Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Para Bellum - Open Beta
152 Kommentare
Alex250 28. Mai um 6:47 
@pablost233 No existen en este mod los Antesignani, eso es en el DeI.
Il Silviomane [SUSPENDED] 9. Mai um 5:11 
Hi @AveMetal I'm a big fan of your mod so much so that I'm happy to bring it to my YouTube channel. I just have a few questions if I may:
1. Is it possible to have Thespian hoplites and the Sacred Band for the Boeotian League in WoS?
2. Another question could some hoplites have the Killing Spree skill?
3. Is there by chance the possibility of reviewing the Venetian population perhaps by adding some phalanx units as a historical script, such as the Nobles with thureos or the young hoplites with aspis?
AveMetal  [Autor] 27. Okt. 2023 um 5:31 
Open Beta updated with the spectacular Marius vs Sulla campaign, created by Euro-Centric Military Historian:

This campaign was already compatible and recommended in our compatible mods collection, but now it is perfectly integrated with Para Bellum, with its scripts, mechanics, units, etc., and you can find it in the Open Beta main menu campaigns as the "Late Roman Republic: First Civil War".

Many thanks to Euro-Centric Military Historian for sharing so kindly this great campaign, and also to DETropper from the Divide et Impera team, for allowing me to use his superb script to make this possible.
panzer456 25. Sep. 2023 um 14:10 
ok thanx
AveMetal  [Autor] 25. Sep. 2023 um 8:28 
Weather and Effects mod are included within the Para Bellum Collection, that is needed for the Open Beta. But check the Collection description, there are instructions for the Effects movie file, that doesn't work just by subscribing.
panzer456 24. Sep. 2023 um 8:35 
and the weather mod
panzer456 24. Sep. 2023 um 8:34 
do we still need to use effects mod or is it in it?
AveMetal  [Autor] 21. Sep. 2023 um 13:21 
Para Bellum - Open Beta updated:

- Transferred to the campaign mod, with some adjustments, the War weariness mechanics, supplies, omens, expanded seasonal conditions now also available for all campaigns.
- Transferred also the resized battlefields.
The info of these new mechanics and changes was detailed in the previous update announcement, and shown when a new campaign is started.
- Alternative autorresolve calculations taking into account more variables like the new units classes.
- Alternative Marian and Imperial legionaries animations holding the pila.
Tomas45 6. Sep. 2023 um 10:25 
Hello, I want to ask, does this mod already work without problems with main supply? Well thank you
pablost233 19. Aug. 2023 um 10:21 
Estoy echando una campaña con la del Imperator Augusto 😎 lo que no encuentro la tecnología para convertir mis velites en Antesignani sabes cuál es?
16180339 12. Juli 2023 um 8:55 
The cursor covers up the first few letters of the pop up dialog box. Changing UI did nothing. Only have this mod collection. Thanks for the mod
Lamrett 8. Juli 2023 um 7:03 
Sorry to spam, but would you consider making the Military Anarchy campaign 12 turns a year (maybe start in May when Aurelian became Emperor? He had control of Rome by the end of 270, and it's not possible to even move him there in that year. The Peloponnesian War campaign has 12 TPY and lasted 27 years IRL. Aurelian reunified the Empire in four years, and the campaign has 4 TPY.
Lamrett 7. Juli 2023 um 19:31 
I'm loving the mod so far. Been playing the Peloponnesian War campaign. Some of the ships have the rear half missing.

If I can make a request, is there any way to improve the frankly moronic ranged AI at sea? I used to just try and avoid naval battles, relying on double stacks and autoresolve, but this team is doing some damn good work. Is there any way to be able to have ranged ships shoot at chosen targets without overriding move orders? I keep trying to use archers with flaming arrows but they just keep shooting at targets that are at 100% fire damage and leaving fully intact ships alone.
Tye Butcher40 6. Juli 2023 um 8:13 
I love that you are implementing a supply system! It would be great to implement a sort of logistics system like DEI has with transport ships and supply caravans when campaigning in foreign lands. Also not sure if it's other mods I have conflicting, but I can't see my armies food supply interface to know how their current supply level.

One more thing to implement that would be amazing are more cultures based on regional areas that work with the population system. So basically it would make factions more diverse.

Both of the above would make awesome sub mods!

Great Work Para Bellum Team!!
Warriordude 5. Juli 2023 um 23:16 
This might be a possible bug or it's on my end. I started a Campaign as Syracuse during second Punic war campaign 218 BC and noticed a couple units have a black skull instead of a unit pic, it was on the Periokas Camp and Skirmish Camp buildings and the units were Iphikrates Hoplitai and Iphikrates Peltastai. I think I spelled them correct?

I don't know if that is a bug on this mod or on my end?
обнять и плакать 1. Juli 2023 um 13:13 
Will the absence of many DLS affect the quality and functionality of the mod and submods?
Warriordude 23. Juni 2023 um 14:12 
Open Beta
Warriordude 23. Juni 2023 um 13:18 
@AveMetal Thanks.

The Campaign I played with second Punic War Campaign as Boii faction some minor factions with just one Province had 2 full stacks? Maybe it's because I use all of the Para Bellum mods in Alphabetical order and not the Para Bellum all in one collection? I'll try to just download the Para Bellum collection mod instead of using all of the Para Bellum mods in order, maybe that's the reason IDK? I use this in the open data mod.

1. Open data
2. All of the Para Bellum mods in alphabetical order.
3. Population
4. Unit
5. Units II
6. Units III

So do I need to download the Para Bellum Collection all in one mod?
AveMetal  [Autor] 23. Juni 2023 um 10:42 
@ Warriordude: yes, it is planned to include the Magna Germania mod with PB.

About the stacks they are limited to one for factions with less than 4 provinces.

And about the omens in theory are applied to the AI too ;)

@ Uzi2Quixk: You can recruit archers with Rome through their auxiliary system:

@ Daimon Doxografo: great suggestions, I take note!

@ Switching Doom: translation is available in the PB campaign and collection mods description, but it needs some updates, so if you want to help I can share with you the excel file to complete in the discord channel you can see above in this mod description.
Warriordude 20. Juni 2023 um 22:00 
I like the omens which is cool, I was wondering does this apply to the AI as well?

I was playing the Boii faction in the second Punic War Campaign and I had bad omens for like 6 straight turns and multiple rebellions.
Warriordude 20. Juni 2023 um 21:40 
I have a couple of suggestions or ideas.

1. I'm one that likes a slower campaign with unit caps, not into multiple 20 stack armies running around all over the campaign map. So can you make a submod that gives the AI less armies and also the player, makes no sense to have minor factions with multiple 20 stack armies running around.

2. Can you make some random Barbarian invasion scripts.
Warriordude 20. Juni 2023 um 21:31 
@AveMetal can you add the Magna Germania mod Germanic unit skins to your units in Para Bellum?

The Germanic Shields look a lot better in the Magna Geramania mod.
Uzi2Quixk 20. Juni 2023 um 8:53 
Any chance we can get some roman archers? Slingers seem to be a little OP aswell. They have knockback and so much damage with their little rocks.
Daimon Doxografo 16. Juni 2023 um 17:41 
Thanks for taking into account our observations, I will start the game again to see how the new mechanics work. I would like that in the future you will fix the distribution of the major factions in the campaigns of the DLC'S as well as you did with the GC to be more accurate historically, such as: in EA, that Lepidus has only the African regions or in ED that Zenobia already has Egyptus at the beginning of the campaign and that they get along well with the Ssasanids, also that Tetricus does not have the Hispanic factions as vassals and that he does not have war with any Roman at the beginning of the campaign.
Switching Doom 16. Juni 2023 um 16:20 
A translation into german is coming soon right? now that we have chat gbt or AI its much easier or am i wrong? i wanna help with the translation if that is possible but i have no idea how to edit files :rome:
AveMetal  [Autor] 16. Juni 2023 um 9:32 
Open Beta updated with new game mechanics that make variable lots of factors and that you must take into account to plan and accomplish your strategies successfully:

- Seasonal conditions added to all DLC campaigns, correcting many details and adding more variety of effects, icons, etc. For example, now the food amount varies between the seasons, during the spring will reach its peak while a harsh winter will have a negative effect. Also these effects will be reflected in the public order, morale of the troops, replenishment, the economy and other decisive factors.
- War Weariness: Whilst you are at war with other factions war weariness will increase. A higher war weariness leads to reduction in public order across your provinces. Though can be reduced by winning battles or signing peace treaties, losing battles will increase it.
AveMetal  [Autor] 16. Juni 2023 um 9:32 
- Supplies: A limited supply system whereby your land armies on your own territories will gain supply, but will lose in unowned land regions. Once their supplies run out they will start to take attrition, so this needs to be taken into account when planning your campaigns.
- Omens: Every season the omens will influence the spirit and state of your troops, so they will be a key factor to take into account before engaging in battle.
- Rebellion chance can be checked by hovering over the 'Current public order:' text in the Province Details panel.
- Added Wonders of the Ancient World messages to most of the campaigns DLCs (WIP).
- Removed weird tornado effect around ships with the "Row faster" stance.
AveMetal  [Autor] 16. Juni 2023 um 9:32 
- Battlefields resized: now they are a little smaller, something intermediate between vanilla and the largest size allowed by the game used before. With maximum size sometimes the AI was placed in distant hills/forests so it could took a while to find them, this is something some players complained about but not a big deal if you used cavalary as scouts. But for me the main issue was that the reinforcements never arrived on time and always exhausted so it was pretty easy to defeat them (now the fatigue is adjusted too). The larger battlefields mod is still compatible so there is always the option to use the bigger ones: . Also the deployment areas shape changed a bit, allowing to deploy the units with guerrilla ability in the enemy flanks and rear flanks area, making it possible to apply better tactics to the factions that developed this warfare style such as the Iberians and the Germans.
AveMetal  [Autor] 16. Juni 2023 um 9:31 
Open Beta - Update compatibility:

The new mechanics require a fresh campaign start. About the saved-games compatibility I'm not sure, but if you have issues in the next link you can download the previous version and overwrite the updated one, for this search the Para Bellum - Open Beta.pack file that is located in one of the folders at \Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\214950\
And replace/overwrite it with the previous version (_OLD file) by renaming the mod like the original one, deleting the suffix _OLD!AkxsjR9oKKNhhcVDaWm6LWPjw20JfA?e=TiVVhw
Also there is a version of the updated mod but without pirates (_NO_PIRATES, delete the suffix and overwrite too), so if you have a crash while passing the turn I recommend this option (after performing a clean installation of mods as you can see in point 7 of the rules), though I only received two notifications of this issue since the Beta release...
AveMetal  [Autor] 16. Juni 2023 um 9:31 
And remember to activate the "Run user script mods" in the game mods options, and restart the game for these mechanics to work.

The translations needed for non-English languages will be ready in the coming weeks, so till then some text could appear in blank in other languages.

Credits for their amazing mods:

Dresden (Divide et Impera team): Season Effects.
JaM (Rome II Total Realism IIII): HatG minor factions script.
Minion-J: Wonders of the Ancient World.
R2TW team: War Weariness, Supplies, Omens and Rebelion chance scripts
AveMetal  [Autor] 16. Juni 2023 um 9:25 
I just updated the mod with a limited logistic system, not like in DeI because they use complex scripts and I'm not very good with that, but in this case I've added new mechanics with lots of variables and effects, also to the stances, to consider.
Tye Butcher40 16. Juni 2023 um 6:54 
is there any plans to add some sort of supply and logistics system like in DEI? Basically something like supply ships, supply caravans to include in your armies while campaigning over long periods through difficult terrain? That would be awesome
AveMetal  [Autor] 15. Juni 2023 um 11:09 
@ Daimon Doxografo: The Beta should be placed below the submods in the Mod Manager. About the major factions survival chance I'd say is around 75-80% with the script, so it changes for each case on each fresh start as the game tends to the uchronia since the first turn.

About the extra units, I will add them in a submod to keep as optional. I don't set any limit about what can be modded as Para Bellum, it is a total overhaul and currently changes all the aspects of the game, but I'll keep the philosophy of being optional to be subscribed by parts.

And about diplomacy in theory it should not be affected in that way, but I take note to take a look.
Daimon Doxografo 1. Apr. 2023 um 2:50 
Confirmed that there are errors in diplomacy, when breaking a treaty directly the effects are normal, but when breaking it indirectly, that is, when doing so as part of a treaty with a third faction, the effects do not apply. I also found that there are some factions that once a faction has conquered them it is not possible to liberate them.
Daimon Doxografo 11. März 2023 um 21:41 
By the way, I read suggestions of all kinds to add to the mod, however I think the good thing about Para Bellum is that it offers an improved vanilla experience, add little by little more and more things that are not really necessary, such as units or mechanics, it will only make the mod too heavy to remain efficient, DEI is a very good job, but in their eagerness to achieve historical realism they have exaggerated. Rome 2 IS A GAME, NOT A DOCTORAL THESIS, LESS A TIME MACHINE.... In my opinion it is enough to correct what is wrong in the game without affecting the basic mechanics. If someone wants extra units, it would be better to come in submods, for those who want them, in the case of the units added in the beta, I see it well, it is a correction to the vanilla ROTR campaign that is not too intrusive
Daimon Doxografo 11. März 2023 um 21:24 
Hello Ave Metal, thanks for continuing to be aware of this mod, without doubt the plus that gives you to play all the DLC campaigns is its strongest points, I greatly appreciate your work.

I have a question about the placement of the Beta in the loading order of the mod manager, I suspect that some of the submods compatible with Para Bellum could be interfering with some mechanics of the Beta.

I saw that you added Major Factions Guaranteed, you even made scripts for divided empire. Start a campaign and it does not work with Palmyra, I have all the submods above the beta, including 12 tpy, could it be interfering with the latter?, Where should the Beta be in the order of loading, regarding all submods?
AveMetal  [Autor] 5. März 2023 um 11:38 
@ Daimon Doxografo: is the first notice I have about issues with the diplomacy. About other bugs, if I fix something I'm going to include directly in the main mods. The purpose of the Beta is just for testing some contents before.

@ Dick Steele: yes they are tough, but has their weak points too as explained in the mod FAQ.

@ The Soul Flenser: when you start a new campaign is better to avoid checking/unchecking mods to avoid all short of issues...

@ derek: I'm not sure if that works that way, but Para Bellum includes the mod "A world to explore".

@ Mjölk: probably the animation is not perfect, maybe it could be improved in some way, also I was thinking to release a submod to convert that units (mixed phalanx) into the classical hoplite phalanx.

@ Thura26: the scripts are in the scripts folders not in tables.

@ The Green Knight: Thanks! I take note ;)

@ Il Silvio Oplitico: more units will come in later updates, before I have to fix other stuff.
Daimon Doxografo 28. Feb. 2023 um 1:53 
In addition, diplomacy continues to have flaws, such as that by breaking the client state treaty, it continues to appear as such on the diplomacy screen and on the campaign map you still have its field of vision, all this even if you go to war with them. Sometimes the option to join the confederation does not appear, even if the requirements for it are met.
Daimon Doxografo 28. Feb. 2023 um 1:49 
I thought that in this beta certain errors would be corrected but it is not so, the spies when stealing food, sometimes instead of adding them, they continue to subtract them, the diplomats have the ability to bribe commander but the skill still does not work.
Dick Steele 17. Feb. 2023 um 21:05 
Hoplites are so op
Proconsul Hispaniae 6. Feb. 2023 um 11:06 
1st of all, love Para Bellum, amazing mod!
2nd, when disabling Open Beta and Units parts (because I have other reskin mods) my roster with GC's Rome is really short as for example Vigiles take both Rorarii and Velites.
I also noticed that I can't recruit some units like the Eagle Cohort. Idk if it's because I took out Open Beta. I could use some help, thank you :3
derek 2. Feb. 2023 um 1:46 
No new regions pop up when a spy successfully recons
Mjölk 29. Jan. 2023 um 15:22 
This is just my opinion, but the longer spears for non-pikeman based units makes it so the animations look weird. idk if there's a option to make them smaller but for me it just looks weird.
async 18. Jan. 2023 um 6:30 
@koray less than DEI
Koray 22. Dez. 2022 um 12:05 
fps impact ?
Thura26 17. Nov. 2022 um 7:53 
Regarding one of your features: Battle AI scripts from Attila,
Can you please tell me which tables in PFM that I should edit to make Rome 2 BAI similar to Attila. Or is there any script that effects the BAI?
Bot in Disguise 5. Nov. 2022 um 3:51 
Hi great mod, just wanted to point out a small error. In the 'Hannibal' campaign, the description for the Veneti faction describes a tribe in Brittany, north-western France, which is actually a different tribe that the Romans also called the Veneti. The description should be about the Adriatic Veneti. Also, on a different note, the spy action that reveals settlements/armies etc, doesn't seem to do anything.

Other than that, fantastic mod. Thanks.
Il Silviomane [SUSPENDED] 4. Okt. 2022 um 12:03 
hello, awesome mod, but is it possible to have more sword units for the Hellenic factions? or the possibility that the hoplites can trade sword-throwing weapon? Second, would you ever make a mod on the Veneti? the vast majority of people think this faction is Celtic. BUT IT IS NOT. currently there are blatantly Celtic troops instead of hoplite units, devastating cavalry force and sword (kopis) or ax and shield (hoplon or Thureos) units. Having said that, you are doing a great job, AVE METAL, I am recommending your mods to all the people I know, both for the marriage of fidelity to the story, and for the entertainment during the gameplay. Keep it up!
AveMetal  [Autor] 26. Sep. 2022 um 8:45 
Para Bellum Collection, that is required for the Open Beta, includes 4TPY.
PrivateBaldrick 24. Sep. 2022 um 10:54 
Is Four Turns Per Year Mod ( 4TPY ) compatible with Para Bellum? I'm getting crashes at turn 34 playing sparta