Mixed Chaos - Reskin for Warriors of Chaos
41 commentaires
kharn30 22 juil. à 3h43 
anymore updates???
Rob  [créateur] 2 juin à 4h39 
Admittedly I've been focusing on other stuff lately so this has sorta taken a back burner, but I've not forgotten about it! Definitely making sure it stays up to date at the very least
Cavalry Archer 27 mai à 20h26 
Are you still working on the mod?
Wei 3 mai à 11h49 
Gamers when they run their RGB on the rainbow preset only
Rob  [créateur] 3 mai à 11h43 
Updated for 5.0.1!
Rob  [créateur] 26 févr. à 12h18 
Updated for 4.2.0!
CATonTRIP 1 déc. 2023 à 23h36 
wow!! can you make this mod for other faction too? the variation is awesome :D
Rob  [créateur] 27 nov. 2023 à 13h10 
Updated for 4.1.1!
jacatiwi 6 nov. 2023 à 8h18 
This might be too much to ask but can you do this for Aspiring Champions?
Rob  [créateur] 1 sept. 2023 à 11h39 
Updated for 4.0.1!
Rob  [créateur] 13 avr. 2023 à 11h13 
Updated for 3.0.0!
ago339 12 févr. 2023 à 14h20 
HELL YEA! i love this!!
tho my personal choild would have been a seperate set of units with maybe added/changed skills for being a united group of various different chaos powers to represent that teamup in combat. so that you can have a choice between true undivided units where they havent devoted to one or another, as well as mixed undevided like this, where you see how a teamup of these mizxed forces can be a benefit
Space Buddha 30 janv. 2023 à 7h11 
I don't 100% like the look of mixed units but this is a really great idea.
Rob  [créateur] 7 nov. 2022 à 12h16 
Yeah you're good! Just changes how units looked while enabled, doesn't replace them or anything
TdizzleGod 7 nov. 2022 à 7h21 
is this mod save game compatibe
Rob  [créateur] 20 oct. 2022 à 12h51 
Updated for 2.2.0!
Hazzard 10 oct. 2022 à 9h12 
I was imagining having say, a unit of Swordsmen, with individual models showing all the State Colours from the different Electorates.
Rob  [créateur] 10 oct. 2022 à 6h43 
I don't think it would work as well in units like that, given the way state troops are broken up into units; I might have a brainstorm about how I'd do it, but no promises!
Hazzard 10 oct. 2022 à 2h04 
Have you thought about doing something similar with different State Troops in the Empire?
TsunamiRed 1 oct. 2022 à 10h35 
Looks great on a wide open battlefield!
Panacea 27 sept. 2022 à 14h01 
yooo this looks so good!
Rob  [créateur] 19 sept. 2022 à 15h18 
Only reskins the undivided units; any monogod units added by the DLC (or in the base game, for Khorne) are unaffected.
steelmidnight 19 sept. 2022 à 12h48 
Does this reskin Khorne? I hate that CA thinks ALL Khorne warriors are supposed to wear matching helms, when they should be a mix of those khornate helms, spiked or horned, or no helm. A mish-mash, not a uniform (Thats the way they were back when I played TT anyways, but if its like this now on TT, thats lame. They dont "hand out" matching uniforms in the Chaos realms LOL.)
Rob  [créateur] 19 sept. 2022 à 6h12 
I don't want to be the one to stifle discussion, but the mod isn't meant to be a place to discuss the Chaos rework, or discuss whether this mod is loreful or not - it's not.

I just like the colours; I published the mod because other people might also like the colours. Pretty please can we keep the discussion about the mod itself?
IX Avdacity 18 sept. 2022 à 22h05 
@steelmidnight find me one chaos lord of khorne that doesnt wear a helmet, valkia doesnt count

also, this mod isnt very loreful in general. chaos undivided were there own thing, what CA had was accurate and true to the lore. They were warriors who took NO marks and worshipped all the chaos gods equally and showed no bias.
Vaxar Kun 8 sept. 2022 à 1h29 
when do you think the others, like chaos knights come? No hurries, just curious what soon might mean.

Also, any chance you could somehow tweak the table/entry names so that it overwrites hooveric's reskin? it works well for chosen, but chaos warriors and marauders are hooveric's one, not this mixed one.
Shoat 7 sept. 2022 à 13h31 
Neat idea, but a little bit visually overwhelming as of now.

Do I see correctly you're planning a separate mod where one can change the colorful<->mono ratio of troops?
Rob  [créateur] 6 sept. 2022 à 9h47 
Updated for 2.1.0!
Scubert 4 sept. 2022 à 21h19 
Hell's power rangers
Doomed World 3 sept. 2022 à 22h04 
Chaotic Vomit of Color
Rob  [créateur] 1 sept. 2022 à 4h37 
I don't want to pick :(
steelmidnight 31 aout 2022 à 21h57 
@Rob Yeah, diversity should have been more widespread among Chaos. for example, not all Khorne Lords wear the SAME helm. Some do. Some wear spikey helms. Some wear no helm at all. I dont know what the hell CA was thinking. Whoever they put in charge to do Chaos is

A) Lazy
B)Doesnt understand the faction
C) Was New and didnt know what he was doing
D) Rushed the project because they hate Chaos and wanted to get to something else
E) All the above.

You pick.
steelmidnight 31 aout 2022 à 21h53 
While I love the new Chaos Lords, alot feels "rushed" in this last DLC. Some marked characters dont even get their god-touched mounts. And on TT ALL Chaos Lords and Heros retain access to Chaos Dragons and Manticores, regardless of whether or not they are marked. In fact, there are different looking dragons for each marked Lord. The one undivided has now is the Tzeentch one. Khorne gets mutated single headed fire dragons (See Volgorath the scarred, a character from the Old world and AoS) Nurgle get wingless behemeths called "Toad Dragons", and slaanesh get sleek, fast mutated eastern looking dragons. Why CA didnt bother to do these is a mystery to me.

I am really hoping that one of you talented at reskins does their job for them. Keep up the amazing stuff you guys do!
THE DEEP 30 aout 2022 à 14h06 
@Zarmack dude, not all the people in the world are familiar with Warhammer book, even if he knew it why even bring the lore here ( this is mod anw )
Rob  [créateur] 29 aout 2022 à 4h12 
@S - Diversity is great!
@Kaguya - That'd be the problem
@LordZarmack - It's not supposed to be loreful! I just like the new colour schemes, not a troll mod :steamthumbsup:
LordZarmack 29 aout 2022 à 3h55 
Khorn units would kill on sight any Tzeentch or Slaanesh marked warrior.
and so on and so on. Best troll mod of the week, take some points :steamthumbsup:
LordZarmack 29 aout 2022 à 3h44 
The whole point of chaos "undivided" is to all be one united force devoid of god affiliations and markings to all serve under the everchosen's banners equally with all gods equal shown flavor by none of them being above the other.

This mod (if reality in-game to lore) would literally cause the archaons forces of chaos to collapse and all the gods in fight endlessly with each other and the end times would never happen.....something a worshipper of the Horned Rat wouldn't even come up with, this is the work of Kislevanite propaganda.:Toxic_Geralt:
重力型Kaguya 29 aout 2022 à 0h24 
Oh i know ,its some conflict with hooveric reskin.
重力型Kaguya 29 aout 2022 à 0h12 
For me,Chaos warriors and Muraders havn't change their skins.
S 28 aout 2022 à 21h25 
Even chaos embrace diversity

May the Emperor guide us all.
Pawul♂n 28 aout 2022 à 7h17