 3 mei 2023 om 18:31 
@medusa0 - I am currently running a mod that adds many legendary characters to HE ( , including Eldyra, which is set by default as the starting lord for Tiranoc and overwrites Surthara in your mod. I like to keep Eldyra as a more lore-friendly leader for Tiranoc, but is there any way to make your Surthara still available while running that mod? Thanks for your mod and consideration!
_Harted_ 18 apr 2023 om 11:03 
medusa0  [auteur] 17 apr 2023 om 23:33 
It looked like 3.0 did change some tables used in this mod, I will see to updating them.
_Harted_ 17 apr 2023 om 11:49 
can you please update this mod to 3.0 patch?
medusa0  [auteur] 16 feb 2023 om 20:08 
@Gregor Liang:
*Unspleasant* good catch! Thank you!
Gregor Liang 15 feb 2023 om 7:36 
There is a typo right in the selection screen: "Unpleasant Climate" / It's also one of your screenshots. Thanks for the fun mod.
medusa0  [auteur] 26 jan 2023 om 20:14 
The original idea behind Surthara Bel-Kec's skill line and buffs is combining the effects of some of the thematic influence traits available to Princess', they are roughly balanced for medium-high influence traits. I do see where you are coming from however, and this mod could use a second pass after so long.
Thanks for the feedback, and I am glad you enjoyed it!
Riaias 23 jan 2023 om 13:08 
Played a game on legendary with this mod. Really nice and enjoydable. One suggestion is that the +3 melee defence for chariots feels underwhelming. It's a large unit so if they get stuck (they do a lot of times) they get destroyed really fast. My suggestion is to atleast double that +6 md or up to 10 md. Something else, maybe more unique would be to add unit mass for chariots that would make chariots even more useful.

Thank you for this mod. Had a lot of fun and will try it again on a later date for sure. Cheers!
Gosudar 24 dec 2022 om 2:52 
Hi, I made a translation of this mod into Russian as a submod. Here is a link to it
medusa0  [auteur] 19 nov 2022 om 11:50 
She has her own models, however uses the same torso textures as default princesses, so if those mods change the textures they will affect her.
Soft-Hands 19 nov 2022 om 11:40 
Does she use the default princess model or an edited one? Just wondering if this is compatible with appearance overhauls.
Circle 16 nov 2022 om 17:04 
Love it! Looking forward to more! I hope for more skills.
medusa0  [auteur] 30 okt 2022 om 11:53 
It uses assets from those DLCs, namely the icons for Skeleton chariot from Tomb Kings, Lion Chariots from Warden and the Paunch, character models from Queen and the Crone (Steps of Isha), and effects from Wood Elves.
That does remind me, I need to rename the White Lion Chariot mentions in this mod to War Lion Chariot as the riders on the units introduced in this mod are not actually White Lions (the unit).
AdanaCityPlayboy 30 okt 2022 om 7:13 
why do you need dlcs for this?
Circle 23 okt 2022 om 11:30 
Gonna try, hoping for no conflicts!
Mortarch Of Blood 23 okt 2022 om 5:17 
Awesome, can't wait to play her!
medusa0  [auteur] 22 okt 2022 om 12:04 
@Green Ramirez:
Best of luck! Tiranoc's Immortal Empires campaign start is a rough one as you start at war with another High Elf faction and Tor Anroc is only level 2, so the only way to get new chariots in the beginning is to recruit new lords (who will have low influence traits).
Green Ramirez 22 okt 2022 om 11:43 
Excellent, time for a new High Elfs campaign!