[WOTC] True Utility Slot Sidearms by Iridar
155 commentaires
Iridar  [créateur] 11 oct. à 6h09 
Yes, LW2 combat knife is its own weapon category, while spec ops knives are classified as swords.
Madzak 11 oct. à 4h52 
I investigated further. What you write above
```and only for soldier classes that normally do not use them as primary or secondary weapons.``` seems to be true for the spec ops combat knife, but not the normal combat knife. I guess that is what threw me off. So Reapers can use spec ops combat knife, while other classes that use swords as primary / secondary can only use the basic combat knife and not spec ops combat knife.
Iridar  [créateur] 10 oct. à 22h22 
Is it classified as a sword under the hood? It should already be supported.
Madzak 10 oct. à 13h55 
Sorry, you are correct, but what I meant was the spec ops combat knife. It's nice to have due to it's silent takedown ability.
Iridar  [créateur] 10 oct. à 7h53 
Aren't throwing knives already utility slot weapons?
Madzak 10 oct. à 7h29 
Any chance you could add support for throwing knives?
Robotron 19 sept. à 19h28 
I highly recommend this mod over the original especially with iridar’s xskin working alongside.
Grimlock 25 juil. à 17h20 
Could you by chance give an estimate what it possibly would not work with?
I think the dedicated pistol slot was not compatible for my mod-setup.. so this is looking like an alternative
TAKEDA 🔴 SHINGEN 25 juil. à 14h37 
I think @ПΛПО Dragoon was right on page 7.
TAKEDA 🔴 SHINGEN 25 juil. à 14h24 
***I also check the necessary boxes in the MCM.
TAKEDA 🔴 SHINGEN 25 juil. à 14h23 
I have uninstalled (WOTC) Utility Slot Sidearms Extended to install your mod instead. I made the necessary modifications to allow the claymore and ripjack to be used. Despite that and having all the necessary dependencies, the mod doesn't appear to be working. I can't equip pistols, swords, Gremlins, grenade launchers to any of my soldiers.
Boyrdee 13 juil. à 18h55 
Iridar  [créateur] 15 juin à 1h47 
You might need to come up with a very specific config for AtSR to make it work.
Aether 14 juin à 7h40 
I've noticed rangers don't have the Slash ability if you combine this with Ballistic Shields and give them a sword in the utility slot. It worked in the original USE mod.
Rost Kurt 10 avr. à 12h11 
@Iridar, спасибо
Iridar  [créateur] 10 avr. à 10h38 
@Rost Kurt
Оружие из первого списка работает сразу, делать ничего не нужно, только в Mod Config Menu поставить крестики.

Оружие из второго списка работает если отредактировать конфиги чтобы нужные для их использования способности выдавались бойцам автоматически.
Rost Kurt 10 avr. à 9h18 
@Iridar, Я извиняюсь за свои глупые вопросы, но я так и не понял: 1.использование предметов доступно сразу после установки или надо редактировать конфиг? 2.и нужно ли прописывать бойцам способности, или способности встроены в предметы по умолчанию?
shotbywolf 99 26 mars à 2h21 
mod is so good i missed the template mod and it still ran even with mid campaign integration and like 36 other mods only thing that broke was sawed off shotguns
Iridar  [créateur] 19 mars à 15h22 
Заходите в дискорд, участвуйте в обсуждении:

Для русскоговорящих есть отдельный канал.
Noname 19 mars à 15h17 
Да, а как теперь поддержать то?
ALEXX 12 mars à 9h48 
Иридар, огромное спасибо за мод! Благодаря ему мой Мандалорец смог обзавестись Тёмным Мечом и использовать его в бою! Жаль, что из РФ, насколько я знаю, Вас теперь нельзя поддержать финансово. Впрочем, всё равно, большое спасибо за моды, я большой поклонник Вашего творчества.
vinistrifezza 21 janv. à 5h47 
well... unfortunately it didn't work with your instructions, master :(
I allowed the claymore and edited the files you commented on, however, the game still doesn't allow me to use the claymores in the utility slots

I can work a little with mods, but not much... I have very basic knowledge, and I believe that this claymore issue must be beyond my capabilities XDXDXD

my plans were to be able to replicate a Starcraft 2 character, Croocked Sam... in the game, he uses 2 pistols and a detonation charge... I believe that the claymore was the most similar to these detonation charges, but, unfortunately mine limitations frustrate me

Anyway, I really appreciate your help and attention... I simply love your mods, that's why I have more than a dozen of them that I use XDXDXD
Iridar  [créateur] 20 janv. à 21h38 
You need three things:
1. Allow equipping the utility Claymore via MCM.
2. Uncomment two lines related to Claymores in this mod's XComTemplateEditor.ini
3. Uncomment three lines related to Claymores in this mod's XComAbilityToSlotReassignment.ini

This is enough for any soldier to be able to equip and throw utility Claymores. If you can't do that, you have a mod conflict.

The only ability required to use the Claymore in tactical is "ThrowClaymore". Claymore abilities that come from soldier classes can be technically mapped to a utility slot and the claymore weapon category, but I don't see why you would want to have soldier class abilities for a utility item they may or may not have.

> how do you know by what name the specific perk is referenced in the game codes?
vinistrifezza 20 janv. à 17h02 
Hello master Iridar :D
I had already read the description but I still have 2 questions:

1. I checked the option in the mod menu to allow the claymore to be used by my soldier, however, it did not appear for me in the utility slot. I believe I need the settings you mentioned in the description and here comes my second question.

2. The claymore perks that are usable in missions are varied, and I wanted to know if I would have to link all of them to claymore, or just the claymore launch perk. And another thing... how do you know by what name the specific perk is referenced in the game codes?

I really appreciate your attention and patience XD
Iridar  [créateur] 20 janv. à 12h33 
Configure this mod to allow for utility slot claymores. Read this mod's description for instructions.
vinistrifezza 20 janv. à 12h00 
i have a question...
i want to build a soldier with akimbo perks and claymore perks, but, i cant use 2 pistols with the claymore
how can i do this?
Ripsnort 25 nov. 2023 à 18h31 
Alright I seem to have fixed the issue I was having with this mod specifically. I'm almost certain the box for "Disallow Class Weapons" was unchecked in the MCM at the Main Menu, but it was somehow checked when I loaded my campaign and checked the MCM in-game. After unchecking again I now see the Holotargeter under Utility Items for my Recon soldier.
Ripsnort 25 nov. 2023 à 17h39 
I'm using LWOTC, and for the life of me I can't get the Holotargeter to show up under utility item. I'm currently trying to edit a soldier, who has the Recon class from the Shadow Ops Perk Pack, to equip his holotargeter under utility slot. He's also dual wielding pistols in his Primary and Secondary Weapons slot courtesy of [WOTC] Dual Wielded Pistols 2.0

I wanted to equip his Holotargeter in the now blank Pistol slot using Open Class Weapon Restrictions Config, but none of my changes to the .ini file made it appear. I gave up and decided I'll try this mod instead, even though it's an unfortunate waste of a Utility slot and that soldier's Pistol slot is now empty and useless, but even this mod isn't working for me.

I checked "Holotargeter" under Mod Configuration Menu and have all the listed required mods installed. I use XCOM AML.
ΩNari MortemΩ 31 aout 2023 à 3h43 
Да, конечно я про конфиг, а не про сам код из uc
Iridar  [créateur] 31 aout 2023 à 0h15 
@ΩNari MortemΩ
2. Ты может про конфиг? .ini файлы это конфиг, не код. Код это .uc файлы, но в готовых модах они только для общей информации, так сказать. Функциональный код мода находится в .u файлах, и его менять можно только через перекомпиляцию с помощью моддерских инструментов.
ΩNari MortemΩ 31 aout 2023 à 0h06 
2. Не совсем соглашусь, тут вопрос в том, что конкретно ты делаешь. Мне иногда прям очень помогало.
1. Аааааааа -.- я ведь про это даже думал в процессе, но забыл туда ткнуть -.- Плохо быть тупым и невнимательным -) Спасибо огромное!
Iridar  [créateur] 30 aout 2023 à 19h10 
@ΩNari MortemΩ
1. Убери галочку "Запретить классовое оружие" в Mod Config Menu.
2. "Переписывание кода" без перекомпиляции - пустая трата времени.
ΩNari MortemΩ 30 aout 2023 à 13h00 
Часть 3. Надо сказать что раньше всё работало, но пытаясь добиться от другого мода корректного использования перчаток Храмовника я удалил конфиг. Ужас в том, что моды блин всё те же, но видимо в конфиге по какой то причине содержалось нечто, что позволяло этому всему работать корректно. Я понятия не имею что же там было и как его вернуть на место -)
ΩNari MortemΩ 30 aout 2023 à 12h57 
Часть 2. Я четвёртый день с этим бьюсь, в том числе полной переустановкой всех связанных модов которые должны на это влиять, попытками переписать код, бесконечным удалением конфига игры перед каждой итерацией войны, но нихрена оно не работает, то есть даже после удаления конфига и всех связанных с этим кусков из папки с модами, оно умудряется возвращать эту проблему на место при простой их переустановке. Есть какие то идеи что это может быть?
ΩNari MortemΩ 30 aout 2023 à 12h57 
Часть 1. Есть очень странная проблема и я к сожалению не могу понять когда она началась и как её решиить. По какой то причине в слоты из этого мода всё что должно применять применяется только для классов которые не затрагивает РПГО мод. Ну то есть Жнецы, Скирмишеры и Темплары спокойно могут в ютилити брать всё что хотят, универсальные солдаты со специализациями просто смертельно отказываются это делать.
That_Annoying_Guy 1 aout 2023 à 2h25 
Okay, now I'm not sure cause I got it working, reenabled some of the mods I disabled, stopped working again, redisabled them, and it still won't work
That_Annoying_Guy 1 aout 2023 à 1h35 
Not psi overhaul
That_Annoying_Guy 1 aout 2023 à 1h16 
Psi, If anything I'm guessing it would be the psi overhaul. It lets regular troopers use psionics alongside regular class abilities but creates a dedicated slot for the psi amp
Circle of Psi 31 juil. 2023 à 4h28 
Cheers o7
Iridar  [créateur] 31 juil. 2023 à 4h17 
@Circle of Psi
> is there a way to forcefully start with the Warlock's Crown right off the bat, so I can use it as alt Psi Amp, or will this involve the other mod, not this one?

The other mod. Easiest way would be to just give yourself it via console.
Circle of Psi 31 juil. 2023 à 3h15 
@Guy: Take a look at whatever mods you have that effect Tier weapons on your Mods, for example:

I have 3 Tier Weapons added so I can use reg weapons or Plasma weapons, regardless of the Tier, however this does allow me to use the Psi Amp, but it defaults itself back to the Psi Amp itself and not the Underlay Psi Amp.

Mods like I have, tend to break things like this, I'm afraid.
Circle of Psi 31 juil. 2023 à 3h12 
So I noticed that this mod supports "Warlock's Crown", small question, is there a way to forcefully start with the Warlock's Crown right off the bat, so I can use it as alt Psi Amp, or will this involve the other mod, not this one?
That_Annoying_Guy 31 juil. 2023 à 2h42 
New update, I can see them on skirmishers, but not any of my regular troopers.
Circle of Psi 31 juil. 2023 à 2h27 
@Guy: Odd, it may be a conflict on your end as I never had this issue
That_Annoying_Guy 30 juil. 2023 à 23h28 
not sure why but sidearms stopped showing up in the utilities when i advanced to tier 2 weapons. I expect a conflict, but I'm not sure where to start.
Circle of Psi 27 juil. 2023 à 6h13 
Hm, well then I'm stumped, even after a fresh install of just the related mods, it still doesn't work for some odd reason, but thanks for the help o7
Iridar  [créateur] 27 juil. 2023 à 5h26 
@Circle of Psi
As far as equipping Psi Amps, it doesn't make a difference.
Circle of Psi 27 juil. 2023 à 5h03 
Okay, small update:

Everything with the exception of Psi Amp works in the utility slot, however I did notice this in the Default Config, were the Psi Amp doesn't have a string attracted to it

Exp: +WeaponCategorySets = (WeaponCategorySetName = "Claymores", WeaponCategories = ("claymore"))

(Link): https://ibb.co/Sn0Pxvh

All other weapons have the "WeaponCategorySets" in the config with the exception of the Psi Amp, as you can see here, I have not edited anything, this is right out the box, should I be added anything here?.
Circle of Psi 27 juil. 2023 à 3h24 

So I've looked into a possible Mod Conflict on my end and after uninstalling everything, with the exception of required mods for this one & No More Psi Amps & a few cosmetic mods (Such as yours) and I am still yet to be able to equip the Psi Underlay, even on basic classes.

So I'm really not sure what is causing this on my end, regardless of the outcome of this, I still thank you for helping me o7